Bring Back Burn!

I agree with you.

Aiden was a great actor and a uniquely character. Besides she was the best female partner for Danny. They accord marvelously with one another. Really a perfect pair...

Is unfortunate, that she must die. :(

But they remains unforgotten... ;)
There's always flashbacks. Plus a good writer can write themselves out of any plot hole they've put themselves into. Course we are talking about the CSI writers here :(
They could do some scary sci-fi ressurection!!!! I wish. Burn was the fo' shiz, they could've killed off.....well i dunno it's not easy to decide cuz all the NY's are really my educated opinion.
Sci-fi is right in lines with ghosts and séances. CSI: NY isn't Supernatural, or Invasion, or anything else like that. If they had a victim that was picked up by a UFO and probed to death, we'd all be like, wth?

The writers dug themselves into this hole, and there's very little they can do to get themselves out. I would be angry if they whipped Aiden out onto stage and claimed that it was her estranged twin sister in the car, who had just heard all these stories. I'm sure most of you would be too.
Dream's are difficult to pull off in shows ... it could work, but I don't have much faith in the writers at this point.
I think they can pull it off if they try really hard, thats the only thing I can think of besides Aiden not really being in that fire.
I think Flashbacks would be nice, especially when referencing a case, or maybe a similar case to Aidens situation, but, I agree with the whole "oh lets have a twin sister come back" or "oh lets do some like dream sequence", it sucks she's gone but Vanessa said in some article (I believe on csifiles) that she just wanted to focus on movies and whatever else she wants to do with her life, which I think was the reason for them offing her when and how they did, again, it sucks, she was one of my fav's, but... oh well..