Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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CSI_Watcher_8 said:
With Calleigh's record I would think maybe this time she would want to keep it a secret. But Miami doesn't have a problem with CSI having relationships out in the open. But it would be a change of pace to have this relationship go a different way.

Hey CSI_Watcher_8 what's this make, like the 5th thread we know each other in? :lol:

But yeah, I think she'd want to be secret at first, and then go from there. ;), and yeah it would.
Anyone got any fav quotes for these two? I have to admit, I didn't watch the last half of Miami due to college...

PS I just posted my first ever C/R ban and avie! I'm not a CaRwash virgin anymore! :lol:
man i wanna read german...i dont know any language other than english thats it...okay so could some of you like send links to your fics if possible
(to Dingbat) Favorite C/R quote would have to be the one in "Shock" -> their whole conversation about H/Marisol's wedding gift, which I already transcribed in page 3 of this thread.

Ryan (to Calleigh): "You're fantastic."

How awesome is that!

And I just watched "Open Water" and "The Score" (yeah, random eps, I know). Two more good moments:

In "Open Water" when they were comparing lead. At the end when Ryan appeared to have the better lead, Calleigh was like "Hmm" with this appreciative smile on her face.

And in "The Score," Calleigh obviously worrying about his eyes was sweet, but I really liked it when Ryan went "You have that look" when they were about to break the case. Awww! HE KNOWS HER LOOK!

These two so need to get together already.
NOT THE LOOK!!!! OMG I should have really tried to watch!!! Any rerun epis I should be on the lookout for?
How far are you up to? I haven't watched every one obviously (cause Australia's only up to "nailed", but I've seen 4x12, 4x17, 4x22, 4x23, 4x25 after that through my own resources ;) ). Those ones I mentioned are all good.

And I've also heard that 4x16 ("Deviant") is the best with 4x19 ("Driven") close behind.
Leonie, finally I found time to read your fic...WOW!
It was awesome, I loved the story, alternating Ryans and Cals view. Go on writing! I wanna read more!
@Raven04: I'll try to translate you the story, but this needs some time, I tell you when I'm done! :)
And Caderyn: thanks for the quotes, I'm getting more excited to see season4 finally!! (only about 3 months to wait....)

Edit: all the C/R-Shipper-Mania forced me to create some new "Fan-Art"... you can find it here: LJ
Comments are welcome! ;)
wow~~so many fics~~maybe i should translate my chinese fic into English? hehe~~~~

oh, one point i love between them was the way Ryan followed Cal, always a step behind, like a sweet little brother, as well as a proteger~~~every time they appeared in that way, i just can't help smiling~~~
I volunteer to translate Girlie's german fic, as Cinegirl does Leonie's. But only if Girlie agrees, and I have to write myself too, so...but I'll try, if anyone wants me to. :D They...stopped airing new episodes of Miami here just before deviant! Now I have to wait three months! :(
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