Broken (Vegas RP)

Nick had just finished signing the papers when he'd gotten the calls that the girls had gone missing. His heart skipped several beats. "Oh for Christ's sake..."
*Ten minutes later.*
Nick was passing one of the labs when he got the call from Grissom that the girls were in the morgue. What the hell are they doing in there? he asked himself before rushing downstairs. Pressing the door open he walked in and saw Grissom looking under a table. "Griss..?"

Stepping forward and following his supervisor's eyes he spotted the girls. "Why're you two in here, hn?" Nick asked the two girls, smiling some to them.
Brenda peeked out, "Hiding from HIM" She said to Nick, then shut her eyes again,
"He's not going to do things to us again, right Cassie? Not here? Right Cassie?" She said started to rock back and forth. Cassie turned to her,
"Easy Bren, it's ok. We are safe now..."
Nick got down on his knees and stretched a hand out to the two girls. "No, he's in costody. He's already going away for assault on an officer, you won't see him for a while." Nick offered a warm smile to the two, not much caring if Grissom was standing there watching or not. "We're going to get him for a LOT more than just that too, you won't see him for a while."

((And like hell he's gettin' out. You assault an officer, you get jail time, no if's and's or but's.))
Cassie nodded, but still didn't trust him. That's what they said LAST time. She took Brenda's hand and they stood up slowly, still shaking a little.
Nick reconized the look on her face, he tilted his head to the side and spoke again. "Sara and I will be looking after you. You'll be stayin' at my place, that okay?" he asked, withdrawing his hand.

He realized he and Sara hadn't gotten to the discussion of where the girls would be saying, but Nick had more than enough room in his house. Hell, he even had enough room for Sara to come stay also.
Nick grinned at both girls before standing and looking at Grissom. "Soon.. Just need to talk with Sara first." Nick mouthed to Grissom, 'call me if you need anything', before turning and extending his hand to the girls again. "Let's go see her."
Nick gently wrapped his hand around Cassie's before looking to Brenda and extending his other hand to her. "You okay, Brenda?" he asked kindly with a smile before he spoke again. "Trust me, you won't see him at all. He's locked up and out of your way."
(Darn! I missed having Grissom hiding under the table! Hmmm... I'll make up for it later. :))

Grissom smiled to himself, glad the situation was under control.
"Take care of them, Nick," he went back to his office, passing by Catherine's office.
'I wonder how she is,' he thought. He went over to see.

(Well, this won't end well. :D)
Sara finished the rest of the paper work. After finishing she stood up walked in the direction Nick had run off in. She spotted him with the Brenda and Cassie. "Hey" she said as she walked up. "Hi Brenda, Cassie" she told them.
(No, it wont)

Catherine looked at her watch, it was time to take her pills already. She got up and headed for her little fridge in the corner to get a drink, and pop her pills in. When she turned around, Grissom was standing there. She eyed him and sat down at her desk and started to speak before he could even try to apologize. "You left me there Grissom, you didn't even tell me you were leaving. You were the one that forced me to go to that hospital, and you left. I thought Grissom, for once, that you cared about something or someone over your work, but I guess I was wrong." she told him angrily.
Nick looked up at Sara and smiled to her some. "Hey Sar. Sorry for leavin' you like that." He finished his sentence with a grin. "Wanted to come find these two.. but instead, I found these two and Grissom hiding under a table." Nick was probably going to take that image to the grave with him, it was a rare occurance you'd see Grissom like that.
(I just remembered I'm Greg in this, and you guys have been using him while I... wasn't here. I read all of that but I don't really know how Greg will fit in, if you can think of something tell me or PM me and I'll join back in. :3 )
(I wanted to include Greg in because Sara and Nick are "off the case" - but they'll probably be involved some how. ;) Greg can help Grissom and Catherine, and probably be the mediator cuz it looks like they'll be mad for a while. :D)

Grissom was taken by surprise, "I took you to the hospital because you were injured. I shouldn't have to drag a grown woman to the hospital to get treated. And you're as worried about those girls as anyone, so I thought you would understand why I need to be here."
Grissom offered his explanation and left to check on Greg.