Broken (Vegas RP)

Grissom sighed as he thought about Nick's question. "You're not the only one who thought he did it. But I could try and pull up his credit cards. Although if he did hire someone he would be smart enough not to leave a paper trail."
He looked lost in thought before asking, "So how are the two girls?"
"Or maybe even look up the foster mother's phone records, see if anything is out of place?" Nick bit the inside of his lip, he wanted to take care of the girls, but he also wanted to work on the case. But he knew that wasn't an option now. "They're doing good.. Sara's talking with them right now."

Nick leaned against the door frame, feeling a sudden urge to shatter one of the glass walls of the lab, but restraining himself from doing so. He wasn't sure if it was out of rage or frustration.
Grissom looked over at the serious, tense CSI.
"You look a little upset. I'll get to everything but I just want to make sure you're doing okay." Grissom tried to keep his little speech short, knowing Nick had heard it before and realizing it might aggrivate him further.
"I know you're still upset about what happened to those girls, but you can't point fingers and jump to conclusions. That's not what we do. Nick, we have to look at what never lies: the evidence. We go wherever it takes us, and I just want to make sure you'll be okay with it."
Nick had one of his hard, 'etched-in-stone' looks for a moment, almost glaring at Grissom, jaw set. It took him a moment to actually start speaking again. "I know Grissom. It's just, I want this over with and the girls out of harms way. I want to see justice brought to the girls because they have been through so much as it stands," Nick replied, having a bit of a sting to his words. "I'm just.. pleased.. we got the step-father on something; Assault on an officer."
Grissom had to agree, "Yeah. Me too."
He had a hint of a smile but kept his own words in mind... he had to be non-biased.
"Well, I'll let you know what I find, you can help out Warrick on another case if you want or catch up on some paper work."
Nick barely even nodded and left without a word. He went to the front desk and checked for messages before he went to the locker room. Nick opened his locker and rummaged around for a few moments, not looking for anything particular, but soon he got fed up and slammed his locker door closed. The Texan punched the locker once, a splitting pain traveling through his knuckles, but he didn't take much notice.
Just then Warrick had walked in, watching Nick take out his anger on the metal doors. "You okay, man? Rough case?"
"You could say that.." Nick shot back, sitting down. "You heard what happened."
"Yeah.. Well, why don't you help me? I got a case going of a murder out on the strip." Warrick suggested, filling Nick in of what he got up till now. The discussion progressing into something that might have happened.
(I'm just going to have Catherine walking around aimlessly so you can bump into her when you want lol)

Grissom was pouring over several photos and credit card receipts. He looked over anything that could be even remotely suspicious (this is where there would be a little music montage :D)

After an hour of careful examination, he spied something.

He walked over to see Greg. He needed someone to visit the house again.
After he couldn't find him, he paged Greg, hoping he would go see him in his office.

He thought he saw Catherine in the break room but he wasn't sure if he should talk to her.
Catherine was relaxing in the breakroom with some coffee when she looked up and saw Grissom staring at her. She quickly looked back down at her coffee and blushed a little at being caught looking at him. With the way he has acted lately, she was afraid of being fiered for looking at him.(haha)
Grissom noticed her odd behavior and didn't want to ask what was wrong. With his luck he might get himself slapped.

( :D )
(I'm at a loss for the Grissom in this rp, I like the other Grissom better, the one that has some intresting hyper........)

Catherine let out a big sigh. She was at a loss for Grissom right now.(see? lol) She threw her disgusting black coffee away and walked back to her office. When she passed Grissom, she tried to give him a soft smile.
(I know. I thought you were a Yoblinger! :eek: Maybe I could play Warrick... hmmm... ;))

Grissom decided to inform her what he found, "You were right about the gambling. He's on camera, but that doesn't clear him. I think you and I should take a visit to the suspect's house. I tried to contact Greg but he seems busy at the moment."
He got up, and gave her a polite smile. Hopefully, she was less upset.
(I am a yo!blinger, I just multi-ship a lot lol)

Catherine nodded, but to be honest she was terrified of going anywhere with anyone but her own team on this one. Not even Brass would cut it in this case. She was not about to tell him that though, she had built up her courage to face him, and now she wasn't going to let her real feelings shine through yet again.
(I multi ship too. :) Too bad there's no Warrick!)

"Come on let's go."
With that he walked to the Denali, making sure Caherine was beside her.

It took them a while to get to the foster father's house. And through out that whole ride there was nothing but silence.
Awkward, painful silence.