Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Now we all are like her, :shifty:
That is the true suckish part, my dear! :rolleyes: If it sucks this bad for us than I can only imagine what she's fearing & wondering when he'll come back....& if he's even alive.

I suppose it would be completely different had she not been so sweet with him in 'Resurrection', & if thier break up had terribly ended...but good can smell the continuity off it, no matter what absurdity they throw in these stories between.
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

I suppose it would be completely different had she not been so sweet with him in 'Resurrection', & if thier break up had terribly ended...but good can smell the continuity off it, no matter what absurdity they throw in these stories between.
Well I think that their "break up" was way too good and that's the only reason why we're waiting for his return.
Not that I wanted a bad ending, but, seriously, if they wanted to end the CaKe story, they could have done it in lots of other ways. I'm glad they didn't end this story 'cause, IMO, there was no way CaKe would have had a real break up.
Look at al the things that happened between these two. Calleigh had an opportunity to say "bye bye Jake", but she never did it 'cause it wasn't her intention and it will never be ;)

I really can't imagine how Calleigh feels about the whole situations since it was too evident she's going to wait for him.
She already told she was scared he wasn't going to come back and she showe it in such a good way that's it's impossible she's not waiting for him.
I'm wondering what she does whenever she comes back home from work? I mean she's at home, alone..... :(

Even if they always write something pretty stupid for Jake's character there's always continuity with our lovely CaKe and I'm sure that after an ending like this he's going to come back. It's just a matter of time.
I know Calleigh can do it ;), so we must do it :p

hopefully, what's happening in the next episodes will lead to a possible Jake's return
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Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Look at al the things that happened between these two. Calleigh had an opportunity to say "bye bye Jake", but she never did it 'cause it wasn't her intention and it will never be

Ya know it's funny because there were so many times before that TPTB wanted to fool the audience, & it just isn't working. Think back to 'Internal Affairs' when we didn't see him for a while & then they pulled him up when she was on the phone with him arranging a dinner date. Then we didn't hear about him 'til the excellent kissing scene :p

Then of course later in season 6 'Deep Freeze' it looked as if things would crumble, then 'Sunblock' proved us wrong. Again in 'Stand your ground' it looked like that was it but according to Calleigh in 'Ressurection', Im betting that they had not been apart that whole time ;)

Now with this "is he gone for good" question in I seriously supposed to think he's gone after all the toying TPTB play??!!! Haha, heck no!!
Seems to me that TPTB have this "formula" in how they do these things & I just don't think CAKE is over. Always when TPTB are trying to make viewers expect one thing, the opposite winds up happening.
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

You said it all mj :thumbsup:

Maybe TPTB want us to think that Calleigh is going on without Jake with the whole E/C stuff which is going on right now and with
the horse guy. Now, it's pretty obvious that Calleigh won't have any kind of relationship with this man (though he looks cute :p), but, at the same time, TPTB want us to think she'll go out with this guy. Or they want us to think she'll behave in certain way with this guy (she'll just ride a horse with him during a sunset) just to obtain a new relationship.
Now I just can't see her ready for a new relationship.
Look at "Head Case". She asked what she asked to Eric (I won't talk about Eric's "uh" since I think it's pretty clear that was just the key evidence that he's the first one who doubts about his feelings for her since he's not able to talk about them with her), but, IMO, that wasn't the classical situation when a girl asks this question 'cause she wantst to hear the words "I love you". IDK why, but I had the feeling she asked that question, but she was scared to know the answer since she doesn't want any other relationship but CaKe one!. I mean her face was terrified by the idea of a possible affermative answer by Eric.

So I'm pretty optimistic that CaKe isnt' dead. Surely it's not dead on Calleigh's side since the fact I don't see her involved in any new relationship.
Lots of (bad) things can happen in their future, but I just can't see them breaking up officialy after what they've been through, especially Calleigh ;)

We still have the opportunity to see her with her phone right when she's talking with someone in particular :shifty:.
As I said more than once she still could be recieving some cards.
I still think that a possible episode that could turn out CaKe is the (in)famous "Smoke gets in your CSIs". I still think that episode could reveal something particular about Calleigh's health conditions, which can be very important also for Jake and he can always be mentioned in lots of ways :devil:. Let's wait and see.
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

I don't think the horse guy will be a new relationship for her. I do however think it's another of TPTB's games with this whole thing. They want everyone to think she's over Jake, they want everyone to think she's considering Eric, & now they want everyone to think that she'll start dating the horse man. Dumb.

