Bones *Spoilers*

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Re: Bones

Heya I'm australian and the show hasn't even aired here . . . I am completely living of music videos (there are like . . .none . . someone tell me where they are) and transcipts here! OMG, the ship is adorable . . . *grins*
Your recaps have given me my happiness for the week :D
Re: Bones

You can find some vidoes on LiveJournal but I don't know all the group titles. One is can find them by searching Bones but you have to pick throug a lot of anorexia sites. Searching 'Booth' or 'Brennan' or something like that might find you a group.
Re: Bones

Happy Birthday today, June 9, to Michaela Conlin, who plays Angela Montenegro. Hope you had a great day. If you are reading this, log in and say hello.
Re: Bones

Hey there, i'm a Bones fan.

I don't know if its been said but does anyone else actually dislike Brennan? If it wasn't for the likable other characters i don't think i could watch it. But the plots are good, and Booth, Zach, Angela and Hodgens make me laugh!
Re: Bones

Okay, so I know Annie Garrett was a character in "Vertical Limit" played by Robin Tunney from Empire Records and Prison Break.. but I'm still confused as to what she has to do with Brennan. *pulls hair out*

I for one love Brennan. I think she's quirky and adorable and reminds me of a younger female Grissom. I don't like Hodgins. He reminds me far too much of Daniel Stern.
Re: Bones

I haven't met anyone who didn't like Brennan so far. I like her too, I love how she's "socially challenged", as Booth sometimes put it.

As for Hodgins, I'm not all crazy about his conspiracy theories. It gets irritating sometimes. And I'm not sure I like the Jack/Angela thing going on. But hey, maybe I'll grow to like it.
Re: Bones

My thoughts on the Jack/Angela thing is that Jack is far too dislikable a character thus far.. high strung in an unappealing way, rather than a quirky one. In the next season I'd like to see tptb tone down his character a little bit, make him less neurotic and paranoid. It was cute in Fox Mulder. It's a cliche in him. If he proves himself nicely, I'll be okay with his lust (love?) for Angela. But to be honest, I find Ang to be one of the best characters on tv today, and I'm totally identifying with her and praying for her happiness :)
Re: Bones

ziggystarduzt said:
Okay, so I know Annie Garrett was a character in "Vertical Limit" played by Robin Tunney from Empire Records and Prison Break.. but I'm still confused as to what she has to do with Brennan. *pulls hair out*

I for one love Brennan. I think she's quirky and adorable and reminds me of a younger female Grissom. I don't like Hodgins. He reminds me far too much of Daniel Stern.

First, you are right it is Vertical Limit!

Second, in the time line, I saw Bones before Vertical Limit... I think the role of Brennan is not bad after watching several eps of Bones, but cannot say I like that character...(Yes, maybe it has something to do with my habit, I won't give the word "like" to some role or actress/actor if I haven't found a "reason" to like them.)...But when I hapened to watch the movie VL, I recoganized her as I recoganized others, and I stayed to continue watching. Whne the movie is over, I stayed silence for a while, and then told myself that "she is good"...It means I admit my like to Emily Deschanel... :D Is it clear? :lol: If I mean we are talking about the play including cast... :lol: :D
Re: Bones

I'm unahappy with Fox's preemptions of Bones for the dance show, but the new season's supposed to start in late August and it'll be great if it does. ('course there's still a several week hiatus for baseball but...)

And new spoilers are surfacing, I'll post later though, too tired now.
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