"Burn Out" Discussion **Spoilers**

I loved how Sara lied to Grissom about the music (I think she was lying) to come to Greg's defense. and I loved the Hodges comment "Gas Hopper" too cute!

I don't believe she lied to Grissom at all. If she said she was listening to it, then I believe her. Besides, Greg wouldn't have let her take the blame for something he did. He's not like that.

mrb105 said:
Wow I bet if Greg had his own show some people's lives would be made, that's all some people care about. So Grissom yelled at Greg, big deal. Watch the show for what it is, and don't complain about no Greg in commercials and no Greg in CSI articles.

myfuturecsi said:
I think this episode was one of the few that balanced screen time with great acting from all. The story centrered around Grissom because of his upcoming departure for a few episodes, however it managed to give everyone some screen time.

I agree!! I definitely felt like everyone had some great scenes. I've been feeling like the recent seasons have been straying away a little from the team effort thing, so it's refreshing to see everyone working together on the case.
mrb105 said:
Wow I bet if Greg had his own show some people's lives would be made, that's all some people care about. So Grissom yelled at Greg, big deal. Watch the show for what it is, and don't complain about no Greg in commercials and no Greg in CSI articles.

I understand that everyone has a right to their own opinion, however, this was a little harsh.

People do watch the show for what it is, however, people have their favorite characters too and they want to know about those characters and they also take umbrage when they feel their favorite character is being sleighted.

We hear the same things about ALL the characters in the show...and as a Warrick fan too (Y'all remember him right? No...yeah me either.) I'm a little dismayed at his lack of anything recently. I'm also a Greg fan and am THRILLED that he finally gets some decent story and screen time.

No one should be bashing anyone here...it's one of the reasons I love this board as opposed to others in this fandom, every fan can talk about their likes and dislikes in a civilized and fun manner without fear of being belittled or told "don't complain".

I'd like to see this board remain a nice happy place where all CSI fans can express their point of view.

Now....so I stay on topic...

Okay I can't really since I am still at work and must watch the show vicariously through you guys, but me and my DVR are going to be getting real cozy when I get home from work.

Mods don't shoot me, I was just compelled to respond. Sorry if I stepped on toes. I will submit to flogging with feathers if need be.
I like it. I don't think Sara is lying to Grissom. Greg will never let her take the blame. Grissom got a migraine, it does that to people, yelled out at people, puking or other thing. I got Aunt Kathy, she does have migraine, she has to stay in the dark room. He was nice to Greg after about the gas tank. I'm surprise Nick didn't yelled at anybody because of the child molestation.

Jason's grandfather is a bully, that was surprise me, I have never thought Grandfather will bully his grandkid and his friend.

Grissom was sooooo HAWT, i almost died. i completely LOVED that he was in like EVERY scene and, omg, those profile face shots ... *thud*

i can't stand this anymore, too much hottness.


oh, the episode was great btw. loved it. i'm too excited to write anything more, sorry.
You know, I almost fell for the pedophile. I actually fell sorry for him and for once was hoping that he wasn't the one that did it.
I'm just getting the chance to post, so sorry if this seems a little repetitive of what everyone else is saying..but I liked this epi, I thought they all had their moments, this season has been fantastic so far.

And Greg, even if she did lie, which I don't think that she did considering the look on Greg's face after she said it, like he was saying, "See, it wasn't me", I actually liked the Greg and Nick scene, I mean, it was just good to see them share a scene together seeing it's been since the first epi of the season that that has happened.

I also like that while his bruises are healed it kind of looks like they are still there a little, like they've faded but they aren't completely gone. Even the "Gas hopper" line.

And Nick with Dave, that scene as well. All of it, I really liked.

Grissom, I don't think he meant to snap at Greg, but migraines are so painful any sort of noise can be like a jackhammer going off in your head so I can kind of understand it..but big props to Sara for telling him to kind of cut Greg some slack seeing the inquest was coming up soon.

The only thing, and I had a feeling this would happen, I wish Greg was in the promo for next week, but BUT they usually do show a different on one innertube, so maybe he'll be in that one.
what did i say that was so bad? It just gets repetitive when everyone complains about the same thing. Nothing in my comment even affends people, or at least shouldn't. I'll just keep quiet from now on.
I also noticed the lack of Cath in this ep.

Grissom's yelling at Greg I took as a migrane induced thing. I have an aunt and uncle who both get them on occasion and sound, lights, ect drives a migrane sufferer crazy. And I'm glad that Sara told Gris to cut Greg a bit of slack.

I'm also annoyed that the inquest wasn't even mentioned, but I had a suspicion about it when TV Guide didn't mention it.
KiaraMebarak said:
You know, I almost fell for the pedophile. I actually fell sorry for him and for once was hoping that he wasn't the one that did it.

Yeah me too. Thats why i really liked this episode cause i got really into the pedophile and fell sorry for him and i was a bit surprised he did kill him. Well not only him of course the grandfather had something to do with it too.

Overall this episode was good. Gah something really is going on with Grissom! At first when i first saw the beginning i thought that maybe his hearing problems might come back but then seeing him popping the migraine pills confirmed that it was indeed migraines...his really getting Burn out.

Cant wait for next week when the MCSK comes back to mess with his head more (not that i want to but...you know). :rolleyes:
The new TV guide does mention it though, it gives it a must watch saying that Eric Szmanda's Greg Sanders deservedly steals the spotlight (paraphrasing) in Post Mortem, but I had a feeling he wouldn't be in it though.

I can totally understand the comment from Grissom about the music, honestly sound actually hurts when you have a migraine, so I could see him saying that, I think what it was was that he said it to Greg and when Sara said it was her, he said nothing.

I really loved this epi, another thing I liked that I forgot to add, that scene with Greg and Grissom in the hallway, Greg proved that not only he knows his stuff, but that no matter what is going on with him (his nerves about the inquest and what happened) he can not only get the job done but he's really REALLY good at it too. I think that Grissom was surprised by that, and in a way, that's a good thing. I've always felt that Greg has the stuff to be another Grissom and for me, that scene just added to that.
hey, can someone give me a little david report to hold me over till i see it (have a few hours) i skimmed through the rest of the spoilers just now (i like to be prepared but a bit surprised during the last day till i see it) and it would really help me keep going till i see it. fridays are a hard days for me...the whole waiting thing.
also the nicky and superdave scene would be nice to know about :)
David had a scene with Greg, he did the analysis of the gas samples that Greg gave him, Greg was trying to find a match to the gas they found in the burned up plastic container in the car..yes, David called him "gass hopper".

He found the match while Greg was out getting more samples.

And the Nick and Super Dave scene, they were examining the boy, Dave said that sometimes the job gets to him, Nick agreed with him, it was a good scene between them.
This was GREAT!
I knew the pediphile didn't kill them otherwise he would have left and waited for the police to catch him
he wanted Grissom to know that..
Wonderful episode!
yes, liked the scene when Nick said that the job gets to him
he like Grissom have BIG problems when bad things happen to kids
pabzi, Hodges and Greg scenes were really good :)
It was GREAT!