Broken (Vegas RP)

Sara placed a hand on Nick's should and it was tense. She leaned in "loosen up some" she pleaded with a soft whisper not wanting him to do something he'd regret. She watched Grissom talk to the socail workers.
After a few more minutes, Grissom came back inside. The C.S agents were gone for the moment.
"Nick, Sara do you really want to look after Brenda and Cassie?" He wanted to make sure.
He was putting his neck out for them, and he might as well make sure they really wanted this.
Grissom looked over at Nick who agreed.
"Alright, I've made some arrangements with social services. You can look after the girls, but under a few conditions," he put on his stern face, "Nick, Sara, I'm taking you off the case. Before you protest, you have to know that this is the only way you won't be compromising the case," he kept going, "You'll have to fill out some paperwork that the social workers want, and they will be making some visits every week. Possibly every day."
He turned to Catherine, "I'm taking over the case, you and Greg will work with me," he gave Catherine a stern look, "You can't have too much contact with the girls. If Ecklie or anyone else catches wind of this, and if you get too involved with them personally, the girls will go back to foster care. Understand?" He addressed the last part to the three of them. He wanted to make sure they were clear on the rules.
"Understood" Sara said with a huge smile. As much as she wanted to be on the case she didn't want the girls to be hurt. "You ready for this?" she asked Nick.

((sara and nick aren't married are they just just wondering))
(Don't believe so)

*Great* she thought *This is all becoming one big nightmare, now I can't have too much contact with the girls, how else am I supposed to run an investigation on these terms?* she thought to herself. She got up and rolled her eyes at Grissom and then walked to her office, this whole thing was stressing her out.

(Hmmm....Hestia, should we try another Gil/Cath? lol Seems it's splitting that way already)
((No, thus far, Sara and Nick are just taking care for the momento.. o.o As far as I understand.))

"Yeah.. Ready as I'll ever be, Sar.." Nick smiled back some before looking to Grissom. "Thanks Griss."

((Sorry, been away at Grandma's for Easter dinner.))
(I roll with whatever anyone gives me. ilovegrissom1 go for whatever you want. It's your call ;))

Grissom smiled back. People may accuse him of being a pushover, but not an uncaring boss.
As he watched them leave, he turned to Catherine, "I'll find Greg, you can go finish that interrogation. Greg will join you shortly."
He had to face Ecklie after getting Greg, and Grissom was not looking forward to that.
Nick agreed with Sara and walked off with her to the front desk, finding the agents there. "Sara.. I have to tell you now, I haven't taken care of a child since God knows when. So don't be supprised if you need to 'enforce the law' per se." He grinned at her some.
"Yeah, sure Grissom." Catherine said in an angry tone. Today, Grissom had been nothing but heartless to her. He didn't comfort her when she needed it most, and now that she had controlled her emotions, went right back to work, as usual. She wondered if she would ever see any kind of emotion in her boss.

She had said that she would go back to interrogation, but she didn't move, she just sat on the bence, legs and arms crossed. Before she could even turn her head back to look at the interrogation room, a man walked in.

"Hi, I'm looking for Brenda and Cassie."

Catheirne stood up.

"Who are you sir?" she asked.

"I'm their father."

Catherine's suspicions were raised about him being the foster father that was looking for them. "We can't let you see them sir, they are still being questioned."

"I'm their legal guardian, and I don't want them in there anymore, now can I please see them?" he asked, getting angry.

"I'm sorry sir, but as of right now Brenda and Cassie are in the care of someone else."

"No, they're mine! Let me see them!"

"Sir, I think you need to calm down." Catherine said, getting nervous.

"They are my children, I raised them, I want them!"

"Well you can't have them, and if you want to start an argument with someone then I suggest you leave, we don't take well to men like you in this lab."

"You bitch." said the man. He soon after took a swing at Catherine and punched her stright across the face. He then took her by her throat and held her up against the wall.

"Let me see them."

Cath kicked him, right where the sun don't shine, and fell to the ground as he released her. She was breathing heavily as she watched two police officers take him away.

(Yeah, there's some shama for ya lol)
(( *feels guilty for walking away none the less* >.<; ))

Nick's ears perked at the commotion and the yelling down the hall behind him from where Catherine still was. "Th' hell..?" He turned around and looked, even though they were only a few feet from the desk. He watched as a man was escorted away from Catherine and he soon looked at her. Having a look of question, his expression saying 'are you alright?' and 'who the hell was that?'
( :D Shama... take that foster father!)

Grissom was just about to knock on Ecklie's office when he heard the commotion, he turned around and debated whether he should check out what was going on.
Ecklie stepped out and stood face to face with Grissom.
"What the hell is going on Grissom?" Ecklie walked spied the two officers dragging a guy down the hall.
The guy was screaming at how his rights were violated, throwing an expletive every other word.
'I guess that solves that problem...'

Grissom walked over and spotted Catherine, Ecklie was close behind.