Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Well I've always said tha they wanted us to look at it as if it was a triangle, but I've never seen it and I doubt I'll ever see it.
She's just too concentrated on a certain person and she has no time to think of anyone else even if they want her to think of another person.

In "Dangerous Son" she had already made her decision & there was no way to deny it. She had already spent 5 days in Antigua with her man! :devil:.

As for "Resurrection" I have to say that I already knew what Calleigh was going to say to Jake since we knew her feelings for him, though we didn't know their depth.
I mean we know she loved (well loves since he's still alive :lol:) him and was way too cheerful whenever he was around her, but actually we had never the opportunity to know how deep her feelings of her.
Showing how much she was scared of his possible death was just shocking for me & was gladly surprised to see this Calleigh's side. We never saw it!

As for Jake, I know he loves her and all, but after lots of epiosde without any mention of the boy I had the doubt they were gonna show him as selfish as they wanted, but that was surprising.
"I didn't do it for the case, I did it for you" :adore: . I think there was no better way to develop thi relationship and they did all this just in 2 minutes.
I can't imagine what they could have done, if they had tried to write this story in a better way :lol:

As for Calleigh's 'loves' I think I never saw her loving anyone as she did/does with Jake. It's something completely different.
Could you imagine her holding Hagan's hand?
Could you imagine her holding Elliot's hand?
I guess that the answer for both cases is the same: :guffaw:

Here's a pic just to remember the old times :p

Who do you think enjoyed this position more? :devil:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Haha, I loved that scene....I'm pretty sure they both fully enjoyed it ;)

As for Calleigh holding hands with a man in the way she did with Jake in 'Sunblock' - I could never have imagined it to tell you the honest truth. It was pure cheeziness, but it really showed a lot between them, & a side of Calleigh we had never seen.
As cute as I think she is with other men on this show (my fun ships) - it's just not the same - I guess there's just the realism of what TPTB actually wrote with Cake that makes them special. No one can deny that it was once there...& very possible that it still is!

"I didn't do it for the case, I did it for you"
Jake coming back & getting that info for her was the best thing he could ever have done for Calleigh (at that moment anyway)- I can imagine it wasn't easy considering the danger that something like that would place on him - not to mention what his boss's would think of his choice.

Wish I knew what he's doing & where he is!! I can't stand not knowing these missing details :rolleyes:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Haha, I loved that scene....I'm pretty sure they both fully enjoyed it ;)
This, actually, is the answer I was waiting for :lol:

As for Calleigh holding hands with a man in the way she did with Jake in 'Sunblock' - I could never have imagined it to tell you the honest truth. It was pure cheeziness, but it really showed a lot between them, & a side of Calleigh we had never seen.
I have to be completely honest! I had never imagined to see Calleigh Duquesne holding hands especially male hands. I had always though it would have been to childinsh and cheesy especially for a person like her. But as we saw things were pretty different than we had imagined.
And gosh that was just unbelievable! I just loved it. It was so sweet to see this side of Calleigh's character. We never had an opportunity like this one before.
Surely she wouldn't have acted like this with any other man. I was just glad she did it with Jake.

As cute as I think she is with other men on this show (my fun ships) - it's just not the same - I guess there's just the realism of what TPTB actually wrote with Cake that makes them special. No one can deny that it was once there...& very possible that it still is!
I've always thought that CaKe is one of the most realistic couples of TV since they do not interfer with their job except for Stetler's stupid rule.
Plus they know when it's time to be professional something Calleigh can do with other people.
They both know when it's time to have fun, when it' time to enjoy their love life and, above all in this show, they know when it's time to be serious and professional at work.