I think, if anything, it's just going to show the significance in what she doesn't want with Eric. It also is very telling who Calleigh is outside of the lab. Now think about it - there are loads of people who can work together & be compatable, it does not mean that they mesh outside of work very well, especially if they have different interests.
Now take this obvious clue that Calleigh loves horses - could you see her & Jake riding horses? Could you see Eric riding a horse? Not being rude here but I would laugh my ass off imaging Eric on a horse :lol:
Jake - yes, I could see that because he's a bit of a country boy, he rides Harleys, he's your average all American guy who I could totally see in cowboy boots, those raggedy jeans he wears & a T-shirt - that's totally Jake, & he totally fits Calleigh & who she is off the clock.

As far as Head Case goes, I don't really think she's looking for the words "I love you". At this point there hasn't been anything but hand touching & half a hug - 'I love you' is a bit much & I don't think Calleigh would expect that even before the relationship began. Personally, I think the words she was referring to were just simply " I want to be with you" or something to that extent, something of his feelings because he hasn't directly said them.

As to why she asked. Quite honestly I think she's testing him - she's putting it in his mind to question his own feelings about her. I say that because she didn't just say that SHE didn't believe them, but that HE may not believe them either.

I really hope so! It's the perfect opportnity for him to be mentioned, especially since Alexx will be there. She has Alexx she could talk to about him because she can't really talk to anyone else, so it is perfect - Alexx knows they were together too, so it'd be great if there was some conversation between the 2 ladies that gave us a hint about CAKE. ;)

All the same, looking at everything that's gone down & the WAY it's gone down, Im still very optimistic that Jake will return ( I mean where else will he go after his UC is done - duh)
Do I really think Cal will just tell him it's over & she's moved on? If it was real life - maybe. When it's a TV show where everything is significant to the storyarc & they "ended" the way they did - nope :)
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Your idea of our men & horses is fantastic :guffaw:, yeah I totally agree with you on that.

Surely the horse-guy won't be any threat to our CaKe since there's no way she can have a relationship with this guy.
We know she enjoys horses and stuff like that and it's pretty obvious she can't do it with the other memebr of the lab.
She can do it with Jake, but right now he's nowhere to be seen.
Hopefully when he comes back, we'll see our couple riding a horse.

As for "Head Case" Calleigh was testing Eric's feelings 'cause she knows they're not as true as he claims. She kinda had the answer she was waiting for. His feelings are not true.
Good to know that he's starting to know it as well ;)

If Jake's UC expires without porblems (I mean him dead), obviously we'll see them back together, as always just because Calleigh can't stay that far from her guy :p

IDK whether Calleigh will be able to chat properly with Alexx because of her conditions, but if she's able to do it, I know that Alexx will tell her how she should behave, though Calleigh knows it on her own too :p. They both could mention him while chatting. BTW I was thinking about the possibility that we can have a flashback of Calleigh & Alexx at Alexx's house talking abour her love-problems. I'm pretty sure it won't happen, but that would definetly be cool.
We know that Alexx knows everything about her & Jake they already talked about him in "Sunblock", so why not disfruit Alexx to talk about the guy, another time? :devil:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

She could be really homesick too & being around the horses kinda "bring her back"...maybe to her younger days before the lab took up all her time. With Jake gone, Im sure she's looking for anything enjoyable to fill his space until he her jogging moment.

The 'Head case' thing. Calleigh is smart & if she's that close & in tune with Eric as we're supposed to believe they are, then if she is questioning his true feelings then EVERYONE should be questioning it! She isn't stupid - Im quite sure that she sees through everything.

As for Alexx's return, your iddea of the flashback would be awesome but, yeah, TPTB wouldn't ever do that. There could be something though about Jake or knowing TPTB they'll have her say something ambiguous where it will sound like she's talking about Jake or Eric & they'll leave us wondering.....we will know who she's referring too though. ;)

Off topic, sorry - I'm in the middle of a move & won't be online, but I promise Im not disappearing, I'll be back in a few days to chat CAKElove. :)
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

So, I watched the last episode and WOW!!! :eek:

Ok first of all, Calleigh missed a night with here friend by Bernard's (IDK what it is, I think it's a restaurant) and this, IMO, is sign.
I mean why does a person have to miss an enjoyable time like the one she could spend with her coworkes? Why did she stay at home, made her own meal and went to bed since she was tired?
Do we have to bleieve it? NAH!!! I will never believe it. It was way too obvious she was lying :lol:.
Wonder what she did that night.
-she could have spent it with a man....& we all know who's the lucky guy :p
-she could have spent it alone just waiting for him. Maybe she's passing one of those difficult periods when you don't want to see anyone, even your friends.
IDK which on these two is, but it must be on of them :lol:.
There's no way she was telling the truth.

