Broken (Vegas RP)

Nick steadily started tensing up, ready to make a run for it if needed. "Sir, Grissom took us off the case, we arn't participating in it. Sara and I are just looking after the children, nothing else. We're strictly working other cases." Nick was sure he was going to strangle Warrick after this was over with.
:)D Heh... Nick should totally get Warrick for this!)

Ecklie's frown deepened, "Stokes, I don't care if you decide to take leave so you wouldn't be remotely involved in the case - which doesn't sound like a bad idea, when I think about it!"
His eyes fixed on the unflinching CSI and he continued, "I don't know why you've decided to get attached to these two particular girls, but this is unacceptable. You are a government employed scientist not a baby sitter. This is clearly gonna look bad in the press, and I will not stand for it!"

He got up and shuffled through some papers,
"I shouldn't be surprised Grissom authorized this. But as soon as I call the sheriff we should straighten it all out." Ecklie grumbled and pulled up the sheriff's number.

"Out of my office. Now."
(( ...Good God you play a good Ecklie. :eek: ))

Nick didn't even realize he was holding his breath till he let it out. When he heard Ecklie talk about the press and reputation he lost a hold of his emotions for a moment. "Sir, you don't know these girls like I do, they're terrified of child services. Can't you look past your God damned reputation for once and let us do the work? Grissom, Sara and I all have our reasons."

Nick saw Ecklie lift up the telephone and start to dial, so he stepped forward and pressed down the hang up button on the phone. "How can you make a strong lab without trusting the ones that make it work?" Nick took one step back, realizing he just crossed the line but he stood his ground. It was the only thing he could do now without turning tail and running.

(( O__o What did I do? :lol: ))
(Thanks. I try. ;) I almost thought Nick would hit him or something!)

Ecklie was surprised at what he did. He glared at the younger CSI and tried to calm himself. He had to look at this from a political viewpoint.
"It's obvious you're overwhelmed - in more ways than one. Stokes, you're on two week un-paid suspension, and you're lucky you're only getting that. If you have anything more to say, I suggest you leave me a message. Your leave starts now and I'm going to have a good talk with your supervisor about your attitude," he glowered.
Nick's facial expression faultered to a shocked one for a moment but he quickly recovered. Nick turned and left Ecklie's office, shutting the door a little bit harder than needed. Walking back to Catherine, Warrick and Grissom he had a death glare shooting right at Grissom and Warrick. He stopped right beside Catherine, jaw set. "Hello Cath." Nick said shortly, continuing to glare at Grissom and Warrick, Warrick in particular.
Warrick froze in spot. "Uh.. I think.. I smell something burning in Sanders' lab. See ya!" Warrick did not stick around to see the outcome explination of what he got Nick to do, though he could feel Nick glaring him down as he left.

((Bravo! *applauds* xD I was close.))
Cath quickly whispered a 'hello' and then made the excuse that she would help, leaving Grissom and Nick standing there alone. She actually did what she said she was going to do and followed Warrick. "You shouldn't have sent him in there you know." she said with a teasing smile.
Grissom looked over at Nick and felt sympathetic. Well, if he truly cared about the girls, he should have been prepared to face hell and Ecklie.
"So, what did Ecklie say?"
Nick took a breath before explaining what had happened. "Said he'd talk to you and the Sheriff, he's obviously pissed off, and he gave me a two week un-paid suspention." Nick leaned against the counter he was next to, tilting his head to the side as he looked at his supervisor. "Questions?"
Warrick looked to Catherine, smiling. "Well it is his responsibility isn't it? I'm not going to go through a yelling fit for him.. He's a grown man," Warrick replied. "Although, it was a little mean wasn't it.. Did you see the look on his face?"
Grissom stared at him in surprise. Before he could say something, his phone rang. Looking at the screen he frowned.
"And that would be Ecklie." He sighed, and put the phone away.
"Are the girls doing okay? Do either of them have pierced ears?"
Grissom pulled out a photograph. It was the earring he found at the house. He figured the suspect lost an earring while struggling with the foster mother, but he wanted to make sure he ruled out the girls before he got too excited.
Nick saw the look of supprise and then heard Grissom say Ecklie was calling him. "Mind if I wait to hear from you what he has to say?" Nick asked before answering Grissom's question. "I didn't notice if the girls had pierced ears or not.. And I didn't see signs of the earring being possibly ripped out either."
(This is one long post! I feel like I'm arguing with myself! :lol:)

Grissom sighed, "Okay. Thanks for the information, Nick." He straightened up and walked into Ecklie's office.

"Well, look who's here. I think you know why I asked you to come." Ecklie was not happy.
Grissom looked at him steadfast and stuck to his plan - keep the explanation short and concise.
"Sara and Nick are caring for the girls, and they're hands off the case."
"But they were working on it before."
"Only in the beginning... they're not on the case anymore."
Ecklie folded his hands and stared at him.
"You want to tell me why you made an exception? Why you let your CSIs walk all over you and care for two girls they barely know.
Grissom stiffened slightly, "Actually, these two girls were each involved in other, seperate cases, and they really need a warm, stable environment." He hesitated for a second before adding, "I think I made the right choice. Nick is resposible and child services will visit often to make sure."
"I don't care. What you did was against policy and you did not consult anyone. You acted in a brash, irresponsible manner and I don't think you're doing what's best for the lab."
Grissom started to get upset, "Look, I just want-"
"It's not about you, Grissom. It's about the lab! We don't need this kind of publicity, and the sheriff will be arriving shortly."
After pulling out a sheet of paper, Ecklie continued, "You are no longer lead on this case, I'm putting Catherine in charge."
"I don't think that's such a good idea..."
"Well she's more politically-saavy than you. In fact I'm questioning your leadership skills altogether - but we'll save that for when the sheriff gets here."
Grissom tried one last plea, "Conrad... these are special circumstances.
But it fell on deaf ears. "Goodbye Gil."
(Ooo Catherine is in charge! lol)

Cath shrugged and looked up at him. "I think both Grissom and Nick should have been there when they told him, it was both equally their faults that the girls were put under Nick and Sara's care." she told him. She sat down on one of the benches in the hallway and motioned for Warrick to sit next to her. "Long shift....want to go out for a drink or something afterwards?" she asked, with hope filling her eyes.
(( O__o Ecklie.. I hate you. With a passion. xD Nice job ther Hestia ))

Nick watched through the glass door of Ecklie's office as Grissom and Ecklie talked back and forth. Pretty soon he saw Ecklie get angered and dismiss Grissom. ..That didn't look like it had a good outcome. Nick thought to himself, wincing slightly.
"I agree with that, but Grissom told me to do it, then I passed the job to Nick who took it because he volunteered himself in the first place.." Warrick took a breath and sighed before sitting next to her. "I'm going to have to appologize.." he said before answering her question. "Sure Cath, I'd like that actually.." Warrick looked over to her with a smile.
Cath smiled and let out a silent breath of relief that he had said yes. "Well, shift ends in about an hour, so I'm going to go talk to Grissom and see what's going on....and maybe I should talk to Nick." she said, not really sure. "If ya need me, I'm always here for ya Rick." she told him with a grin.
"Alright. And thank you Cath, I'm here for you too," Warrick replied. "Would you like me to accompany you? Because I don't have anything to do right now. Just waiting to get some results back."