Big Season Finale Spoiler *MAJOR SPOILER*

Who do you think will die in the season finale of CSI: NY?

  • Mac Taylor

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Stella Bonasera

    Votes: 4 1.8%
  • Danny Messer

    Votes: 12 5.5%
  • Lindsay Monroe

    Votes: 80 36.7%
  • Sheldon Hawkes

    Votes: 20 9.2%
  • Don Flack

    Votes: 4 1.8%
  • Adam Ross

    Votes: 5 2.3%
  • Sid Hammerback

    Votes: 2 0.9%
  • Jessica Angell

    Votes: 90 41.3%

  • Total voters
Those already deceased can probably be left out though.
Ya think? :wtf: Maybe they'll resurect Aiden just to kill her again.[/sarcasm] :rolleyes:

What, weren't you paying attention? Aiden wasn't killed; she went into witness protection and they're going to kill her again in the finale to emphasize the drama while still keeping everyone on their current cast. :lol:

No, but really. I'm pretty sure that "change our lineup forever" means main cast. Unless TPTB changed the meaning of the word "lineup".
:lol: If Danny suddenly comes from a family of cops, anything is possible.

Oh, even better! That entire episode where Aiden died never even happened. :guffaw:

In all seriousness, I still think that Hawkes or Lindsay is the most likely to be killed off.
1) Those two are portrayed by the two actors that have the most reason to be leaving in the first place.
2a) Hawkes has been extremely underused, so I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to just kill him off.
2b) Lindsay's death would have the most impact on a singular character. Danny would be left as a single parent, which lends the most character development from a single event in this case.
I've just read this review at and I think the person who wrote it has a point when she says:
It seems the Big Apple crime lab may lose another family member. Speculation as to who is all over the map, so I am not going to guess. However, I would caution any reader to expand the definition of family by including characters who have made any sort of impact on the show. Those already deceased can probably be left out though.
I wish Lindsay left, but as time goes by, I think we'll be stuck with her for a long, long time while someone unimportant will kick the bucket.

It's definitely possible that the line-up change quote is an exaggeration meant to stir up more interest/curiosity in the death than will actually be warranted. At this point, I think it's too early to tell for sure either way, but a possibility? Certainly.

Those already deceased can probably be left out though.

Ya think? :wtf: Maybe they'll resurect Aiden just to kill her again.[/sarcasm] :rolleyes:

:lol: That statement definitely elicited a WTF? from me as well. :lol:
When I first read this spoiler my instinct was it would be one of:

1. Lindsay
2. Hawkes
3. Angell

Lindsay if Anna Belknap has decided to take some time out to be a full time mom; Hawkes if Hill Harper has decided he is trying to spin too many plates and has decided this is one plate he can do without; Angell if TPTB have decided to kill off a recognisable character without wanting to kill a series regular.

My guess was that it will be Angell. My reasoning was that she has appeared enough for regular and even less than regular viewers to know who she is and she has had some development this year with the romance with Flack and the greek coins storyline with Stella. This allows them to explore the loss to the team (and Flack in particular) without them having to lose anyone from the main credits. If it is Angell then the plus side is that (hopefully) Eddie Cahill will get a good storyline out of it next year (although I suppose they could go the same route as when they blew him up at the end of season 2 and have him healed and good to go by the next seasons start!)

I've been interested to read all the speculation that the DL baby/ wedding makes Lindsay or Danny a good candidate, and in particular the thoughts about the lingering shots of the bloody wedding ring last week and the emphasis on the 'til death do us part' bit of the wedding service. It certainly would seem to suggest that one of them (and I think more likely Lindsay than Danny) could be the one to die if we believe the writers are foreshaddowing the 'tragic loss' of one half of the just married new parents.