"I didn't do it for the case, I did it for you"
Jake coming back & getting that info for her was the best thing he could ever have done for Calleigh (at that moment anyway)- I can imagine it wasn't easy considering the danger that something like that would place on him - not to mention what his boss's would think of his choice.
Well I still think it was one of the most risking things he could ever do for his girlfriend and surely he didn't do it 'cause he wanted her back (let's not forget he never lost her:lol:), but because he loves her and he wants to help her, not matter how dangerous the situation can be.
I'm pretty sure his boss didn't like this thing but he had to accept it. Love can make you do the craziest things you never think you'd do.
Plus I'd like to rember that he helped Calleigh even in SYG an episode when I think very few boyfriend would have helped their girlfriend, if they had had the same attitude had. I mean she accused him to be a drunk person who worked on her case: surely he couldn't do it, but, at the same time, she couldn't shoot the same way she did it. Plus she was drunk.
What I'm trying to say is that she accused him and she practically jumped on him because of his "behaviour". I don't think another man in the same situation as his would have done the same thing. If I had been Jake, honestly, I wouldn't have helped her especially after her accusations.
But, again, that was love!

Wish I knew what he's doing & where he is!! I can't stand not knowing these missing details :rolleyes:
We still can try to imagine what he's doing right now:lol:, though I agree with you, this waiting is unbearable:rolleyes:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

I guess that's why I dislike how TPTB did Jake's "disappearance" so much, because it just doesn't make sense - where was he supposed to actually BE? & where was he actually GOING? I know he's apparently undercover, but still there's so many missing details that it just comes off as...well...stupid, to put it bluntly.

I think they tried so hard just to get the viewers "thinking" that he's gone for good that they didn't bother to elaborate...:rolleyes:

But back to my suckish feeling that when we do see him again it will be in a bodybag - I hope they at least tell a story in the episode that explains where he went, what he was doing & so on. Maybe they could do one of those beginnings where it says 8 hours earlier, so we can actually see him alive.
Here I go again :lol: **happy thoughts, happy thoughts**

Let's adjust this a little - maybe he can just go through something horrifying & scary that forces him to change jobs & then CAKE can get married, & Jake can still guest star every once in a blue moon?
Anything is better than leaving this the way they did!!! :evil:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

I guess that's why I dislike how TPTB did Jake's "disappearance" so much, because it just doesn't make sense - where was he supposed to actually BE? & where was he actually GOING? I know he's apparently undercover, but still there's so many missing details that it just comes off as...well...stupid, to put it bluntly.
That's exactly why I kinda hate TPTB. I mean they miss continuity and sometimes it's not that hard to manage it.
Thik abot a character like Jake, they don't really know how to hadnle him.
They brought him here as Calleigh's ex-boyfriend as a possible future boyfriend for our unlucky girl.
Then, they suddenly decided to use him as part of an insane triangle & then again the decided to use him just to put Calleigh in someone else arms :lol:
I think it's time for TPTB to decide what they want to do with his character. Do you want to know why I think they can't handle him and will never be able to do it? Here's a little explanation :p

Do you remember that in "Resurrection" they mentioned he was UC in a gang named "Krypt Kings"? Well that's a hint which makes me think they don't really know what to write for his character.
There's no way he could have been an UC in that gang right 2 years later our belove cops destroyed that gang in "Going Under". Plus guess whose cover blew up in that episode: Jake's one!
There's no way they could rewrite that story unless they didn't know what they were writing dow. This happened just with one persone 'cause he's to difficult to handle.

That's the reason why I can't stand this situation: TPTB don't know what to write down for his character and whenever they write something down, they have to change it in some episode later 'cause it doesn't suit their own personal intentions :p

I think they tried so hard just to get the viewers "thinking" that he's gone for good that they didn't bother to elaborate...:rolleyes:

But back to my suckish feeling that when we do see him again it will be in a bodybag - I hope they at least tell a story in the episode that explains where he went, what he was doing & so on. Maybe they could do one of those beginnings where it says 8 hours earlier, so we can actually see him alive.
Here I go again :lol: **happy thoughts, happy thoughts**
**happy thoughts**
MJ you have to give up with this thought!!!! :p
Though, at least that would be coherent with his character and, above all, with they last plotline they gave him.
That's why me think they won't be able to kill him off, he's too important for all kinds of storylines, they use him as a paw. There's no way to deny it

Let's adjust this a little - maybe he can just go through something horrifying & scary that forces him to change jobs & then CAKE can get married, & Jake can still guest star every once in a blue moon?
Anything is better than leaving this the way they did!!! :evil:
Surely they never left us with a proper closure so they have to do something better. Obviously your option would be perfect :devil:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Oh, don't get me started on the Krypt Kings crap! DUMB! There should have been no way in hell he was able to fall back into that same gang - BAD MOVE, PTB! Do your research!!

