Bones *Spoilers*

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Aliens in a Spaceship was a great episode. I loved the Brennan/Hodgins bonding, and how she hugged him right before they blew up the airbags. I was kinda disappointed at her and Booth, though. I was kind of expecting a hug, but then again that'd be too cliche. ^_^
2x14 Spoilers

I really don't like Sully/Agent Sullivan. There's a scene in here with Booth and Sully where Sully basically calls Booth out on being "hot for" Bones, but then simultaneously mentions he hopes Bones doesn't move too slow. Yes, Sully and Bones are loosely dating. Ew. There's a part where Bones goes to see Sully while he's playing basketball with some of his friends, and the girls hanging out there are joking on how Sully got the nickname, "Peanut" assuming it has to do with his penis size. Later, when Angela seems surprised that Bones hasn't slept with Sully, yet, Bones comments on the "Peanut" thing.

A funny moment, to me? Cam doesn't know Booth is in therapy/psychiatric evaluation. Bones makes a mention of it in front of Cam, probably unaware that she doesn't know, then makes a comment about Booth's socks. I'm assuming he's wearing really boring, normal guy socks since he's quite famous for some of the craziest socks in the world.

It's really hard to follow the plot of this one because they spend most of their time in court. In short, a man was murdered, and his wife (Clarissa) is a suspect. Turns out, the wife was once engaged to a member of the Squint Squad. That's right, this woman was engaged to Hodgins long ago, and Hodgins was friends with the wife and the husband. They try to hide the fact from everyone so Hodgins can help work the case, but it comes out in a conversation between the wife and Booth. She accidentally says Hodgins' first name. Oops.

Booth is PISSED. He slams our boy Hodgins against his vehicle, telling him he better be out of town when they go to court, and that he might want to look for a new job. Yikes.

Cam doesn't seem pleased, either, and asks the man what he has to say for himself. He lists off three things, then turns to Angela, finishing with, "I love you." I swooned when I read that, I really did. However, Cam's anger isn't unjustified, towards the end of the script, Hodgins has to get up and testify, and this could ruin the case for them. I mean, you can't be friend with the person you're trying to help clear. Oops.

Also, wife had an affair a few months back, but claims that stopped, and that she and Terry (husband) were getting things back on track before he died. She was off vacationing with friends while he was supposed to have been on a fishing trip alone. They took separate vacations. Also, there's fear that a youth center Terry was involved with had something to do with his murder. Lots of troubled kids there, some selling drugs. Apparently, Terry would take the drugs off them, then turn the drugs into the police himself so the kids wouldn't get in trouble. He was trying to help them clean up their acts, and the kids really liked him. Unfortunately, though, one of the kids is a suspect.

That's what I have for now. :)
Wow. Sounds like a very difficult one. And that's strange that Cam doesn't know about Booth in therapy/psychiatric evaluation. Very strange.

And something tells me that I'm not going to like Sully.
It's funny, because in his first episode 2x13, he and Bones spend the whole time fighting because Booth has sorta talked to them both in a way that will keep them under pressure, to keep them from getting to cozy and stopping work on the case. See, they're very alike in that they're both very into science. Booth always served as a balance for Bones, and they kept each other in check. Booth is worried that two of a kind will slow them down.

I think that, in part, sort of set the stage for this little "romance." I mean, they want to see how they get along without Booth's intervention. And, I have to say, I just don't like the guy. He's not a "bad" guy, but his cockiness and arrogance can be a bit much, at times.


Hop over to There's a scene I remember seeing in the sides that made me laugh. It's up there for Bones.
Agent Sullivan is being played by Eddie McClintock. According to, he has been mistaken for David Boreanaz that might lead to something interesting. Wonder if casting did that on purpose. hmm.
Don't forget there's a Bones TV Guide cover this week. Mine came in the mail today and I'm happy :) And also happy 'cause next week is CSI NY lol
Squee. This is "The Headless Witch in the Woods." It's about a mystery, wrapped up in a new murder. See, years ago there was a witch out in those woods, beheaded by an ax... or so the story goes. Now, there's a fresh murder, killed the same way. Legend has it that the witch haunts the woods, killing people with the same ax that killed her... but will Bones buy into the superstition?

Oh, and Bones finds a new guy to flirt with, which kinda throws Booth off. Teehee!
BabaOReilly said:
Can anyone tell me if it's a new episode on tomorrow night, or is it another repeat?
Actually, it is both. New at 8pm (Easterm) and rerun at 9pm.
8pm: The Headless Witch in the Woods (new)
9pm: Two Bodies in the Lab (from March 2006)
Thank you one and all. I will be certain to set my VCR appropriately. :)

I love when Bones flirts with men in front of Booth. That's always good stuff!
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