As for the rest of the episode, I just loved one thing, which I didn't see since Jake's last appearence or even better (as TPTB used to forget him and his way to make her smile:p) since s2.
I saw little hearts in her eyes. She practically fell in love with the whole horse stuff. She fell in love with the and, above all, the idea of riding him.
To me it looked like as if she recalled all the best moments of her childhood.
IMO, after Jake's arrival...this was the best thing that could happen to her.
I was really happy to see that ending!!!
Anyway there was no way she fell in love with the guy since she was too concentrated on the horse, during the whole episode :lol:.

As for the ending scene, that schocked me :eek:
all I can think about it (since they took 2 pics of her, insted the only one they took of Ryan & Delko), is that something will happen to her. Possibely it will be the next episode and maybe the russian mob is connected to it.
That's all I can think abou it.
But if the russian mob will show up later...well there are lots of possibilities for Jake to show up again.

I really don't know what to think about it.
All I can do, right now, is waiting for the next episode :p

OT: see you when you'll be back mj & enjoy your move :p
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

They did take two pics of Calleigh. Good catch. I missed that. :lol: Maybe its someone different taking pics of the guys. Maybe the person taking the pics of Calleigh will be connected to that stupid gang that Jake betrayed. Maybe they'll try to get to him by hurting her. That's a good way to bring him back into the storyline. :D Anyway, Calleigh was so in love with that horse. Loved when she said "poor baby". :lol: I too thought she was lying about her excuse for not going by Brennan's. I think there's an actual restaurant called Brennan's... no wait, maybe I'm thinking Bennigan's. :lol: Anyway, I bet she was either with Jake or on the phone with him. :D
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Hi all.
Nothing bad I promise. ;) I noticed you guys are over the 950 mark. So has anyone thought of a new thread title???

I should probably mention thought that any discussion of a new thread title should be done after your three lines of good posting.

If you have anymore questions please feel free to PM me.

Now, back to Calleigh and Jake. :D
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Ok first of all, Calleigh missed a night with here friend by Bernard's (IDK what it is, I think it's a restaurant) and this, IMO, is sign.
I mean why does a person have to miss an enjoyable time like the one she could spend with her coworkes? Why did she stay at home, made her own meal and went to bed since she was tired?
Do we have to bleieve it? NAH!!! I will never believe it. It was way too obvious she was lying :lol:.
Wonder what she did that night.
-she could have spent it with a man....& we all know who's the lucky guy :p
-she could have spent it alone just waiting for him. Maybe she's passing one of those difficult periods when you don't want to see anyone, even your friends.
IDK which on these two is, but it must be on of them :lol:.
There's no way she was telling the truth.

TOTALLY agree with you!!! It has to be one of the two because sitting in a bar with your friends is not exactly work - she'd be resting & enjoying herself, & it was very apparent that she was not the slightest bit interested in being there.

I'd love to think that Jake is already back, both reasons sound possible, but the break up thing is hard when you're not over someone (which she is not) & you do spend a lot of time not being in the mood for conversation among friends. The other possibilty is that she is simply avoiding Eric. She could have been waiting for a call for Jake or something. All the same, I thought it was very telling.

They did take two pics of Calleigh. Good catch. I missed that

I missed that too, I suppose I was too busy pissing & moaning that they didn't target Natalia, but did everyone else :evil:
Anyway, my thoughts are in the spoiler box in case I slip.....
I believe it could be several things.
1. - TPTB being all dramatic with the "oohs & aaahs/what will happen to them **gasp**"... misleading BS.
2. Like GNRfan said, it could be connected to something entirely different like the gang stuff.
3. Could be something that Diddy's character has up his sleeve. Apparently he's going to be all over the CSIs over things in the 2-parter epis so maybe this is to jumpstart that story. He could have his posse out spying on them if he knows that they're the CSIs working the case coming up. Sounds odd, I know, but they don't always solve cases in a day - this one with Diddy & her testifying could already be something they're working on & he's aware that they're the ones on the case. *shrug*

