Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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I thought that Calleigh should have called Jake in the last new episode. Just so we we could "officialy" know they made up. Ya no? I love Cake and I can't wait till the next episode. In SYG CBS made Jake look like a mean, insensitive guy by not having him ask if Calleigh was ok. Why does Calleigh always get mad a Jake? Eric is like Mr. Perfect and poor Jake is the bad guy. :]
Surely Jake is a good guy, Calleigh wouldn't be with him for a second time around if he was so bad.

Nobody is perfect, that's why I like Jake, he's very "iffy" but again, there's something good about him too!
It's just the writers way of throwing in road bumps for their relationship.
There could be a million ways of showing viewers that he indeed a real bad guy, & they haven't done that. ;)
Stetler is a proven bad guy, Monica...bad girl, the DA chick who dated Horatio, those are people who I consider "bad". The writers went to great lengths to show us that, but w/ Jake it's different.
It would be TOO perfect if he was "great" all the time. ;)
We don't get to see that much of him, but I give him the benefit of the doubt here.

I'd love to know what happened in their past...why they broke up & all. Im assuming their careers stood in the way.
This time around, they both seem to be putting each other first.
I know to some people, he did wrong in "SYG", but he did end up helping Calleigh. He was just torn in how to go about doing it w/out getting them both into trouble.
In the end, he helped her get out of the mess she was in, he still stuck by her. That counts for something ;) :D

Eric...Mr. Perfect? They ALL have their faults & weaknesses, I think.
Besides, Eric's been known to throw back some Midori Cocktails w/ Natalia..... & Calleigh herself was drinking at the bar w/ Jake also.
It's so hypocritical!!
Consuming alcohol does not make you less than perfect. :rolleyes:
It's to what degree.
I think it was stupid they put that in there. It would of made more sence had Calleigh been sipping freakin' iced tea, but she wasn't.
Calleigh, my dear, I love ya to bits...but get a fu%&in' grip. He is not turning into your father because he drank 4 wussy Mimosas!!!!!!!
Yeah definetly Jake is not a bad guy :D
If he had been well he could have done everything to hurt Calleigh...but still he loves her, no doubts.

If he hadn't loved her he could have done evertything he wanted to hurt her like
- cheat her with another girl.
- leave her right after his conversation with Stetler
- leave her in troubles in SYG.
If it hadn't been for him Calleigh would be alone, sad and without a job.
If only I had a bad guy like him :rolleyes:

I'm curious about their past too....I think it would be nice to see both of them younger and probably more immature ;)
But if Calleigh decided to bring back things with him there's must be a motive....and I'm glad she did it :D
Hello CAKE fans!!!
Forgive me i'm in the goofiest mood right now. :D

I have an epi idea for our be-you-tiful couple here.
The scenario: this takes place before we "know" that CAKE has gotten back together. ;)
The plot involves some kind of murder or something horrible; somehow Jake gets questioned & starts to look as the prime suspect.
Calleigh goes out to prove his innocence but realizes the only way is to fess up that they had been together the entire night. :eek: :devil: DUHNDUHNDUHN!!!
Calleigh must make a decision whether or not to save Jake from going to jail or risk losing her job, all the while Jake begging her not to take the risk, that they'll find another way to clear his name.
Calleigh stands as Jake's alibi anyway, they find the real suspect, Calleigh tells Stetler to go screw himself. CAKE goes off & lives happily ever after.
:D :D :D
Muahahah great episode :D :D :D
Yeah definely that would be fantastic.....CAKE forever :D :D

I tried to think about an episode too.
Mine is this one ;)
Scenario: Calleigh wakes up in a strange hotel toilet or whatever you want covered of blood (not her) she doesn't remember what happened to her in the last 24 hours. Then she goes into another room to find a DB DUHNDUHNDUHN!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
What the hell happened????? :eek: :eek:
Obviously Horatio's team will start thinking she was assaulted by this DB and probabably she killed him for self difence.
But suddenly they'll discover that the last person she saw before this strange adventure....was Jake DUHNDUHNDUHN!!!
But Jake will do everything to proove his innocence (she will do the same thing too) help her and eventually will find out what happened really :D
mjszud said:
It would be TOO perfect if he was "great" all the time. ;)
We don't get to see that much of him, but I give him the benefit of the doubt here.
I'd love to know what happened in their past...why they broke up & all. Im assuming their careers stood in the way.
Yea, I guess your right. I would also love to see some flashbacks of when they were in the academy. :)
:lol: Im only laughing because it says "Calleigh wakes up in a strange Hotel toilet".....I know what you were saying, but still it gave me a giggle to have that image in my head.

I do like that, though.
I wish Miami would do more epis where the characters peronal problems happen "off the clock". It always seems like whenever something BIG happens to anyone it's when they're at work..& then they solve the crime.
Obviously, it's a show that revolves around crime & the characters' jobs, but they could still solve the actual crime the same "Miami" way. :D
I'd like just once for something gruesome! It's always someone gets shot or Ryan's nail in the eye, which was pretty cool, but...I think ya know what I mean.

