Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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Ok 5th chapter is up.

Um. . .Dutchie, I don't know how to say this, but I might have told a tiny, little, lie. It's insignificant really. (nervous laughter)
Ok...that chapter is cool...i think that im going to die...BIG CLIFFHANGER!

Dude I wish next season would get here. But then my precious summer would be gone...but i dont care. I really hope the writers get on board and face the facts...CALLEIGH AND RYAN ARE SUPPOSE TO BE TOGETHER. lol well peace guys I have to go for to ya'll later! not much if a csi miami a LV but i really like miami...and i really like these two CSI'S together...thought id leave a comment :D
Thought you might, what would the little Wolfe look like?

I'm seriously concidering posting Jack-in-the-box on this site, should I?
Maze said:
he what if it's a girl or even better twins (ROFL- Ryan changing a kids diper!)

Girl - More like him. She'll be a daddy's girl :D
Twins - One of each would be great. :D

LMAO - That would be HILARIOUS! :lol:
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