So has anyone thought of a new thread title???
Thanks for the reminder, HHunter.
I think it it should be plain & simply what we know they're both doing - Waiting for you ;)

OT: see you when you'll be back mj & enjoy your move :p
Thanks, sweetheart - the move was quite painful on my body but I luuuv my new house. See? The pain is always worth it when you get something (or someone) you love in the end...just like CAKE! :hugegrin:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

I could see that gang targeting Calleigh in order to draw Jake out into the opening. TPTB have got to use this oppurtunity while its there. :lol: It's just too weird that they'd take two pics of her and only one each of the guys. And I too was upset that Natalia wasn't in the sequence.

As for a thread title, I was thinking something like "because he risked everything for her" from Ressurection when he told her that he didn't do it for the case, he did it for her. :)
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

First of all thanks hhunter for reminding us this little thing :lol::thumbsup:

As for the title I was thinking of: Waiting with a glass of Mimosa
I know I know, I must be an alcoholic :lol:

Ok first of all, Calleigh missed a night with here friend by Bernard's (IDK what it is, I think it's a restaurant) and this, IMO, is sign.
I mean why does a person have to miss an enjoyable time like the one she could spend with her coworkes? Why did she stay at home, made her own meal and went to bed since she was tired?
Do we have to bleieve it? NAH!!! I will never believe it. It was way too obvious she was lying :lol:.
Wonder what she did that night.
-she could have spent it with a man....& we all know who's the lucky guy :p
-she could have spent it alone just waiting for him. Maybe she's passing one of those difficult periods when you don't want to see anyone, even your friends.
IDK which on these two is, but it must be on of them :lol:.
There's no way she was telling the truth.
TOTALLY agree with you!!! It has to be one of the two because sitting in a bar with your friends is not exactly work - she'd be resting & enjoying herself, & it was very apparent that she was not the slightest bit interested in being there.

I'd love to think that Jake is already back, both reasons sound possible, but the break up thing is hard when you're not over someone (which she is not) & you do spend a lot of time not being in the mood for conversation among friends. The other possibilty is that she is simply avoiding Eric. She could have been waiting for a call for Jake or something. All the same, I thought it was very telling.
Well I'd love to think that too, but I still think we want too much from TPTB :p.
There's no way they thought of something like this.
Though, I still think she wasn't at home just to have rest. She was at home, maybe waiting, or thinking of him just because, as you said, she's not over him &, IMHO, theren's no way she'll ever be over him.
As for avoiding Eric, I still think she was avoiding the whole team, not just him. If she had wanted to avoid him, well she wouldn't have gone there and stayed just with the others avoiding any kind of discourse with him. I know it hurts, but if she really wanted to avoid him, she wouldn't be able to work with him.
That's why I think she's avoiding the whole team, maybe just because she doesn't want to be questioned about Jake or, as I'm thinking right now, she's just passing one of those periods when you don't want to see anyone, all that you want is just to stay alone with your own thoguths ;).
And we all know what *cough* well who she was thinking of that nigth :p.

They did take two pics of Calleigh. Good catch. I missed that
I missed that too, I suppose I was too busy pissing & moaning that they didn't target Natalia, but did everyone else :evil:
Anyway, my thoughts are in the spoiler box in case I slip.....
I believe it could be several things.
1. - TPTB being all dramatic with the "oohs & aaahs/what will happen to them **gasp**"... misleading BS.
2. Like GNRfan said, it could be connected to something entirely different like the gang stuff.
3. Could be something that Diddy's character has up his sleeve. Apparently he's going to be all over the CSIs over things in the 2-parter epis so maybe this is to jumpstart that story. He could have his posse out spying on them if he knows that they're the CSIs working the case coming up. Sounds odd, I know, but they don't always solve cases in a day - this one with Diddy & her testifying could already be something they're working on & he's aware that they're the ones on the case. *shrug*
I perfectly know what you mean, it was odd they didn't take any pic of Natalia :scream:.
But right now let's think of our girl Calleigh :p
I'd still love to think they took 2 pics of her just because the second one was too nice (I mean she was riding a horse during the sunset, any pic in that moment would have been too cute). I mean if I had been one of those people, I would have taken lots of pic of Calleigh in that situation :lol:. Hey, actually I made a bunch of caps of it so I seriously can be one of the spies :guffaw:.
I still think this stuff will have something to do with the next episode and that attic. But yep it could also be Diddy's episode , but, IDK why, I think it would be better not to suspend her for the third time (if I'm not mistaken, that means sack! IMO, it would be pretty useless to fire her) so no I still don't think it has anything to do with Diddy's character, though,as you said someone could have taken some pics of our CSIs just to know who's working on his case.

