Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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Well I've been wondering about the contracts too ;)
You know I'm totally a CAKE addict (as you called me :lol: ) and I really want them to get married and have the happiest live ever :D ...really...but I really don't want them to leave the show. Johnny leaving the show after maximum 15 episodes of appearence would be very ridiculous...I mean this really would be a waste of talent :mad: (althoug I always think TPTB have always wasted his talent writing for him probably the most dumbest stories :mad: ).
As for Emily leaving the show.....
1) I don't know why *starts thinking hardly*...but I'm pretty sure Alex ( Rummy ) would like to kill you for this wondering :lol: just kidding :lol:
2) she enjoys the show too much to leave it ;)
3) It would be ridiculous too...I mean she is the FEMALE boss of the lab ;) ...She is becoming as important as David for the show. It really could mean the end of the show..and I don't think Emily could easily reject the contract for the most watched show of the world :D

I also don't think TPTB are building up the most ridiculous love story (E/C) just because Calleigh is leaving. This really would be the most ridiculous thing of the world...I mean also as a CAKE addict I'd be very disappointed :( because this would mean our favourite couple will leave..and I hate it :mad: :mad: . I won't speake for the E/Cs but I'm pretty sure they would kill TPTB for this :mad: ...If I were an E/C I would be very angry with would sound to me they just set me up...and I would be very mad :mad:

Well yeah, thats true. I just wondered cuz even though the actors are happy on a great show they still sometimes feel like they need to move on & explore other options.

I didn't really mean that they would actually put her & eric together before her leaving..I meant that they were just showing the possibilities...which also I think ...ARE NONE! Hell, I don't know but im backing off this subject so I don't get shot at :lol:

CAKE will survive, do you honestly believe that TPTB will put her & Eric in a romantic relationship?
I don't know why but I think that right now our beloved actores are in the same conditions of the cast of FRIENDS (awww...beatiful memories ;) ) :( . I think that if t anyone leaves the show...yeah maybe he/she will be able to shoot a movie or something else (even if they manage to do it)..but no one will remember him/ her for the movie or the show..but they'll alwasy be remebered for CSI:Miami :( ..I know it's so sad..but this really happened e.g. with Jenifer Aniston&C. :(
Daivd, Emily and Adam came from other long shows :cool:....but they weren't so world popular as CSI: Miami ;) ...and it will be a risk for anyone of them to leave the show :('re saving your life :lol: ...I always have to with Alex :lol: everyday ;)

Well.....I'm really worried this could actually happen.
Most of the authors unfortunately are E/C :( .
It sounds to me that Adam is hiphugger *blee* and look...there are a lot of people who love them together.
I know they're all younger tha us so..they don't see things as well as us :cool: ;) ...and probably authors will consider more our thoughts than the E/Cs...but I'm always scared by TPTB :( .
They just built up this possibility for Never say never.

For me CAKE will live forever ;)
*starts writing an application letter to become a new author for CSI:Miami*
Or when your really pissed at TPTB it can be the powers that bs :)

Flo, You seriously should send in an application for it, I'm sure their taking some haha.

Isn't that "saving calleigh" episode coming up soon? or did it already happen and I blinked and missed it?

Honestly at this point, I don't see E/C happening, I mean he did rat her out basically -- I know it wasn't something he meant to do probably, but the fact is, when Stetler mentioned the new rules, he shouldn't have said anything -- He should've just let it go. I really don't think CaKe is dead yet, but I agree on some parts of never say never, but on e/c I'm not following that one. *runs away*
flo a csi miami author?this is a great idea!i vote for you flo! :cool: :cool: :cool:
maybe with the strike you can have some chance! ;)

1)csi:miami without calleigh..for me it's impossible!if emily leave the show i stop to watch csi:miami!for me SHE'S THE SHOW!
2)i hope jake became a regular character.i love his interaction with calleigh and the story between call and jake could go along!(i hope so!)
3)maybe eric could leave miami...this guy needs to take a breake...and cure his brain! :devil: :devil: :devil:
...seriously...i hope that no one leaves the show..and I hope Author's strike will not damage CSIs!!!!!
:( :( :( :(
Hmmm, good answers. I just really don't see it happening, I know there are alot of fans but ya know if the PTB always went by the amount of posts on message boards then NY would have danny & pinka poo gettin their groove thing on every wednesay night!! I don't always get exactly what they want just because theres more ogf them. Hell, most people wanted Will(will&grace) to suddenly become 'strait' & marry Grace but, oh..guess didn't happen! I think TPTB are taking the fans into consideration, but at the same time I think that this whole season will do nothing but show reasons why they can't be together. I don't know, the situation is just weird to me & I think its terribly stupid, not to mention just plain wrong to switch around sexual partners. I could go for all this if this show was Melrose place or something but for this show...its just not good. To me its just a little coincidental that they used this time when Eric is CONFUSED, DILLUSIONAL, EXPERIENCING MEMORY LOSS to bounce off this so-called attraction between them. Im waiting for a big change to happen somewhere. Mid-season it always does & I just don't see it being Cal suddenly love struck w/ Eric.

