Bones *Spoilers*

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I was gone last week so I assume there was not a new episode
:confused: ??

and I don't see Booth purposely ruining a date but I don't see him sitting around moping either

as for fanfic.. go for that's where I would start anyway butterflylove206 :D
well duh FFN I was just wondering if anyone had a specific favorite fic or one of their own. I don't feel like sifting through the 20 pages at FFN

do you think at the end when he said somthing to the effect of "defiantly a brighter tie" he meant he was jelous of Sully (b/c Brennan had just announced in that very subtle *not* way of hers she slept with him) or just in general?
Alyssa said:
New episode this week, folks. Hope is on the way! :)
I am not sure where you live, but here in the United States there won't be a new episode until next week, March 14. Episode 15 of season 2, The Bodies in the Book.
*sigh* I was confused since House was new. *sigh* I absolutely hate Fox's schedule. It's funny, because it's the network I watch most, these days, but I absolutely abhor the way they structure things around American Idol. Other shows have fans, too!

I apologize for my confusion.
I watched the new episode that was on Wednesday night (I DVR'd it)

I have to say .. I like Brennan and Sully. They are really cute together. I hope she doesn't push him away.
and Booth, he's SOOO Jealous!!!

The cases were creepy too, like the woman being fed to the rats...ewwww!!!
when they pulled that guy out of the water I freaked out completely because I knew from the little teaser thing that it was going to be a copycat of Brennan's books and in one of the real life books (how confusing if this whole parallel universe-ish thing!) there was a killer with the whole red tape thing.

I just love this whole thing where Kathy Reich's writes the character of Tempe Brennan who writes the character Kathy Reichs, lets see somebody write a fic where they all meet, wow would that be confusing, especially if you write it like Temperance Brennan from the books is a different character than Temperance Brennan from the show, yikes!

oh and speaking on connections with the books (sorry guys if you haven't read them, I have them on the brain I guess) Kathy Reichs said in an interview at some point that tv Brennan is like a younger version of literary Brennan, so if you assume Ryan = Booth then does Pete = Sully?

anyway, I think they're building to something big for the finale and I don't mean like a huge case. I hate to say this because I really like Sully and he has obviously helped Brennan out of her shell a little, but I have never heard anything about a long term contract for whats-his-name that plays Sully, so maybe hes getting killed off? I could see how they could be sorta foreshadowing that with this last epi because of the whole Brennan blaming herself and pushing him away thing. Sorry again, I really like Sully but just saying.
Or they could just have him leave? Honestly, why does everyone have to get killed off. So dramatic. :/

I think the Gravedigger is going to come back. That's my bet, because I distinctly remember Hodgins mentioning at the end of that episode that he was worried that the guy would come back and get him. The nightmares or some such.
they always have to get killed off because this is TV and about to be season finale time.

The gravedigger coming back is certainly plausible in my opinion. Again, because this is TV: if they don't catch him, he's coming back in a finale or opener or sweeps epi.
He'll be back. TV shows like this just can't have a character on there and not tell you what has happened to them, especially if they are evil.
So what do you think the question will be? My money is on "Move in with me" or "Are you in love with Booth"
We just had the episode over in Australia where they found the dead boy and the foster girl was questioned in her death.

I loved the Cam and Brennan standoff and that not only would the Squints walk with Brennan, but Booth would as well. That was just so awesome :)

Great episode :)
I saw the last half hour of the episode last night.

So what is the real reason she didn't go with Sully? My money is on that she is in love with Booth.
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