Moving on....

I'm quite sure TPTB have some idea of what they want to do with Jake, I just think it's all about timing with them, & when the perfect time will be to resurface him....dead or alive. Look at the times before when our boy has come back - always when least expected it seems like ;)

I can't say I totally dispise TPTB for Jake though because of 'Resurrection' - if they had wanted him to be the forever bad guy in Cal's life then they surely would have!! There was some MAJOR opportunity there to force him out of her life in a bad for instance Calleigh could have been telling him to go fly a freaking kite....which she did not come even close to saying ;)
So, having said that, I do believe there was a big reason behind WHY they chose to "end" CAKE as sweetly as they did.
Let's face it - TPTB can sometimes be harsh - they don't HAVE to make the audience love every character, especially when it's someone who's I feel as though there was some purpose in how they wrote Jake in that episode - regardless of how retarded it was that they threw in the gang crap :rolleyes:

Obviously your option would be perfect :devil:
& I don't see the big deal in them doing this because the way I see it is that this way everyone still get's what they a way.
There are a lot of shippers for Cal & the other fellas (yes, all 3) on this show, & I can respect what they take in from thier interaction - if CAKE (w/ an away from the lab character) get's married then we would be happy (obviously) & then the other fans can still get thier tickle because she would still have her special screentime with ALL the "lab fellas" who a lot of fans want to watch interact!! SEEE??? It solves everything so just bloody do it!

Make love not war...especially with fans cause it can get ugly! ;)
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Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Oh, don't get me started on the Krypt Kings crap! DUMB! There should have been no way in hell he was able to fall back into that same gang - BAD MOVE, PTB! Do your research!!
Exactly my dear!!! It's one of the wrost mistake they could have eve made.

I'm quite sure TPTB have some idea of what they want to do with Jake, I just think it's all about timing with them, & when the perfect time will be to resurface him....dead or alive. Look at the times before when our boy has come back - always when least expected it seems like ;)
Well I both agree & disagree with you.
I agree with you about the fact it always looked like we weren't going to see him anymore and oplà to our great surprise we got to see him again:lol:.

As for TPTB knowing what to write for him, I highly doubt 'cause, IMO, for 2 years they didn't know whether to picture him as a bad guy or not.
Look at "Going Under" he was introduced as Calleigh's ex boyfriend who hurt her pretty badly in the past & she didn't know whether to trust him.
Then, in "Going Going Goine" they wanted to show him as one of the cops who don't mind they reach their goal: he used a young girl to find a terrorist. But, at the end of the episode they decided to show him up while Calleigh got the terrorist. When she got shot he was concerned & I'm pretty sure it doesn't fit perfectly a character who's supposed to use a girl to reach his goal of getting a terroris.
I mean he used a girl and he didn't mind what the proper method to catch a terrorist was (it was pretty unethical, IMHO), but then he was concerned for Calleigh. I loved it, but, IMHO, it showed a little bit of inconsistency of the character they wanted to create (no matter whether it was supposed to be bad or good).
(Anyway I loved it 'cause I think their intention was to show him as a "bad boy" with such a sweet heart who cares for the people who loves)
**don't worry if I sound crazy, you have to cope with my head trauma LOL**

Then in "Internal Affairs" they tried to show him as the dumbest person of the world, not to mention that making him arrest Natalia wasn't the best move for TPTB to make him be appreciated by the audience since he was against the team.
Plus "Stand Your Ground" was completely nonsense if you try to anlyse his character. What was the purpose to put him in that position???
I guess it was to show how he cared for Calleigh & how he helped her, desptier her odd behaviour throughout the whole episode :lol:.