But then the timing of the spoiler - right before 'the wedding' - is interesting too given that we have no other spoilers and no casting calls for 5.25 yet. Someone has obviously decided to stir up interest and speculation and, knowing these DL scenes were coming up, knew that we would do exactly what we are doing (i.e. look for clues as we speculate who it is that will die). From a marketing/ stirring up interest angle someone got that call spot on! And we should thank them - the speculation and the theories are a fun way to spend some time :lol:

Has it changed my mind? No, I still think the 'line up changing for ever' is a typical Lenkov 'overstatement', designed to do what it is doing; get us all speculating, and it will be Angell. That said I still think Lindsay and Hawkes are viable contenders too. The only character's death that would really upset me (i.e. toys out of the pram, 'I'm-not-watching-this-show-anymore' :mad: upset) would be Flack!
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the 'line up changing for ever' is a typical Lenkov 'overstatement', designed to do what it is doing; get us all speculating,
And that is why I am back to Gillian,simply because of the comment she made that they usually kill off her charecter. She is the boss and that would affect Everyone.
Lori, wasn't 5.15 supposed to be the last episode for Julia Ormond? Bringing her back only to kill her off 10 minutes afterwards... gawd, that's cruel!
If that affects Mac's job somehow (because he is next to the line of command or am i too dizzy???? :confused: ) i do think Gillian could be the next one kicking the bucket.

What if he is offered a promotion, who would be in charge of the lab?
What if he accepts and then he hates the job????

There is a world of rich and juicy possibilities:p

Hmm. Lots to catch up on here.

I've just read URL=""]this[/URL] review at and I think the person who wrote it has a point when she says:
It seems the Big Apple crime lab may lose another family member. Speculation as to who is all over the map, so I am not going to guess. However, I would caution any reader to expand the definition of family by including characters who have made any sort of impact on the show. Those already deceased can probably be left out though.
Well, the "another" is frankly what makes that excerpt interesting. Other blogs and twitterific stuff allude to a suicide somewhere on a network show etc, but not which show, some speculating Grey's. For the moment I'll take the snippet from PL as a sanctioned teaser, and all else with a generous shaker of salt. ;) The only way I could see two characters going from the show, main or otherwise, would be the death in the finale and something to do with the aftermath of the cliff-hanger, whatever that's to be. But marketing dance aside, the speculation is actually as entertaining as the show at this point. :p

The "probably" is frankly what makes it flippin funny, intentionally or not. I can't tell. Funnier if not, mind you. :lol: Perplexing to say the least. Guess mebbe we can add a super-longshot to the betting pool. Or we can invite Quentin Tarentino to direct an ep for NY too, push the boundaries a little bit? :p

the 'line up changing for ever' is a typical Lenkov 'overstatement', designed to do what it is doing; get us all speculating,
And that is why I am back to Gillian,simply because of the comment she made that they usually kill off her charecter. She is the boss and that would affect Everyone.
Gotta agree with those pointing out Ormond's run her 3-ep arc. If that's a route they're gonna go, I'd say Sinclair is a better bet. He's an open ended recurring guest character at this point, and connected to a storyline that's yet to be wrapped up in the Flashdrive. Would also allow the return of Gillian in S6, potentially stepping into Sinclair's position, and seeing where that takes interaction with Mac after the fact. Just another possibility. ;)

Heading into the homestretch of eppies, it will get more interesting in light of what we get to see for the characters, Danny with IAB, Stella with the Greek thing, we know Adam's been extended because of the vacation days thingy the others sacrificed, but is he truly safe, or will that whole thing simply fall into black holage, we've got the impending return of Lindsay at some point, the labour and baby, oh happy shiny joy and bliss, and the continuation of Dunsbrook. Who says procedurals hafta have soley standalone stories? ;) But a little more consistency in general continuity would also be nice. Mebbe this is all the start of something good.

I just can't help being stubbornly glass half full every week. Or perhaps I'm just a fan of glasses of stuff. :p
Heading into the homestretch of eppies, it will get more interesting in light of what we get to see for the characters, Danny with IAB, Stella with the Greek thing, we know Adam's been extended because of the vacation days thingy the others sacrificed, but is he truly safe, or will that whole thing simply fall into black holage, we've got the impending return of Lindsay at some point, the labour and baby, oh happy shiny joy and bliss, and the continuation of Dunsbrook. Who says procedurals hafta have soley standalone stories? ;) But a little more consistency in general continuity would also be nice. Mebbe this is all the start of something good.

