Broken (Vegas RP)

(Good! You're officially Warrick! I dub thee: Warrick! :)

Grissom called Warrick to make sure Greg wasn't fooling around.
"His phone is on hold or something. Warrick, find Greg and tell him to keep his phone open. Catherine and I are checking out the suspect's house."
(( :lol: I thanketh thee! ))

"Yes, captain. Understood. And Nick's going to tag along, he's better at harassing Greg than I am." Warrick answered, trying to fight for somewhat a lighter mood. "Anything else, Master Grissom?"
Nick had been confused as to who Warrick was talking to, but he errupted in laughter at Warrick's last line. He was actually looking forward to what Grissom had to say to that. Nick was sure Grissom could hear him laughing, but he stifled it right away, though he was grinning from ear to ear.
Catherine stayed pretty quiet between her and Grissom on the way to the suspects house. She didn't want to screw anything up so if she didn't say anything, she couldn't do anything wrong either.
csiadict11 said:
Brenda shrugged, and Cassie glanced sideways at her, a little nervously. Brenda liked to draw pictures of things that made her mad, and then destroy them. ((remember in Blood Drops how Brenda drew that picture and destroyed it??? :)))
Cassie hoped that Brenda would remain calm, and not blow up...she didn;t want to worry or upset their host.

"Alright, well I'll stay with you girls for a little and draw with you while we wait for Nick. Sound good?" sara asked.
"Wll as long as you're in a joking mood you can tell Ecklie about the two girls who are staying with Nick and Sara. I forgot." Grissom smiled and hung up before Warrick could protest.

"Alright, we're here. Hopefully there hasn't been too much contamination. We're checking the living room, where the wife's body was found."
They nodded slowly, moving over for Sara to sit down. Cassie was chewing on her lip, watching Sara carefully, a little nervously.
Catherine nodded, still not saying much of anything. She just quickly went over to a spot and started processing quietly.
Warrick was about to bite Grissom's head off for leaving the job of telling Ecklie. "Arg.. He owes me.." Warrick mumbled, hanging up the phone and slipping it back into his pocket. "C'mon, Nick. Let's go talk to Greg, then I'm going to get you to do some work for me."
Nick didn't quite know what Warrick ment, but he followed along till they met up with Greg. Nick grinned momentairily. "Hey G."
(Aww Warrick, that's cold! :lol:)

Grissom looked over every inch of the living room, making sure not to bump into, or even get in the path of Catherine. He did it subcontiously and didn't even realize he was avoiding her.

"Aha, what is this?" (now would be where there would be a close up of a gold stud. :))
"And earring of some sort... and the wife did not have pierced ears." He smiled as he bagged the gleaming object.

(And so the plot thickens!)

"Crime of passion?" Catherine suggested quietly. She looked around and spotted blood spatter on the table. "I've got blood." Cath said as she snapped a picture.
"Looks good. I guess we have what we need," Grissom snapped a couple of extra pictures, knowing that Ecklie would be mad because dayshift had already investigated the scene.

'Well, Ecklie is of no concern just yet.'
Catherine just nodded. She didn't dare say a word in fear that she would say the wrong thing and something would flare up again. She was tiered of fighting, too many tears.
(Oh Cath, no need to be timid around him! He'll feel so guilty!)

Grissom looked over at Catherine, "We should get going."
He got everything ready and they both got into the car. He was tired of the silence and decided to break it no matter what she might say.
"Are you doing alright?"
(That's what I was aiming for haha)

Catherine kept her eyes trained on the floor. "I'm doing great Grissom." she said calmly.
Grissom looked at her. 'She's lying...'
"Are you sure? You haven't said much since the interrogation."