Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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Oh..I see I HAVE to continue it...and to the Happy isn't really a happy end...but I think you'll like it...I hope....and Durchie, When I need help I'll ask you
Is the not so happy end for your crossover fic or for a new fic?? (btw: I'm almost finished translating, but I don't understand a few sentences :confused:)
It's for the new fic...The crossover fic will have a happyend :D and Leonie- like always- your fic is...amazing...:D
You're mean! You know it and I don't! And now I don't understand...*sobs* :( Leonie, I love the new chapter! Very nice. :D
Oh look, I'll write my new Fic like this move, of course not exact like that but it will be very similar..and the end...will be no happy end...:(
Yeah thats too bad...but not everyone likes Indian movies :D
I do...and I think that is one of the best Indian movies taht I've seen...okay back on topic what do you think would Calleigh and Ryan do when they would go out?

and Dutchie, Good Night(?) hope to see you tomorrow!:D
See, this is what happens when Maze goes to work, everyone starts to post.
Dutchie: the next chapter will be up Friday (I hope), I will explain everything there. Though, you'll probably still want to kill me.
Dingbat: wOOt we're the same age! 19 is the legal age in Canada? Dang I still have two more years!
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