Broken (Vegas RP)

(oooo, Catherine should totally visit that guy lol)

Catherine glared at Grissom as he walked past her. He didn't even look at her. She rolled her eyes and walked back into the interrogation room. "Brass, why is Grissom acting like this? He's acting so defensive, and he's beating up on me constantly like I did something wrong." she said as she sat down and put her head into her hands.
"Draw, computer games.. We had a card game going." It was Brenda who had spoke up this time.

Cassie smiled and nodded at what Brenda had said.
Nick stood back and watched as the thee conversed, letting the lab tech that was watching them go back to his work. He stood silently, letting his mind wander over thoughts of the case and eventually about when he could go home with the three of them. That would be nice right now.. he thought, smiling some.
((Yup, thus far. And Nick is off in the background. I can't quite remember all of what Grissom and Cath and Greg did without reading a billion posts. xD))
(Grissom and Cath are pretty much at each other's throats.....Catherine is pretty heartbroken right now lol)
(Grissom is being his usual no-nonsense self. He brings the science! And drama. :D)

Brass chuckled at Catherine's question.
"You know the guy almost as long as me. That's how he is. Everyone knows by now that he's married to his work, and any pressurre or possibility of change just confuses the hell out of him."
Brass walked out, making sure Catherine was behind her. "I'll tell you one thing though, he's got a funny way of showing he cares for his team."
"You call that caring?" Catherine said as she followed him out. "Where are we going?" Cath asked a little bluntly. "And he shouldn't even be working as hard as he is, he's stressing himself out and he won't let anyone in!" she said, talking too fast for comfort.
"Well, I'm gonna call Nick and Sara. See if the girls are doing okay. I'm sorry you can't check up on them," He apologized.
Brass tried to answer Catherine's queries:
"You know he cares. Someone like Ecklie wouldn't have let Nick and Sara look after the two girls. And I know he's hard headed but he was worried about you even after he came back from the hospital," Brass scratched his head in a thoughtful manner, "I always thought he worked too hard. But he won't listen to reason - go figure."

He walked off leaving Catherine to sort things out for herself.

(Ohh... what are you gonna do now?)
(Good question lol)

Catherine watched as Brass walked off. She walked out to the parking lot and sat down on one of the benches. She shook her head, not believing what Brass had said about Grissom caring about her. "He didn't care, he cared more about his work." she said, as she put her head in her hands. "He loves his work, nothing else." she said, a tear forming in her eye.
Meanwhile, Grissom had gotten the security tapes and was dismayed to see Catherine was right - he had an alibi.
They had no suspect and no new leads. They were no closer to the mother's murder than before.
"Now what?" he wondered.
News around the lab gets transfered quickly through the night shift. Nick heard a couple lab techs speaking about no new leads. He turned and went to go find Grissom, going over something in his mind. Even though he couldn't run the case, couldn't he atleast suggest something? Nick found Grissom a few minutes later.

"Hey Griss. I need to ask you something.. I've heard that the stepfather didn't do it.. Couldn't he have hired someone to do it, possibly? I mean, I thought we had him, he was looking so good for this murder." Nick sighed some.
csi_fanatic said:
"Sounds like fun, what are you girs drawing?" Sara asked with a smile.

Brenda shrugged, and Cassie glanced sideways at her, a little nervously. Brenda liked to draw pictures of things that made her mad, and then destroy them. ((remember in Blood Drops how Brenda drew that picture and destroyed it??? :)))
Cassie hoped that Brenda would remain calm, and not blow up...she didn;t want to worry or upset their host.