Hmm. Lots to catch up on here.
I've just read URL=""]this[/URL] review at and I think the person who wrote it has a point when she says:
It seems the Big Apple crime lab may lose another family member. Speculation as to who is all over the map, so I am not going to guess. However, I would caution any reader to expand the definition of family by including characters who have made any sort of impact on the show. Those already deceased can probably be left out though.
Well, the "another" is frankly what makes that excerpt interesting. Other blogs and twitterific stuff allude to a suicide somewhere on a network show etc, but not which show, some speculating Grey's. For the moment I'll take the snippet from PL as a sanctioned teaser, and all else with a generous shaker of salt.
The only way I could see two characters going from the show, main or otherwise, would be the death in the finale and something to do with the aftermath of the cliff-hanger, whatever that's to be. But marketing dance aside, the speculation is actually as entertaining as the show at this point.
The "probably" is frankly what makes it flippin funny, intentionally or not. I can't tell. Funnier if not, mind you. :lol: Perplexing to say the least. Guess mebbe we can add a super-longshot to the betting pool. Or we can invite Quentin Tarentino to direct an ep for NY too, push the boundaries a little bit?
the 'line up changing for ever' is a typical Lenkov 'overstatement', designed to do what it is doing; get us all speculating,
And that is why I am back to Gillian,simply because of the comment she made that they usually kill off her charecter. She is the boss and that would affect Everyone.
Gotta agree with those pointing out Ormond's run her 3-ep arc. If that's a route they're gonna go, I'd say Sinclair is a better bet. He's an open ended recurring guest character at this point, and connected to a storyline that's yet to be wrapped up in the Flashdrive. Would also allow the return of Gillian in S6, potentially stepping into Sinclair's position, and seeing where that takes interaction with Mac after the fact. Just another possibility.
Heading into the homestretch of eppies, it will get more interesting in light of what we get to see for the characters, Danny with IAB, Stella with the Greek thing, we know Adam's been extended because of the vacation days thingy the others sacrificed, but is he truly safe, or will that whole thing simply fall into black holage, we've got the impending return of Lindsay at some point, the labour and baby, oh happy shiny joy and bliss, and the continuation of Dunsbrook. Who says procedurals hafta have soley standalone stories?
But a little more consistency in general continuity would also be nice. Mebbe this is all the start of something good.
I just can't help being stubbornly glass half full every week. Or perhaps I'm just a fan of glasses of stuff.