Broken (Vegas RP)

Grissom spotted Warrick and walked over.
"Well, I just had an unpleasant meeting. How are you two doing with the case?"

(BTW do the foster parents have a last name? I wanted to refer to the case by the last name but I don't know if they have one! :))
((Foster mom was Kelly, foster dad was James.. We didn't put together any last names.))

Warrick took the keys from Catherine before he looked to Grissom. "Good.. Going back to the parents' house. Comin' with us, Griss? Catherine can fill you in on the way there." Warrick followed Cath down the hall to the parking lot. "We actually might have a lead."
Catherine and Warrick's hands kept hitting again, not wanting to say anything, Cath just looked up at Warrick and smiled teasingly. "Yeah, I can fill you in." Cath said to Grissom. "I'll tell you what we have when we get in the car."
((want me to be a foster parent? I sorta lost track of the case but i would love to be one of them! and make up a last name, don't care what))
(Hmmm... last name... how about Leurcman?)

"Why the parents' house? We've already been there twice." He followed them, and gave them an odd look. They were alot closer and he felt like he just missed something.

(Oh, I made up the name by typing the word 'cruel' backwards, and adding 'man'. :D I'm amused rather easily.)
(Well, the foster mother is dead, but you can take the foster father. He's in a holding cell at the lab)
Warrick looked back at Catherine, a look of 'don't say a thing about it' on his face. He unlocked one of the CSI trucks, storing his kit in the back. "Did you ever take a look at the phones?" Warrick asked.

((That's creative Hestia :lol: ))
"The phones? I didn't see a need to check. There was no blood or anything out of the ordinary about the phones." Grissom climbed into the back and addressed Catherine, "You're the lead, give the run down."

(Thanks ShuriyuCSI ;))
(That is very creative.)
Catherine stored her kit in the back and turned to Warrick. "I don't know about him, but I didn't, I was too busy trying to avoid him when I was there." she said with a roll of her eyes. She walked around him, perpously brushing shoulders as she passed him and then walking around to the passengers seat.
Warrick wanted to tease Grissom on the 'missed evidence', but he thought better of it. Instead he let his gaze follow Catherine for a moment after she brused against his shoulder. It took him a couple seconds to pull his thoughts together again before he got into the driver's side. "Address anyone..? And Cath, better fill the man in and stop destracting me," Warrick teased.
"Stop distracting you? Why would I want to distract you Warrick?" she said with a wink and a smile.

"620 falene rd." Cath said as she turned to Grissom. "So, the foster father and mother were married to each other. The foster mother doesn't have pierced ears, so it's not hers. What I'm thinking is that the foster father was cheating on his wife, with maybe, a younger, more beautiful woman than herself, and she got angry and told him about it. With the foster fathers temper, he probably got angry right back. Now he has an alibi, but I'm thinking that he called his mistress to take care of his wife while he was at the casino. We looked over the tapes and found that he used the payphone to call someone. We have a hunch that maybe the phone that was called was a home phone, and we could get some DNA off of the speakers in all the houses to find this mistress."
Warrick chuckled to himself before he pulled the truck out onto the street, heading towards the address. "And, the call was placed just after time of death."
Cath rolled her eyes at his giggle. "What's so funny Warrick? huh? Am I distracting you yet?" she said with a smile as she put a hand on his leg, not caring that Grissom was in the back seat.
Warrick started grinning, trying to stifle a laugh. "One, if you squeeze my leg, that will tickle and we will get into a crash, and two, I'm trying to drive here," he said, letting one of his hands brush away Catherine's gently.