Bones *Spoilers*

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Hey guys

I believe this is my first time posting in this thread. :D

I'm finally catching on to Bones. :D And I really enjoyed last night's vegas ep. It was so cute when they mention the Tangiers hotel. :lol:

I've always had a thing for David Boreanaz during his Buffy days. :lol:

Last night was a great episode. There was a part in the original script that I was a little worried about, but they took it out. See, Bones was supposed to accidentally drop, in front of the squints, that Booth was an ex-gambler, and that pissed him off, causing tension between the two of them... INTERESTING.

Speaking of tension:

2x13 Spoilers

This one is kinda sad to me. Basically, a young woman, Judy, went off for a big spring break with her friend. Daddy was very protective of her, but allowed her to have this one big celebration. Unfortunately, this expedition ended with Judy raped and murdered. What happened then? She was fed into an alligator.

Judy was with her friend, Abby, and they lost track of each other at one point. Unfortunately, both girls were underage and sloshed. Abby gave most of her pictures to the police, but held back on a few, not wanting Judy's father to see the ones of Abby really drunk out of consideration for her dead friend. Besides being drunk, the two girls got themselves on the "Hotty Body Rules" show for flashing their breasts at the camera. It's one of those "Wild and wet chicks go crazy" type shows. This gives Bones some direction in her search.

The two find themselves in the world of "Hotty Bodies." A few guys travel around with video cameras to get shots of half naked women. One of the guys complains that it used to be a hunt, a thrill to try to coerce women to take off their top, but now, women lift their shirt as soon as they see the camera. He's super creepy. Oh, and these videos don't end up on tapes. They go straight online. Ew.

Now, Booth is not helping Bones in this episode. Well, not officially, anyways. He is with a psychologist after 2x12. I won't tell you what happened, for those who don't want to know the end, but those of you who DO know the end understand.

Bones has been paired up with Agent Sullivan. He likes to be called, "Sully" which makes me think of a big blue monster voiced by John Goodman. There's a little heat between them, which makes me grind my teeth, but we've had ABOTW before. Or UGLI's. Whatever you want to call them. Anyway, Bones spends a lot of time calling Booth while he's at the psychologist's to get help. BTW: As of page 46, Booth is still working on that dratted barbeque!

How is she able to call him? Well, the psychologist, rather than sitting down to talk, is making Booth construct a barbeque pit. So, Booth has time to answer his phone and give her pointers, etc.

Random bit of info? Something I think I knew but forgot? Bones is a vegetarian. I spaced on that!

Unfortunately, Judy's father is a wreck. He speaks with Angela a lot through this episode, and I have to warn you guys, there will be angst. Angela screws up, badly, and Hodgins stands by her side as she tells Bones what happened. It's truly tragic.

The end? Whodunnit? I know, but I'm not telling. :) Not this week. Let's have a little more intrigue this time, especially if things change!
There is a clip for next week's ep on on the homepage. It's a good choice, I think, as it certainly gets my mouth watering.

2x13 Revisions:

Well, originally we didn't think our fav duo had ANY time together, only phone conversations. Well, they start out the script together. It's actually super cute, with Booth getting a phone call, and Bones asking if she can come. This is a far cry from the days when she'd battle with Goodman over having to go places with Booth. Anyway, an ice cream truck is right outside the diner they're leaving, and the guy won't turn it off so Booth can hear what's being said on the phone. So, he pulls out his gun and shoots the ice cream truck speaker. It's quite amusing.

Anyway, the next scene is Booth and Brennan on the phone, her going to Florida, him having to see the psychiatrist. I just love that he shot the ice cream truck's speaker. I have a really awful story involving those, and it's feels like justice to me!

So, after that? We get to find out that Agent Sullivan was Booth's idea. Yep, Booth sent Agent Sullivan to work with Bones in Florida. Bones seems disconcerted that she has to, "Break in another FBI agent." Hah.

Also, nice juxtaposition with Booth and Sully. Booth holds the door open for an old lady as he and Bones exits the diner in the beginning. Sullivan? He basically brushes Bones off when she asks for help.

Later, we find out this was Booth's doing. LONG story short, he set these two up in a way that would be most effective for getting work done. He knew they'd thrive under conflict. Although, one can't help but wonder if Booth was worried about losing his prize Squint.

And the new, revised script? It basically ends with Sullivan flirting with Bones, the two of them conversing about how they'll no longer be working together, and him telling her he'll call her about a date, sometime soon. Bleh. Although, I guess I can handle Sullivan, who will more than likely never be seen again after this episode in person more than I can deal with Cam who we are forced to view every week.

Make of it what you will.

ETA: 93 Bones icons at my LJ community! Check 'em out!
We just had the episode in Australia where Angela's boyfriend is killed. I had two favorite things about the episode - firstly was Booth walking in and Bones still being in bed - and the total perfection of that scene was awesome.

I also loved seeing more to the friendship of Bones and Angela. The way Bones just said "I'm going" when she went on the vacation, and the hug, and the scenes between them were just so well written.

Fantastic episode.
You made me rewatch that episode. :) It's interesting to compare what happened with Angela and Kirk with what's going on right now with Angela and Hodgins.

In "The Skull in the Desert," Angela loved a man, but couldn't give him what he wanted, her. She then worried about losing her last chance for that kind of happiness, that kind of love. She lost Kirk.

Here she is, and Hodgins is about to be buried alive... Wow. I mean, she lost Kirk. It killed her waiting for the results to confirm that the skull was his. Imagine her waiting to see if she's going to lose her second chance. I can't imagine! They better have some freaking continuity on that! :)
Alyssa said:
Just a heads up for those who didn't know: This week's episode? The one coming up on Wednesday? Directed by David Duchovny. :)

From what I heard, it's not. The episode he's directing has Kathy Reichs and Ryan O'Neil in it, which is "Judas on a Pole". It's tentatively scheduled to air on 12/13, but there are rumors going around that this wednesday's episode is the last new ep before winter hiatus and new episodes will begin airing again on 1/10. Supposedly, there will be two hours of repeats of Bones every Wed night until then though.

From a TV Guide interview with Kathy Reichs. Had they been trying to work you into the show for a while?
Reichs: Yeah, we'd been talking about it and [executive producer] Hart [Hanson] said, "How about I write a part in for you?" I wasn't that wild to do it, but then he said, "David Duchovny is directing the episode." I said, "OK, I'm there." Are you playing one of Brennan's rival authors?
Reichs: I am playing a forensic anthropologist who is a member of Zach Addy's dissertation committee. It's the scene where he is defending his thesis in front of the committee, and we are a stern and dour group.

And from an interview with Ryan O' Neil. He talks about working with Duchovny in the video clip.

You can also find the description of 'Judas on a Pole' that talks about Zach's dissertation and mentions Ryan O' Neil as on of the actors, here
If there are repeats, I have hope of seeing last week's ep again.

Tonight Aliens in the Spaceship is new and then there's a repeat of S1's Man on the Fairway.
Tonight we had the episode with the 300 year old Bones and the treasure. LOVED the guys with the pirates and Angela's "It's a guy thing, sweetie".

And Bones with her "FBI! You're all under arrest for murder!"

And my personal favorite, when her bones are missing and she's interrogating everyone: "I want my bones!" And then Angela helped her with the word 'sorry'.

Fantastic episode :)
Aliens in a spaceship was good. Made me go back and watch the other two episodes on the streaming site. I wish I had watched the rest while they were still on there... got back into Bones a little too late in the season... :(
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