Janelle makes me soo mad. Honestly, i'm not really enjoying this season because of Janelle. She's horrible. I really wanted James to win but i guess that isn't going to happen.
Janelle and James fighting over a Marcellas doll, that was funny. "Janey stole my Marcy doll!!!" I do like James though
I think that Boogie and Will have it in for the producers, they (or atleast will) spends all his time complaining, singing(not allowed cause of royalties to the artists) and just saying No and not answering some questions in the diary room..I still think it's funny that Will was banned from talking to Julie Chen that one episode....And with all that hype about the "new twist" and Boogie didn't use it..haha
Oh, and a great thing about watching Big Brother.....If you watched it on sunday you got to see the first CSI season 7 promo
So now Janelle won POV and took herself off and now James and Chicken George are up for eviction. James will go home more than likely and Janelle stays yet another week.
unlike you guys i'm all for janelle staying even if it means james is gone. cuz james is a great player and i like him and the rest of bb6. janelle is good too and i just don't think she gets credit sometimes for how smart she can be.
I thought Will could possibly win this and was actually rooting for him to win. I don't think Boogie can win because most I think will see him as riding Will's coattails to the final 3 and not as a player. Janelle (who I don't want to win) probably will win. And Erica if in final two with Boogie will win but not if with Janelle.
I think that Erika will either win or go home. If Mike or Janelle takes Erika, she will win. But Mike sure won't win. Chilltown was responsible for evicting almost all the jury.
i have to say i'm not liking howie so much either. hes just acting like an ass to everyone. personal attacks on people like that aren't cool and he's acting like a spoiled child who didn't get what they wanted.
i'm rooting for janelle still she was my fave most of the season until she started being dumb with the whole chill town thing.
I agree with you. I'm going to be very suprised if Boogie wins. I have a feeling Danielle + George will vote for Erica too. She will probably be getting all the votes. Down with Mike Boogie!! :lol: