Bring Back Burn!

Exactly, at the very least the entire thing shoulda been about Aiden, and we shoulda spent more time seeing things from her pov. It should been her story not an oh well this is what happened and it's over and forgotten after this ep. That's not how it is in rl and a good show would reflect that.
Seems like so many - too many - shows use exactly that crutch where they start up with a particular story line about the character's personal life then leave it in the middle of nothing. I hope that the myriad story lines about the characters this season don't simply get forgotten next season. They should deal with the ramifications of the change in the relationships among the CSIs brought on by Danny's brother's demise (?), Aiden's death, Stella's assault, Flack's near-death. I hope they prove me wrong!

Of course, no matter what they do, I'll keep watching. I'm such a CSI whore :devil:
lol spring, but I agree they should deal with it before movin on..

And I agree with Imzadi83, we should've seen more through Aiden's POV, and not have it finished like "oh well this happened, lets move on"..Aiden deserved alot better. Not saying that the episode wasn't a good one. Hopefully, she'll at least get mentioned in the new season.
Sry, I got you wrong. You said Aiden deserves alot more. So I guessed you wanted to congratulate Aiden for what she did wrong. I want my brain back. :D
Guess I´ll grief on. :(
Go ahead. Don´t forget to credit, when use. ;)

Let´s just change roles. Let Aiden be Macs Boss. Let´s assume Mac being the one planting evidence. You think he would have told Aiden?