Broken (Vegas RP)

(Haha, we should have him like, stalk Catherine or something, that would be a great twist lol I wonder what you have up your sleave?)

Catherine was walking out of the lab when she heard Grissom talking about bringing the guy back in. She hid in the breakroom until they brought him in so that she could listen.
(I am completely making this up as I go along! :p I don't even know if the father actually did it... now that's a twist! :eek:)

Grissom sat down, calmly waiting for the foster father to be lead in.
He watched him and his lawyer walk in, looking somber and serious. 'Time to find out a few things.'

"Nice to see you again," Brass started the conversation, "Have you decided to tell us anything? Maybe you know something about your wife or daughters?"
(Haha, I didn't think you would actually like the idea lol.)

Catherine saw the man head into the room and Grissom soon to follow. She got up and stood behind the glass as the interrogation went on.
"Where's my lawyer?" Was all he said, he held his hands in fists, and stared at them.

(I didnt read it, lmao)

"No, I have nothing to say about it." He paused, "Because I didn't kill anyone."
"Right next to you, and it's a good thing because you'll need it." Brass responded with his dry wit.
"What do you have that implicates my client in the murder of his wife? He did nothing wrong and only acted out of grief for wanting to see his children," the lawyer was in attack mode :)lol:)
"Calm down there, I'll let my friend explain." Brass motioned to Grissom.
"Where were you on the night your wife was murdered?" Grissom was blunt.
"I was out." He said, but seeing the looks on Brass's and Grissom's places added, "Gambling..."

Edit: Sorry this is short but I have to go.
(Alright. Respond when you can :))

"Are you sure?" Brass asked.
"What do you mean by that? There is nothing that places my client at the scene." The lawyer said.
"What casino? Is there anyone who can verify that?" Grissom asked him.
(Haha, going along with the plotline, PM me if you want me to change it, and I'll fix it tomorrow morning.)

Catherine's eyes went wide. He was the one that won the 2 grand that one night she was at the Bellagio. In fact, she had seen him a lot of places before. She saw him at the gas station once, and at her church, this was starting to creep her out.

Catherine hesitated, but walked in. "I can." she said, with a frown on her face, and a look of terror.

(Haha, nice cliff hanger for tomorrow.)
Grissom and Brass turned around, gaping at Catherine.
"You what?" Grissom was not happy. He hoped he had heard her wrong.
Catherine glared at Grissom and lowered her head. "I remember him sitting at one of the slots, and he won, and he offered me a drink, and I said no. He told me that I didn't know what I was missing and walked away. But I now that I think of it, I've seen him in a lot of places, at the grocery store, at the bank, at the mall." Catherine said, a little disgusted, and ashamed.
Grissom was at a loss. Their main suspect had an alibi.
"Well, there you have it. From one of your own, no doubt." The lawyer spoke.
"Yeah well, he still attacked a uniformed official so he's gonna have to get used to his little cell." Brass glowered.
A police officer led the father back to his cell as Grissom ran his hand through his hair. 'Now what?'

"Catherine, I'll need the name of the casino so we can check the cameras." Grissom got up and addressed Catherine.
"In this case I hope you're not right," He muttered the last part.
Catherine bacame infuriated. "What Grissom? So that you can put away the wrong guy? Come on Grissom, this is so not like you, even if he does have an alibi, that doesn't mean that he's not still involved, and even if he isn't, what is the point of locking up the wrong guy? I was at the Bellagio, at the time of the murder, go check the tapes, you'll see exactly what I just told you, have you not noticed Grissom? He's stalking me, doesn't that concern you in the least? Because I know it concerns me, for my safety, but I guess you would rather have your job then one of your friends safe." she said as she stormed off and then leaned against the wall right outside the room.
Grissom felt confused and angry. What was going on with her? He turned to Brass who just shrugged as if to say 'Don't ask me. It's your problem.'
"We're going to the Belagio." He started to leave before adding, "Make sure to keep an eye on him. I don't want him hurting anyone else."
"You mean Catherine?"
Grissom just glared at Brass and left.