CSI Level One
I looved that sheep! lol, it was so funny how it didn't like James. I have some speculation on the clue it was supposed to give....
The sheep was female (hence the pink bow) and a female sheep is called a Ewe. Now maybe the phrase for coup d' etat is something along the lines of "Ewe are the new head of household" or "Ewe have been evicted"...but this is pure speculation...The chatrooms on the livefeeds were all discussing it, so I didn't come up with this, lol.
K, so I sort of suspected a secret alliance with Boogie and Erika, but it has been comfirmed. Last night Boogie asked Erika to marry him. Haha he really did propose. (In a jokingly way) she said yes, so now they are "married" and he kissed her....so here is the first showmance..(but they are not married....yet