Broken (Vegas RP)

Catherine didn't say anything, she just nodded. She was scared that if she said or did the wrong thing around Grissom, he would reprimand her again, and she had been personally targeted by Grissom enough in the past week, and she just didn't want it to happen again. "I'm fine."
Grissom sighed in a tired, annoyed way.
"I like to think I know you long enough to realize when you're not 'fine'. Catherine, what's wrong? Is it about the little girls? Because you can probably visit them as long as you keep it low profile."
Catherine rolled her eyes. He was right, he had known her too long. "Alright, you want to know the truth Grissom? I've been quiet because you have been treating me like dirt ever since I got back from the hospital. I was so scared and all I needed was for someone to tell me that it was going to be okay, but no one did." she said, not courageous enough to look at him.
He gaped at her. That was news to him.
"I've been treating you like dirt? I was doing my job! You were so adamant about helping those girls and I am trying to work on this case. I'm surprised at how sensitive you've been lately. You need to understand I'm trying to help them." He tried to sound reasonable, emphasing his desire to both do his work and 'help' in his own way.
"As I told you before Grissom, it's one of those things where you have feelings for someone and they don't have them back it's..." Catherine stopped there. How could he possibly understand? He didn't know that she secretly adored him, and loved his human side. She hadn't seen much of that lately, only bits a peices. She wanted the side of Grissom that made her smile, but Grissom hadn't really given her that oppertunity. And she didn't know how to explain her situation to him.
Grissom parked the car and gave her a final look before saying, "Catherine, I need you to understand why I'm doing this. If something is bothering you, then maybe you should take the day off."
He had suggested this more than once, but he had to hammer the point home. Catherine was a very close friend and he didn't know why she seemed to be on pins and needles with him lately.
Catherine tured to him and had a hint of a tear in her eye. "I don't want to be alone anymore Grissom." she had somewhat of a double meaning in that sentence, she wondered if Grissom would find it.
(I feel like it's gonna be just me and ilovegrissom1 now! :lol: Well, I'll try and open it to anyone else!)

Grissom was confused and he politely excused himself. These kinds of situations always made him uncomfortable.
Was Catherine... trying to tell him something? Was she hitting on him?
He decided it was probably better than the alternative - actually hitting him.

He walked over and spotted Warrick.
"Did you do what I asked you? Ecklie's in his office."
((Bah.. Nick and Warrick got stuck at a standstill moment with Greg.))

Warrick looked over to Grissom. "I was actually going to get Nick to do it. It is his responsibility you know." Warrick grinned and clapped Nick's shoulder. "C'mon Nicky, time to do your duty to this lab."

Nick nodded, completely confused as to what he was supposed to do for Warrick and Grissom. It was halfway down the hall and when Warrick finished telling him he let out a groan, rubbing his eyes. "Fine.." Walking up to Ecklie's office door he knocked.

Warrick walked back to Grissom, grinning. "See? He's going to do it."
Catherine leaned against one of the walls in the hallway. She watched as Grissom and Warrick talked. She sighed thinking about how things with her and Grissom were going. The two men that she had adored all her life were standing right in front of her. They didn't even know it. It was like a balancing act for her. Whenever she chased after one, they turned her down, which made her chase after the other. She just wished that one of them would step up to the plate already.
(I'll grab him... why not? I need to stretch my "evil" wings! :devil:)

Ecklie heard the knock, "Come in."
He looked up and saw Nick Stokes. Wondering why he was in his office - it couldn't be anything good - Ecklie frowned lightly and asked, "Is something wrong, Stokes?"
((Oh dear.. >.O :lol: ))

Nick was silent for a moment. If there was anyone who could piss off someone or intimidate someone majorly, it was Ecklie. "Sir, in regards to the case the team is working with the murdered foster mom and the children Cassie and Brenda.. Sara and I have taken custody, temporary or long term, I'm not sure, of the two girls for the time being." Nick fixed his posture, waiting for the storm to break loose.
Ecklie's eyes nearly bugged out :)lol:)
"Is this a joke? Are you serious? You and Sidle are taking care of two victims!? Who the hell authorized this?" However, as he said that he immediately knew.
"Grissom. He actually let a pair of CSIs take care of two young, witnesses and victims - in an active case!"
His voice steadily rose at each word.