I just can't help being stubbornly glass half full every week. Or perhaps I'm just a fan of glasses of stuff. :p

1) It's very true. There are so many storylines to finish up with. That's actually what's making it so hard to figure out who's dying. Every time you think of a reason for one person, 50 reasons for other people pop up.
2) I'm one of those jerks that says "It's half full if you filled it, half full if you drank it", so I'm probably not going to have any definitive thoughts until, like... the day of the finale at 9:59 PM, depending on how Criminal Minds ends. *laughs*

Completely OT: I wonder if the characters ever wonder why big bad things happen once every June? Do they start going "Oh, crap, it's June! Maybe I should just take a month off and hide in my house!"? :)lol:)
Gotta agree with those pointing out Ormond's run her 3-ep arc. If that's a route they're gonna go, I'd say Sinclair is a better bet. He's an open ended recurring guest character at this point, and connected to a storyline that's yet to be wrapped up in the Flashdrive. Would also allow the return of Gillian in S6, potentially stepping into Sinclair's position, and seeing where that takes interaction with Mac after the fact. Just another possibility. ;)
Unfortunately I have to agree with you begrudgingly so. :) I am not a Gillian fan but what you are saying makes sense. They would not have to bring Julia Ormond back though to kill her off. They could just mention she was amoung those who were kidnapped and Killed. Was it concluded that the Flash drive storyline would be winding up at the end of this season? Gillian is connected to Dunsbrook as well.
I don't think they'd change a male member of the cast for a female member.

They are significantly low on estrogen on that show. :lol: They have always only had two women in the opening credits whereas the other two shows have at one time or another had at least three (Vegas has three with CAth, Sara and Sofia at one time). Why couldn't they decide to kill off a male character and replace that character with a female character to make the numbers more even? It's been proven by a recent study/survey that the majority of CSI (Vegas) viewers are female. Perhaps its the same for NY as well and they want to draw in more male viewers. One way to do that would be to bring in more females into the cast.

It's also very possible that the bloody ring and the "till death do us part" thing was put there to make us think it would be Lindsay, only for that to be a red herring. I've seen things like that before in other shows. They love to give the viewers many red herrings. :lol:

So they kill off Danny and Lindsey stays? THEN what will they do with her???

Maybe if they kill off Danny, Lindsay won't be able to handle it and will take her baby and go back to Montana to her parents.

I'd say Sinclair is a better bet. He's an open ended recurring guest character at this point, and connected to a storyline that's yet to be wrapped up in the Flashdrive. Would also allow the return of Gillian in S6, potentially stepping into Sinclair's position, and seeing where that takes interaction with Mac after the fact. Just another possibility.

That's a good possibility.

They would not have to bring Julia Ormond back though to kill her off. They could just mention she was amoung those who were kidnapped and Killed.

I was thinking that too.

I also think it's possible that the word "family" could pertain to a family member of one of the characters: ie Samantha or Louie... or possibly Reed. I don't think we've met members of the others' families. Reed is essentially Mac's only link to his late wife, Claire. It would be a huge impact on Mac if Reed got killed and that whole cabbie killer thing would be foreshadowing. I know the spoilers say a member of the team is specifically targeted, but it's possible that Mac and Reed are out somewhere together (maybe a ball game or something) and someone tries to kill Mac, but hits Reed instead.
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Here's some pilot news from

Among other CBS pilot castings, Julia Ormond will play the head of surgery at the titular hospital in Three Rivers, a medical drama also starring one Alex O'Loughlin. Ormond as of late has appeared in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and guested on CSI: NY.

I seriously hope it isn't her character that gets killed, but with her arc over on NY and this news I can see them having it be her. At least one person made the comment that they could kill her off without the character even appearing on screen and I agree with that. Again, I hope not because that would just be beyond lame.