Broken (Vegas RP)

"Sure.. I don't see why not. Sooner the better I guess." Nick said, really wanting to avoid the wrath of Ecklie and the Sheriff. Nick walked over to Sara, talking to her in a hushed tone. "I kinda.. got suspended.. two weeks, un-paid suspention by Mr. Ecklie himself.. I got time."
"Well isn't Mr. Eckllie in a peachy mode." Sara whispered back. "Come on girls gather your things we're gonna go home." she told them.
Catherine sighed and then said goodbye and shut her phone. "Grissom was taken off of the case, I'm in charge. Somehow I had a feeling that this would happen." she told him as she started walking down the hall. "Well Warrick, looks like you're with me. We need to go talk to Greg."
(Now we just need a Greg... I think that was SinCityx, but last I heard she was unable to make it to the computer. :( )

Grissom got a page, looking down he grimace.
My office. Now. Ecklie.

He guessed the sheriff already arrived.
When he walked inside he realzed he guessed corrctly.
"Have a seat Mr. Grissom," The sheriff pointed to a chair, and he slowly sat down, making sure to keep any emotion off his face. He was not guilty, and had no reason to feel so.
csi_fanatic said:
"Well isn't Mr. Eckllie in a peachy mode." Sara whispered back. "Come on girls gather your things we're gonna go home." she told them.

"Home?" Brenda asked before she could stop herself. Cassie couldn't help but agree, the girls had no idea where "home" was anymore.
(Or we could make Greg MIA for a while so Cath and Warrick could get a little private time lol :devil: I wonder if that will make Grissom jealous....)
((xD One step at a time ladies.))

Warrick grimaced. "Three down, three to go I guess.. Is there anything I should know, or to be filled in on?" he asked Catherine, following her. "And I guess that drink is going to be postponed a bit, huh?"
Nick smiled to the girls, nodding. "For now, home seems like my place, ahh Sara?" Nick said, looking to Sara for a moment.
Catherine sighed and nodded. "I guess so." she told him as she entered the briefing room. "You already know the gist of the case, but we have one suspect, that's it. He's the foster father for the two little girls and right now we have him in jail for assault of an officer." she said, pointing to a bruise on her face.

"He has an allibi, but that doesn't eliminate him as a suspect. He could have hired someone to do it for him. We found an earring at the forster father's house, but none of the little girls' ears are peirced, and neither is the dead wife. So I'm thinking that the foster father was cheating on the foster mother, and the perp was a woman who has peirced ears."
Nick smiled as well and motioned for the girls and Sara to follow. "Comin' as well Sar? Or do you still have to finish up?" Nick asked.
Warrick nodded. "That's a logical thought.. Did the earring have any blood or anything on it?" He aksed, looking over the different pictures layed out on the table."
Cath shook her head. "No, which suggests that the woman in the house was not a victim, at least she wasn't a victim when she had those earrings in." Cath stopped for a minute and put her hand on her forehead. She felt a little woozy. It had been 27 hours since she last ate or slept, so she was a bit tiered, but she was pretty set on cracking this case.
Cassie and Sara climbed up into the car and looked out the window. Cassie watched the way that Sara looked at Nick she really likes him she thought, not fake like, really likes..