It kinda reminds me of what happened to Catherine in the Vegas epi. Minus the toilet, Jake & dead body. ;)

Im hoping for some really good epis. Season 5 was a little lame towards the end....I hope the writers come back w/ some fresh creativity for our couples!!!
I want some major eye sex, too!!
Ok, just give me the sex, that'll work too! :D :D
Oh definetly sex is sufficient for us :D

:lol: :lol: I knew that the toilet could sound strange :lol: :lol: I mentioned it to make it different from Catherine's situation plus I had just watched that kind of episode in "Bones" :rolleyes:

Yeah we need something different from people shot or almost run off
But still I think it would be great an episode like this or yours :D :rolleyes:

They definetly need something good to put in the episodes...I just thought about something....have they never though about kidnapping one of our character or more the one??.....Tension/suspance :eek:
Yep Calleigh kidnapped would be so good and definetly than end must be so CAKE with some sex or something else to confort her.

Wow S.Valentine is everyday closer and I just saw a beutiful chocolate hotel in NY for our couple :rolleyes:
Everything there is made by chocolate also the furniture....I can imagine them doing everything in this hotel...obviouly not eating it :devil: :devil:
A chocolate Hotel??
Talk about gaining wieght, eeshk. Im pretty sure i'd go home w/ a belly ache.
That'd be perfect for CAKE!!!

I'd LOVE for them to kidnap someone, that'd be so cool. It'd make a great crossover epi w/ Without A Trace. Love that show. :D

I don't know who would kidnap Calleigh, though. Or who could get away w/ carrying her off, she'd blow their head off first. "Don't touch me, get the f%&k away from me"....that's Cal, they'd have to drug her or something.

She's already been put into danger once this season, I think they wouldn't go there again, but it'd be nice to have a good scene where Jake can come to her rescue over something.

Obviously, there's going to be something that will happen that will put her in the position to "choose". Just like Marc Dube was saying ..."she'll have to choose between her relationship w/ Jake & her job".
I can't wait to see what scenario they have planned out for that. :D :D :D
Obviously they'll have to drug her (chloroform just to begin)...with something strong *I'm too evil :lol: *
The perfect kidnapper would be....Hank Kerner (ok ok I fell in love with him) if he hasn't already been executed :rolleyes:

Yeah not this season...maybe the next one ;)

They must do a great scenario for Marc Dube's words :D
I so can't wait for the next CAKE episode :D

Ps: in this hotel you can eat everything....also the furniture is eatable....but if you eat it...well you have to pay a fine (because they're important for new costumers).
I'm sure our couple will have to pay it....but not because they ate it :rolleyes: :devil: :devil:
My memory needs refreshing...Hank Kerner??? :confused:
Is that the dude from season 2 who she "busted" & in the episode her friend got killed?
Hagen was in the epi, & she put a gun to that guy's head & said "does this feel good"
Ooh, I liked that one.... am I even close? :rolleyes:

Did you ever see the movie "vanished" w/ Sandra Bullock & Keifer Sutherland?
THAT would be a really good CSI:Miami plot.

The other CSI's could find the cloth that he used to drug her w/ & get DNA off it, then for some reason they bring in the guilty suspect & trace back the dirt off his shoes to the cabin & the place where he buried her alive. That would be so awesome. :D Jake could dig her up & give her mouth to mouth. *melts at the thought* :devil: :lol: :devil:
I would love an episode where a maniac who has designs on blonde haired women closes in on Calleigh. Jake rides in as her hero and shoots the maniac in his tracks. Then for the ending we have Calleigh rested in Jake's arms.
mjszud said:
My memory needs refreshing...Hank Kerner??? :confused:
Is that the dude from season 2 who she "busted" & in the episode her friend got killed?
Hagen was in the epi, & she put a gun to that guy's head & said "does this feel good"
Ooh, I liked that one.... am I even close? :rolleyes:
yep it was definetly him :D :D althought it was "body count" 1X24.
I defiently loved him....he was the only true bad boy who was stalking her :D

Nope :( I've never seen that movie....but if that is its plot....well WOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW Calleigh buried alive :eek: AWESOME!!!! :D with Jake digging her up and saving her life :D :D I'm all for this episode.
She needs some very good life threatening situation...I mean her first car crash was kinda SYG it was too easy how she solved things. She needs to struggle to survive :devil: and definetly she needs Jake to save her.

Aaaww Calleigh resting in Jake's arm :D great touch of romanticism :D I love it...and yeah mouth to mouth :devil: :lol: :devil:
AWWWWW I love all Disney's Fairy Tales :D
They alwasy have a happy ending like the one our CAKE deserve far as I understand we all want Calleigh to be like the asleep lady and Jake her prince charming.
Now we only should become TPTB :)
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