Broken (Vegas RP)

"Aw, I'm hurt." Cath said sarcastically. "I guess I'll just keep to myself." she said teasingly as she saw they were approaching the house.
Warrick laughed some before he pulled into the driveway of the house. Hopping out of the truck he went around and got his kit from the back.
Catherine and Grissom both got out of the backseat and went to the trunk to get their kits. As soon as Catherine was sure Grissom couldn't see them, she turned to Warrick. "All right, what is going on? You have been flirting with me all day, and you have never been like this before." she paused a minute and smiled. "You want to hug me, you want to love me, you want to smooch me." she started reciting from the movie "Miss Congeniality". She then paused and looked up at him to see what he would say or do.
Warrick looked back at Catherine. "I could ask you the same question.. Your hand on my leg? That's a first.." When Catherine recited that one line he reconized it instantly. He immediately broke into a laugh; "Yes, that's exactly what I want to do." Warrick wasn't sure if Catherine would take that seriously or as a joke.
Catherine's eyes widened a bit, and she got a little more serious. She wasn't sure he if was being sarcastic, or if he was serious. "What do you mean?" she asked him as she took a step closer.
Warrick's whole body tensed slightly so he shifted a bit. "Why don't.. we talk about this later.. When Grissom isn't around," Warrick said quietly.
Catherine sighed but nodded. "Sure." she said as she walked ahead of him and went into the house. She swabbed the living room phone, and the kitchen phone since Grissom said he already got the rest. She took another quick look around and then saw Warrick come in. "Look around and see if you catch anything I missed."
Warrick looked around the home, taking a quick sweep. He saw a cell phone charging on the counter so he bagged and tagged that. "When we get back to the lab, we should pull phone records," Warrick added. He then looked over to Catherine.
Catherine nodded and called for Grissom. "Let's go or we're leaving without you!" Doesn't that sound fermilair Cath thought as she went back out to the driveway and put her kit into the back.
Warrick smirked, finding what Catherine said was what someone would say to their child. He followed Catherine out to the truck and stored his kit in the back as well. "Knowing Grissom.. He's probably found something interesting.. Give him a few minutes."
Catherine sighed and got into the passengers seat, not saying much. She was pretty tiered.
Warrick opened the driver's side door. He took a look at Catherine and decided not to say anything and let her rest. Warrick leaned against the truck, tilting his head back and looking up at the sky.
(Indeed... he will find something interesting. ;) )

Grissom had wandered off, feeling a little confused as to how he should react to their flirting. Catherine's theory of another woman was well and good but they needed to pursue that lead if they were going to get anywhere.

He spied a small piece of paper in the corner of the desk in the study.
He didn't notice it the first time around. Of course, he didn't carefully analyze the study.

Grabbing the paper with his gloved hand, he read it out loud. The note was dated two days before the mother's murder.
'Meet me at our usual room at the Stardust'

He walked out, greeting Warrick and Catherine with his finding.
"Let's swing by the Stardust."
Nick looked to Sara, smiling. "Thank you, Sar.. Although, you haven't seen all the books on birds in the bookcase in the living room," Nick joked.
"Stardust? Why there?" Warrick asked, looking over to his supervisor.