I can't say I totally dispise TPTB for Jake though because of 'Resurrection' - if they had wanted him to be the forever bad guy in Cal's life then they surely would have!! There was some MAJOR opportunity there to force him out of her life in a bad for instance Calleigh could have been telling him to go fly a freaking kite....which she did not come even close to saying ;)
Gotta totally agree with you!!!

So, having said that, I do believe there was a big reason behind WHY they chose to "end" CAKE as sweetly as they did.
Let's face it - TPTB can sometimes be harsh - they don't HAVE to make the audience love every character, especially when it's someone who's I feel as though there was some purpose in how they wrote Jake in that episode - regardless of how retarded it was that they threw in the gang crap :rolleyes:
Except for that gang crap, I have to admit I just loved TPTB for writing that episode. I still think that in that scene they wrote far better Jake's character than they had been doing for 2 years :lol:

Obviously your option would be perfect :devil:
& I don't see the big deal in them doing this because the way I see it is that this way everyone still get's what they a way.
There are a lot of shippers for Cal & the other fellas (yes, all 3) on this show, & I can respect what they take in from thier interaction - if CAKE (w/ an away from the lab character) get's married then we would be happy (obviously) & then the other fans can still get thier tickle because she would still have her special screentime with ALL the "lab fellas" who a lot of fans want to watch interact!! SEEE??? It solves everything so just bloody do it!
Well a CaKe marriage could mean the end of this war between shippers 'cause as you said it would mean more scenes between Cal & other people. Even if they's not love scenes, they still can shared those scenes & everybody would be far happier than we are right now.

As for their marriage, are we sure they haven't married yet??? Are sure they weren't engaged before Jake's last departure?

Make love not war...especially with fans cause it can get ugly! ;)
Gotta love this philosophy:angel:
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

As for their marriage, are we sure they haven't married yet??? Are sure they weren't engaged before Jake's last departure?
Now that would be the shock of the season if they pulled that one out!!!

You are correct though, who's to say what really happened after Jake gave her that kiss "goodbye". There was more emphasis on Calleigh's expression (which said it all) than there was on Jake actually walking away from her. I bet she left the lab, went after him & jumped his bones right then & there :p
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Anything can'T really shock me in this show anymore :shifty:

Calleigh's expression told me she was so going to wait for him as she has been doing for months.

IDK whether she jumped on him immediatly, but I bet she's been waiting for him since that scene (as you said the emphasis was all on her expression & not on Jake walking away) and she's thinking just of him, nobody else.

Plus I'd like to make aware of the change in Calleigh's character especially with that pregnant woman in "DeLuca Motel". That episode, along with "Wrecking Crew", didn't tell me the whole truth on how is Calleigh going on with Jake's "departure" :shifty:

We still can see something important is missing in her mind or, better say, her heart.
Since his departure she's a completely different person.

All these thing got me thinking the whole time :shifty:

As for being engaged or something like this I still think we didn't have the opportunity to see how things really went at the beginning of "Stand Your Ground" when they still were enjoying their brunch.
Not to mention her ring in the same episode. I can see EP with a ring, but not Calleigh Duquesne, even during her day off. I still thik there was something going on, something we never had the opportunity to see :shifty:

**ok ok my head trauma is worse than I thought :lol::p**
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Well I thought I'd bring this topic over here about Jake's (possible..wait nevermind...we KNOW it will happen) return from the Johnny thread.
Discussion is how versatile his role is & that he could come back & tie in with any of the Miami stories - then Flo mentioned that his UC time could expire soon & it suddenly donned on me that he DID say something like 6 months to a year, & she's damn strait that that time is coming soon!! ....I bet Calleigh has it marked on her calender at home ;)

I still think he'll return with another cover though (one we wouldn't even think of), & I think this time he'll give up the job because of something bad that will happen. *trying NOT to think of our Jake in a bodybag*

I just thought of something too, Calleigh & Jake can't even really converse back & forth right now because of his cover - recall in 'Going Under' that's basically how the woman's husband was murdered because she kept trying to see how he was doing....& Im quite sure Calleigh knows contacting him would put him in further danger.

