Big Brother All-Stars

I looved that sheep! lol, it was so funny how it didn't like James. I have some speculation on the clue it was supposed to give....
The sheep was female (hence the pink bow) and a female sheep is called a Ewe. Now maybe the phrase for coup d' etat is something along the lines of "Ewe are the new head of household" or "Ewe have been evicted"...but this is pure speculation...The chatrooms on the livefeeds were all discussing it, so I didn't come up with this, lol.

K, so I sort of suspected a secret alliance with Boogie and Erika, but it has been comfirmed. Last night Boogie asked Erika to marry him. Haha he really did propose. (In a jokingly way) she said yes, so now they are "married" and he kissed here is the first showmance..(but they are not married....yet :D lol)
Wow, thats a really good speculation. I would have never thought of it like that. :lol:

I can't believe the new HOH. I'm still upset over it :lol:
Awww I'm sorry to see Kaysar go. He was great. Looks like James will have to try again next time if he wants to take out Janelle.
James does like CSI? Cool. I though Diane and Nakomis were the only ones who liked CSI (cause it was in their favorite tv shows in but I guess I skipped over James.

I can't wait for the episode tonight!!! (I forget, do we get to see the POV competition today? or is that tuesday?) They won't let anyone see it on the live feeds...
Aww i had to miss Sunday's show. Anything of interest happen? I'm too lazy to go onto the website and read :lol:
Here are some major points that happened Sunday:

-The HOH competition was done over again even after Erika had won due to techinical difficulties [buttons/buzzers messing up]

-Janelle won HOH competition do over

-James and Will want Janelle to take out Marcellas instead of Danielle [since she will help in getting rid of Janelle later on].

-There was a food competition where they had to use slop and try to make stuff that actually taste good out of it [waffles, cupcakes, burritos, etc] and long story short they only have to eat slop 1 day this week. [3 house guests from previous seasons were the judges]

-Janelle put up Danielle and Erika up for eviction

Hope that helped. :)
They showed Will,Boogie,Janelle, and Howie doing a rock video. pretty interesting though in the live feeds they actually sung words...which were "Come take a shower with meeeee!" lol.
And Janie nominated Erika and Danielle...
But if you want to know more...
Danielle won POV. I don't know the details about the competition yet. Oh, and Dani used it on herself(surprise,surprise) so Janelle nominated Marcellas. But not without assuring him for like an hour that he was safe...she ever bet on her "lucky poker chip". Well i don't see how he is safe,when boogie is showmancing Erika,and she is friends with Dani and James.. Oh, and the Boogie/Erika showmance is in full every night. lol
Janelle and Will so need to hook up!!
They are the cutest thing since...I dunno..somthing really cute!

They've already kissed 3 times and he licked some edible soap stuff off her boobs. :-|
I am so mad that Janelle won HOH after they did a do-over HOH competition. I wish James would've won. The Legion Of Doom is the best alliance in the house. But, I think that Danielle is gonna end up winning the new power and she will overthrow Janelle.
A little late to reply but thanks so much csi_fanatic87 :D

How is the sheep doing? Anything funny happening with it?
It was the only one revealed on tv. The other ones have already been revealed to the house guests. POV has already been played and won and the ceremoney has also taken place. Hurray for live feeds and spoilers!