Well, I don't know if I would consider her my 'favorite' villain considering I would have preferred to have never been introduced to her in the first place, (I might consider her my worst nightmare, and pretty much the bane of an otherwise decent show) It appears most people don't even view her as a villain anymore (thanks to the writers confusing and bemuddling the story) Now everyone is claiming Ron Saris is such a brilliant villain, while I only see him as a villain via his association with Julia, sort of like her bullying cronie or cop out. Harrumph!!! But you know what, I'm going to stand up for what I see even if no one agrees with me, so... I would say JULIA is one of the "best" villains, if not the "best"... or could have been... the character of Julia as portrayed from before the writers strike that is... or, I don't know, it's all very confusing.
When they came back from the writers strike they began dabbling in a direction that was so idiotic I'm still dumbstruck trying to figure it out. They then of course went full throttle with it in season 7, garnering a :wtf: from me.
But think about it, what other character on this show gets to betray Horatio and abandon his son, commit fraud and embezzlement for 15 years, lie and cheat her way into a billionaire's home then have him murdered for his money, bribe a witness and have her taped to her steering wheel and sent to a watery death at the bottom of the everglades (her fingerprint was on the tape), bribe her own son to come live with her and somehow convince a judge she not only deserves but is capable of custody after having abandoned him for a minimum of ten years
, have Horatio extradited to Brazil on trumped up murder charges (probably some corrupt officials involved there) to have him killed in a way that doesn't incriminate herself or her bf (cunning little devil) (by the way, throw in a little physical abuse, and oh that's Ron's fault :wtf:, even though she obviously had it planned LONG before that scene. What was she even doing in that vehicle in the middle of nowhere with him in the first place? Obviously they're conspiring nefarious deeds! Or having s**, or both.) I mean the list goes on and on... and she shows ZERO remorse for any of it (not that I'd believe her if she did show any, at this point.) I mean all she has to do is pretend not to know what the heck people are talking about when they question her about these things (and then go crazy - like that excuses everything
) AND she gets away with it ALLLLL. And what's more, now it's common perception to believe she's this emotionally fragile, victimized, porcelain doll; instead of the cunning, diabolical, smart, evil, independent femme fatale that she actually is. :scream::scream::scream:
Oh, I forgot, she's "Horatio's ex love and Kyle's bio mommy", so of course she gets away with it, why wouldn't she? :shifty: Blame it all on Ron!!!