Broken (Vegas RP)

"Sure, you wanna stop by and see how the girls are doin?" Cath said with a smile as she offered a hand and then helped him up. "I think they're with Sara...yeah, there they are." she said as she walked into the room that Sara and the girls were in. "Hey girls, how are you doing?" Cath asked with a smile as she walked in with Warrick.
(thanks lol-we need some drama *cough-shama-cough* for these two!)

Both girls looked up quickly.
"Good Ms. Willows, thank-you for asking" Cassie voice was smooth, her eyes focused.
Cath smiled and looked up at Warrick. "This is Warrick, he's a good friend of mine." she said as she wrapped an arm around him, seemingly friendly, but it felt like so much more to her. "He's helping me find out who did this to you."
(Well, it's tough being evil, but someone has to do it! :cool:)

Grissom walked outside and spotted Nick.
He frowned at him and simply said, "Catherine is in charge now. I'll be talking to the sheriff soon."
Warrick smiled to the two girls and outstretched his hand, offering it for a handshake. "Hello there," he smiled, looking from Catherine back to the girls. Both of them seemed really nice, and he wondered why anyone would want to do something like that to the two.
Nick looked at Grissom with a sorry expression. "I'm sorry, Gris.. I caused you this trouble," he said, appologizing.
Brenda winced at his touch but shook his head. Cassie bit her lip and shook his hand too.
"Nick to meet you Mr. Warrick"
Catherine smiled a bit at the girls' shyness. "You girls want anything before we head out of here? Some coloring books or something?" she looked up at Warrick, she wanted kids like them someday, they were so cute.
Warrick left his grip soft on the girls hands. Soon he straightened up and smiled. "It's nice to meet you too," he replied in a kind tone. Warrick caught Catherine's gaze and looked to her, smiling some.
(Awww... where Grissom failed, Warrick will succeed! ;))

Grissom gave him a look as if to say, 'What can you do?'. "I'll have to call Catherine before I see the sheriff."
He walked of, leaving Nick to his thoughts.
"Hey Catherine, it's Grissom. I have some news..."
Cath excused herself from the girls and dragged Warrick out with her as she answered her phone. "Willows.....what new Griss...whats going on?" she asked him.
"Ecklie didn't take the news about the two girls very well. He put you in charge. Come by so Greg can talk to the girls," he sighed and said with a hint of dread, "I'll be busy with Ecklie and the sheriff. Good bye."
Nick sighed weakly when Grissom gave him that look. He stayed there for a few moment's mulling over his thoughts. Ah.. Crap.. Making his way down the hall, he walked to his desk, and heard Sara asking for him. Almost on cue, he waved; "Right here Sar." Nick looked worn for once but soon he smiled some, trying to look atleast a bit cheerful.
Warrick was dragged out by Catherine, following almost obediently like a dog. When he passed Nick he whispered a 'sorry' before following Catherine again, listening to the one sided conversation.
"Ahh there you are. Do you think we should start thinking about taking the girls home? It's gettin kind of late." Sara asked him.