Oh, & I don't think the writers or Adam are actual shippers, Im sure the actors are more than happy to just be in a big storyline & a romantic one, cuz they don't get to very often. As for the writers, ive never heard of them being e/c fans & if they were then what was the point in bringing Natalia in to have a relationship w/ Eric & then to still keep it "open". Ok sorry, im going on & on & im not really meaning too its just theres not very many places to go around here to speak your opinion about e/c. Negatively, at least!

So, anyway...FLO, grab me an application too, please!!

CAKE.... they'll give us some history I think. Give it time, could still happen for cake.
Speaking about the fans...well there were a lot of show wich turned well very well for fans and others not ;) . It all depends on TPTB.
Comparing this show with Merlos's kinda brave but yeah...this stupid triangle especially E/C moments (which I've never seen....Oh god...I'm blind :lol: ) they are really ruining this show I mean.
Calleigh is living such a good love live with Jake and now..they're trying to transform her to a collegial with ormones everyone ( I really think they're doing sucha a bad job..I mean I've never seen her being in love with Eric ;) ) and the worst thing ever they're trying to show Eric (hormones everywhere...remember )completely in love with her *she thorow up* and he's the best person of the world (especially for Calleigh) while Jake is the most bastard of the world? WHAT THE HELL? Is Calleigh suddenly become the dumbest girl of the world??? How could she choose the worst guy of the wordl? ...I mean she really made bad decisions but not so ridiculous how the authors are trying to demonstrate ;)
As for Eric...they did just the worst job of the world with that poor guy :( ...In s4 except for Eden he was always angry with everyone :( ....and now the bullet in his brain???? OH gosh. The bullet is talking and acting for him
I'll never forget Calleigh's words He's different ...yeh he could have got better....but I'm totally sure I don't like him anymore.
Yeah when Calleigh kissed him on the cheek I was kinda happy because she was helping a friend...but now...everytime I watch the scene I would like to kill her. But then I poor Calleigh she just did a mistake but He was the one who mislead everything (surely because of the bullet) :mad: and now He's following her like a puppy or better say like strongest stick of the world. Guys I always see her working with him...nobody els ecxcept of Ryan last episode (I was really glad to see him with her...just for a minute...but I think it was enough for her to breath )
Eric is becoming too possessive...oppriment. If I was Calleigh I'd soffocate with him, really :(
Now I have only a hope...that something happens to Eric so thtat the doctors could put out his bullet and he could become normal...again :D ...But I know this won't happen :(
As for Jake..I really think the authors are wasting his talent and this good character :(

MMM writers and actors not shippy...mmmmm....let me think.
Yeah everybody Emily included is excited to shoot love scenes. I'd be too :D but well...I don't see Emily so shippy as Adam. I mean..well...she's excited too but she just told phrases like "wow I kissed Adam" and "I'm the dangerous mouse" whatever but everytime I see Adam I get the ipression he's so shippy I mean..also in our CAKE vid he really looked like Eric..He was really mad for Calleigh's situation. As for the authors..yeah...they showed their hiphugger side more than one time ;) and Natalia could have been one simple obsatcle for thiiis greatttt wonderfuuuulll relationship *bah*

*she grabs applications for mjszud Rummy CalleighandJake Kiane and Cathstokes *
If I forgot someone really CAKE shipper tell me ;)
Okay girls, there will be no more doubting CAKE in here...back to happy thoughts!!! It could still totally go our way. Monday's epi was good in the fact that there was no 'signs' of Calleigh leaning to Eric. So yay & Eric was all up close to Nat so yay again!! So for our wonderful CAKE...we need some videos, I don't know how to do them, but we definately need some! I don't remember who posted "with or without you" on the song thread but it's perfect for them, I lovve it. When is Jake next appearing, anyone know? I know epi 9. You wait & see girlies, he'll pop up in that epi near the end & they'll be together again! I have hope!! cake's friends...the situation is complicate!
the signs aren't positive..not only for our beloved cake..but in general..for calleigh,eric and natalia.
i have many doubts:
1)how the authors can't see the talent and the chemistry between emily and johnny?
2)if the e/c ship is they could move around the department rule about the relationship???
3)how they could delete jake from the show..i mean..jake is a detective of the homicide..they fired him..or maybe they decide for a second suicide like hagen 2 the revenge????
or maybe jake disappear like a phantom!puf!
4)and what about the the authors would start a new relationship with natalia and the fbi guy.
and eric?????...he never considered Natalia at!!!!!!!!this is ridiculous!

