WELL-WELL-WELL- fantastic premier

here we go again-

the beginnng opening is different- was a bit stunned to see Louise Lombard part of the team-WHY?-

moving on, the Cirque Du Soleil was excatly like it is- mesmorzing-and when they were in the theater, I got De ja Vu because I've been there- so it gave me chills to see Grissom & Cath standing there-
San Braun-again he always seems to be around when a murder happens
Good to see Brass back up to his old self

with a shorter haircut- what's up with all the hair cutting and shaving??
Nick's hair WHY-he's so handsome- George - grow it back-PLEASE
Sara's hair is also now parted on the side- (I notice these little things)
Warrrick looking as sexy as usual

he never changes- which is a good thing
And Doc, as great as always- knowing that was Tequila-and is hair is also shorter- what's up with thie hirsute issues here?
And adorable Greggie- where was he?
The "vegie burger" scene-with Gris & Sara- how sweet and caring- "feel the love"

Hodges as annoying as always
The Warrick and Brass scene with the plaque- sweet- and Brass gettting a tatoo-WHAT
Nick & Cath dancing -cute

and I like John Mayer- very smooth-when have we ever seen them, or any of them dancing-?
And Grissom, my fav. character- his hair is way to short & the NO beard- not sure yet-

will wait on that one

and he seemed bored and just going through the motions- the spark of his character seems to be a bit off!!!!!!!
And Cath, lord what the hell happened to her-? weird and creepy- were Gris and Sofia in the same apt she was?- she very smart to get all the evidence-off herself--good acting-- but how the hell did she get there? and who was the dead guy? and who killed him??????? riveting, the last 10 minutes-- so I'll give it an A