Bring Back Burn!

Well, for starters, we wouldn't be be stuck with Lindsay :rolleyes: But seriously :p , are we talking what would've happened if Aiden didn't die or if she was still on the team?
Hmmmm. In that case... If, by some sort or divine intervention, Aiden managed to survive Pratt's attack, it would've been a good reason for the team to work together to catch Pratt. Since Aiden was once a part of the team, and a friend, they would've certainly be motivated to solve the case. It might even help Lindsay show a more compassionate (?) side. But since the " the team visiting an injured friend at the hospital ending " card has been taking by Flack in COTP, there was no way they were gonna repeat the same storyline in the same season, especially with the episodes so close together.
Yes - let Aiden chase Pratt. It comes to a fight. Aide gets the chance to kill him, but she doesn´t do it.
This shows her colleagues she´s still in control of herself.
I´ll never forgive Mac he didn´t fire Danny. :D

But let´s stick to Aiden. It really sucks Aiden got shot. I mean... she only came back for that. I´d have prefered to fire Aiden and period. No need to kill her - that´s crap. :mad:
I agree, its really crappy. When I heard she was coming back, I didn't think it was going to kill her! That's just crap!
God - when they say Aiden returns the viewers think she´ll stay. But letting somebody return, only so that they can kill her - that´s so bullshit for Aidens fans. :(

Why don´t they let Aiden notice what she did and she´s gonna shot herself in the head. That´s drama, too.
No more guest-appearences neccessary.

Come on... it´s not our fault Vanessa suddenly becoming a CSI-coward. :eek:
Oh, I miss Aiden too. I like Lindsay, but I prefer Aiden a whole lot better... goes with the whole NY attitude.

And yes, even when they brought her back, her appearance on the show was brief, in flashbacks even, so that kind of sucked. :(

New to this thread, by the way, so hello fellow Aiden fans! *waves*
Thanks for the welcome, iheartnickcath! :D

Yeah, I thought that whole epi was a bit of a let down, even though I was grateful to see her again. :(
No prob! :D .. I know exactly what you mean, I was so excited to hear she was back, and then they killed her. I think I screamed and yelled for really long time.