Last night was a great episode. There was a part in the original script that I was a little worried about, but they took it out. See, Bones was supposed to accidentally drop, in front of the squints, that Booth was an ex-gambler, and that pissed him off, causing tension between the two of them... INTERESTING.
Speaking of tension:
2x13 Spoilers
This one is kinda sad to me. Basically, a young woman, Judy, went off for a big spring break with her friend. Daddy was very protective of her, but allowed her to have this one big celebration. Unfortunately, this expedition ended with Judy raped and murdered. What happened then? She was fed into an alligator.
Judy was with her friend, Abby, and they lost track of each other at one point. Unfortunately, both girls were underage and sloshed. Abby gave most of her pictures to the police, but held back on a few, not wanting Judy's father to see the ones of Abby really drunk out of consideration for her dead friend. Besides being drunk, the two girls got themselves on the "Hotty Body Rules" show for flashing their breasts at the camera. It's one of those "Wild and wet chicks go crazy" type shows. This gives Bones some direction in her search.
The two find themselves in the world of "Hotty Bodies." A few guys travel around with video cameras to get shots of half naked women. One of the guys complains that it used to be a hunt, a thrill to try to coerce women to take off their top, but now, women lift their shirt as soon as they see the camera. He's super creepy. Oh, and these videos don't end up on tapes. They go straight online. Ew.
Now, Booth is not helping Bones in this episode. Well, not officially, anyways. He is with a psychologist after 2x12. I won't tell you what happened, for those who don't want to know the end, but those of you who DO know the end understand.
Bones has been paired up with Agent Sullivan. He likes to be called, "Sully" which makes me think of a big blue monster voiced by John Goodman. There's a little heat between them, which makes me grind my teeth, but we've had ABOTW before. Or UGLI's. Whatever you want to call them. Anyway, Bones spends a lot of time calling Booth while he's at the psychologist's to get help. BTW: As of page 46, Booth is still working on that dratted barbeque!
How is she able to call him? Well, the psychologist, rather than sitting down to talk, is making Booth construct a barbeque pit. So, Booth has time to answer his phone and give her pointers, etc.
Random bit of info? Something I think I knew but forgot? Bones is a vegetarian. I spaced on that!
Unfortunately, Judy's father is a wreck. He speaks with Angela a lot through this episode, and I have to warn you guys, there will be angst. Angela screws up, badly, and Hodgins stands by her side as she tells Bones what happened. It's truly tragic.
The end? Whodunnit? I know, but I'm not telling.
Not this week. Let's have a little more intrigue this time, especially if things change!