As for the gang stuff. That't the only other think I could think of with my idea for the next episode.
I still think our CSIs ar targeted for different reasons by different peopl. I just can't see Calleigh being targeted by the russian mob. Though she helped Ryan in the last episode (with the cocaine on the horse). But I still think she's not that involved with the russian mob. Think of Ryan & Eric. They're much more involved.
So yeah I think it could be the gang and maybe, as GNRF mentioned before, they want to get Jake by hurting someone he loves....Calleigh

OT: see you when you'll be back mj & enjoy your move :p
Thanks, sweetheart - the move was quite painful on my body but I luuuv my new house. See? The pain is always worth it when you get something (or someone) you love in the end...just like CAKE! :hugegrin:
Sometimes pain is worth it and with CaKe it's alwyas wrth it :hugegrin:

I could see that gang targeting Calleigh in order to draw Jake out into the opening. TPTB have got to use this oppurtunity while its there. :lol: It's just too weird that they'd take two pics of her and only one each of the guys
Unless they did what I did with her caps from the episode, I think she's the one who those criminals want to catch.
And...unless she has some strange connection with the russian mob, I do think she's being targeted for a completely different reason. Surely not for her coworker's one :p. Now that would be nice from TPTB!

Oh I missed all this rambling :lol:
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Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Here's another idea: Calleigh's dad is a lawyer, right? Well, maybe her being targeted is someone who wants to get back at her dad by hurting her. Of course it would be nice if Jake found out and was the one to save her in the end. How great would that scene be?
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Ok. This whole "targeting" thing & how it COULD be all for seperate reasons is very very possible too.
Erics - his father has people out to kill him, or someone does.
Ryan - he's in deep doodoo now with the Russian Mob/Mark/Billy business.
Calleigh - well, I can only think it's maybe because of Jake/gang.

I bet it will come down to them all getting into danger & everyone suspects it's straight from Ivan's posse, & then they'll find out it's from different things.

Now if it's Jake's gang/UC operation this is perfect to bring our man back!
Surely someone he's involved with in the gang stuff may know about Callleigh. First of all, he took stuff from the gang for her...word could've gotten around that she's his girlfriend.
& secondly, everyone in Miami seems to be psychic when TPTB wants them to know these things. :rolleyes:

As for the title I was thinking of: Waiting with a glass of Mimosa
I know I know, I must be an alcoholic :lol:
Oh, you have no idea, honey. I have a Mimosa in one hand & a Midori cocktail in the other! :lol:

I still think she was avoiding the whole team,
She's been distant that's for sure. I don't know if it's just bad interaction on TPTB's part or what, but she doesn't have the same feel for the team as she used to. It's like they don't matter as much anymore, the team or the job. She's not into it, at all.

The old Calleigh used to smile at suspects in a cocky way just to eat at them, & the girl can barely fake a smile now!! The old Calleigh would've been all over the case with Ryan & Billy, & she would've dove deeper into the situation with Eric's father, yet all she could utter was "I don't wanna see you get hurt". I can recall several times when she was more physical with all of them too. Horatio, Ryan, & Eric....she'd put an arm around thier shoulder or give them a sweet touch to the hand - she's pulled away from the team quite a bit. ;)

I can only suggest that it's due to Jake & her feelings for him. I'm not suggesting that she doesn't care about the team at all, but I think when her & Jake rekindled thier romance she started thinking about her real life & life outside the lab.

Anyhow, I like it cause I love CAKE, but then again I totally miss her being in scenes with the rest of the team. Kinda sad that TPTB can't concentrate on more than 2 things at a time, lol!

*reads everything I just posted* Well, that was a mouthful :lol:
I guess my point is that she just changed so much when Jake showed up. I really can't imagine what they could do with her next - except let Jake come back so they can ride off into the sunset together the way it should be.

Enough rambling, MJ out. :)
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