Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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I have some evil new plot twists, playing twister in my head. Lets just say that people will want to kill me by the time I'm done. (evil laugh)
Maze said:
I have some evil new plot twists, playing twister in my head. Lets just say that people will want to kill me by the time I'm done. (evil laugh)

Your either doing A) Having one of them killed. B) Have them cheat on each other, or one on the other. C) Have them say we're better as friends..or D) None of the above.
D) I'm evil, but not THAT evil.

By the way, the fourth chapter is up. Not very long, but it does have some decent brother/sister interaction. Review!
Ryan's such a bf material! Lol.... when Calleigh looks at a person, it always comes with a 'come hither' element hahhah...

Is it just me or is Ryan becomes all defensive when Eric just TALKS to Calliegh? ;)
Yeah, chaostheory08, sometimes it seems to be...our tough guy ;)

@Maze: I finally read your 4th chapter - it's true: you are evil!! Move on fast, can't stand the anxiety :D !
And Dingbat: your pic manips look really great, have to snag one! :)
Nah, I don't think I'll update for a month. (Would you guys hunt me down if I did that?)

There is a word that describes Ryan: Adorkable
oooh, I think, I will hunt you :D

By the way: Do you know the videoclip, where emily Procter says "Not with my Togo"? :lol:
I always try to understand the sentence before she says that, but I never understand it. Maybe someone can write this part down for me?^^
If you don't know the video, er...I'll try to find the link, where you can download it. (I hope, I will o_O)
Maze, I will hunt you too! :mad: Leonie, great new chapter, loved it. Dingbat, I liked the manips very much. Well Girlie, then I guess I should start translating your fic now. :D
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