these are only some of my doubts about the future of the show...

anyway..."whit or without you" was my choice....and..yes...for me is a perfect cake song! ;)
Well guys and girls.
Now it's confirmed Jake won't appear on Ep. 10
But it's pretty sure he won't appear surely till the ep. 13

Well...I'm trying with all my efforts not to be depressed...but everyday it gets more difficult :(

Oh yeah Alex...Your doubts (also for the show) are the same of mines :confused:
But we know that TPTB always made such big mistakes :mad: and I'm not confident about some sudden improvement of them ;)
Now they just created this stupid story...not to mention the rule *sighs* and now they won't be able to return back ...I mean they used the rule to ruin CAKE and now it's practally impossible for them to put Eric and Calleigh together just ignoring it. Everybody (us...CAKE, not E/C ) wuould remember about it :mad: . But I'm pretty sure they'll ignore it just to put them together *she goes to the toilet to throw up* :mad:
As for Natalia and this guy...this is one more possibility for E/C to happen :(
JAKE...OMG...please do not mention Hagen 2 :( ....cause I'm always worried about Jake's life and Calleigh's integrity, not to mention Eric. I'll never stop sayng Eric will become Hagen 2 the revenge :mad:

Oh yeah the was so good to see Calleigh breathing (with Ryan, H, whoever...for me it could be also a chicken boy or an hot dog one she meets on a street :lol: ) especially no E/C moments...I was very glad about it ;) really.
And Calleigh told Ryan BOYFRIEND (when she understood the situation)....this could mean only one thing. Jake and her are still together.
Two more weeks to hope *starts counting the days*
With E/C this show will just become ridiculous .(

As for the hope..I'll never stop hoping but you know everyday it gets more difficult.

With or without you is such a perfect song ;) ...I mean with or without one of our CAKE...the other will always love him or her ;)

In these hours, it sounds Jake will come back for ep.13 YAY :D . It needs to be confirmed ;)
i hope this news will be confirmed......but...........i won't believe until I see and then I'll start dancing very happy!!!
;) :cool: :cool: :cool:
Im putting this in a spoiler box in case I slip, but I don't see Jake leaving mid-season, maybe end of season but I personally think all this will be carried through til season finale. Im not upset that he is not scheduled for epi 10 onluy because TPTB like to do their "personal life" stuff every other epi. or they skip a few. To me thats always how it seems anyway. As for Nat & the fbi guy. Her new "guy" is supposed to be the instructor & from the way her interviews sound he is quoted by her as "not much of a love interest". The fbi is supposed to reappear in epi 13 as a not so good guy when a girl is murdered, so the theory of him starting a new relationship w/ Nat is doubtful. Nat is ssupposed to be involved in a "big plot twist" one that im hoping will turn Eric's head. Its still clear to me that Calleigh will always see him as a friend. I don't know what will happen w/ CAKE but I do know that Adam (eric) said in an interview that he thinks his past w/ nat will have an impact on the develpment of e/c. Im just hoping that maybe Jake will pull through for her this time & that somewhere, sometime Eric will get a clue & just let her be happy; & him be happy for her! The new "rule" I wanna say is "pending" so I don't know how effective all that will be anyway.

Im not getting too disappointed yet, anything can happen later that can push some positiveness in the direction of CAKE. Also, I think if anything big was to come of e/c, especially after epi 9 that they would have something in the spoilers & i've seen nothing yet, so im not putting my money on Jake being completely gone by whatever occurs during epi 9. Keep the faith!!
Well after the new spoilers...I'm starting to be more positive about them ;)
Although I won't believe untill I see it ;)
Now what we should do is just to wait....we know that we'll have to pass through november 19....but then it will go over well for our CAKE ;)
And yeah in e/c's thread I didn't see any interesting spoiler ;) this could really be positive for CAKE.
Yeahhh...let's be positive :D . Calleigh and Jake would like to see all of us being positive and happy for them ;)
Yes, thats the spirit, FLO. This ship won't be any fun if we don't beleive in it! Part of your disappointment might be because your reading e/c posts & they look at things in a completely different perspective cuz thats their fave ship, thats why I don't even go there. We have to go w/ what has been already written from TPTB not others views. & what has been written is Calleigh being in a relationship w/ Jake! Not to mention her only seeing Eric as her friend, which has pretty much been confirmed. Calleigh really deserves to be happy & clearly she is happy w/ Jake. Of course every relationship will hit some 'bumps' along the way but thats not always a bad thing.

Where did you hear new spoilers about Jake? :D
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