Not to mention her ring in the same episode. I can see EP with a ring, but not Calleigh Duquesne, even during her day off.

I couldn't see it on Calleigh either...& especially on that particular finger ;)
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Thank you so much mj for writing here :p

IDK when his UC period will expire, but I'm pretty sure that it will be soon ;)

I still think he'll return because of Calleigh and also because, as you said, they can't converse as if anything happened since he's UC and it could mean his death.
But love can make you everything and I'm pretty sure that Calleigh found a way to convers with him despite all the troubles.

We're going to have this lovely episode with Calleigh in hospital and I really hope they'll mention Jake.
IDK we could have a scene in her hospital bed reading a card Jake sent her just to wish her a quick recover :adore:
There could be so many ways to mention this guy without his presence.
I know what they did with "All In", but still I'm trying to be optimisitic and say "people learn from mistakes"

As for the ring, the peculiar thing was the finger on which it was :p
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

I agree there's millions of ways to mention him without him reappearing yet. They did it already in the epi with his face on the website, & also back in S5 when she was on the phone with him, so I hope they do something.
If they don't then at least they have a reason & that it's because he's UC. It's not as if he just left her to go wander aimlessly around Miami & not ever contact her through all her troubles. :rolleyes: He probably doesn't even know unless she figures out a way to contact him.

I would take anything right now even if it was just her looking down at her phone & seeing his name on it then they leave it hanging there 'til his they always do ....gadzooks I could see them doing that :rolleyes:

It does have me suspicious because they're airing 'resurrection' the week before this epi, & we all know how ambiguous it was left between ;)

Speaking of the phone thing. I got to thinking about 'Tipping Point' when Calleigh was running & how supposedly there was to be something significant to future epis about what they were all doing in thier personal time.
Calleigh's confused the hell out of me because she didn't do anything but run & answer her phone :shifty: but then I thought about the look on her face when she looked at her phone & wonder if she was afraid it was a call about bad news or something.

I can't recall the exact quotes from thier scene in 'Resurrection', but I definitly recall that she went on & on about being terrified that something would happen to him & she was afraid she'd never know.....maybe that was what was going on with her in that scene? A lot of people jog to rid stress & worries, & Calleigh didn't exactly look "happy" while she was running.....or when she got that call. ;)
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

Well I have to agree with you
the fact they're gonna air ressurrection right before "Smoke get in your CSIs ....well it's pretty peculiar.
I mean nothing happened to Calleigh in that episode except for the CaKe side of it, so I guess the fact she's in hospital will be connected in some way or another to Jake.
Still I think they could mention him also with a very simple card like "I wish you'll be fine in no time".

As for the scene in "Power Trip" when Calleigh was running, your reasoning is very good, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't TPTB intention.
As everybody saw, Calleigh was running maybe to keep fit. Running requires good breathing and since she's going to be in the hospital because of breath loos, due to the fact shi inhaled some of the insulation of the floor, I'm pretty sure that TPTB focused on her running and not on her cellphone ;).
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

*reads Flo's spoiler thoughts*
That's possible too but regardless I think she's worried about getting bad news about him. I don't see how she couldn't after her dialouge in the Ressurection scene!
I'm anxious to see how they'll bring him back in what shape & form, hopefully it'll be soon - I can't stand loose ends. :p
Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

*reads Flo's spoiler thoughts*
That's possible too but regardless I think she's worried about getting bad news about him. I don't see how she couldn't after her dialouge in the Ressurection scene!
I'm anxious to see how they'll bring him back in what shape & form, hopefully it'll be soon - I can't stand loose ends. :p
Well trust me I still think she's anxious because of Jake. So yep it could have been as you said and I'm pretty sure that everyday she goes back home anxious to know what's going to happen to Jake.
There's no way she can't think of him after "Resurrection". She's scared like her, but, still, she's waiting for him.

Now we all are like her, :shifty:
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