Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Well, she is going there for a Star Trek convention afterall. If she comes home hitched, you know the guy has got to be a freak! :lol: ... Yeah, I'm mean, busting on my beloved co-mod's interests when I know she's not here to defend herself. :lol:

Hey now, leave the poor Trekkies alone. They're not all freaky - and who knows what you might find under all that makeup...
chaostheory08 said:
Anyway, hmmm..... any more plans on his birthday?
hmmm..... let's see, we got a few ladies jumping out of a cake and kimmy is going to lie naked on a table and let Carmine eat off of her like in Grand Master episode so far we have that.:D
i did it i sent him an email-in the middle of the night(it's 5:30 here but i sent the mail @3:30 or so) :lol:-i am so...excited maybe?i don't like that OMG stuff but it was a new thing for me :) that's why i am so excited...
Welcome, girl_of_aegean! Don't think we've "met" before. Hope you enjoy it here. Congrats on sending Carmine an email! It always takes a bit of courage that first time. Now sit tight and wait for a response. If you get one, you'll be high for the day. :D

Sounds like some good b-day plans we've got going for him. What else can we throw in? We should all contribute something. I think I'll wash his car, or his new Harley (his choice), in a pair of Daisy Duke shorts and a tiny bikini a la Jessica Simpson in her Dukes of Hazzard video ... then I'll wet down anything else that might be dirty. ;) :devil:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Congrats on sending Carmine an email! It always takes a bit of courage that first time.

:lol: For me it took a bit of ouzo.

As I expected, no response from yet about that horrid sailor outfit he wore. Perhaps now he's sailing the NY seas, looking for his first mate & getting tanked off a bottle of rum. If that is in fact true I wanna see some pictures so I can write a new email :devil:.
^ :lol: Perhaps that's why you haven't heard from him. Actually, I think there's nothing he could really say in his own defense except perhaps, "Dude, step off. That was for a paying gig." Surely he was as horrified to wear that thing as we are to have to look at the evidence everytime it's posted. :lol:
thanks Mrs.G i like to be around and i hope i'll get an answer to my mail :) if i do i'll let y'all know what it is ;) for from Turkey... :D

--and don't you worry,soon you'll be wishing not to have ever met me :p(if anyone gets this sentence let me know coz i don't get that :p)

--and for the B-day plans if there's room for another one i'd sure love to jump out of the cake but if not i just sit there and watch you guys :)
Anybody who wants to join me on the nekkid sushi table ... please do. ;) :lol:

Just a heads up for those Carmine autographs and if anyone's still waiting for theirs. I was really surprised to receive one today. :D I sent an email with my address to him right on the day his website went down for reconstruction, so I assumed he never got it. Heh. I guess he did. :p

It's the one with the green sneakers. Awwww, hee wooks soo kute. It's not big at all either, so, no matter where you live, I don't think ya oughta worry about postage fee. I'm in Malaysia, and the postage fee for my letter was a whoopin' ... US$0.84. :lol: And if he also wrote the address on the envelope, I'm going to have to agree with those who've said he's got, uh, feminine, cutesy handwriting. :lol: I dunno, though. The writing on the autograph piece and the envelope look a little different. Then again, it's a weird mix of capital and small letters all over the place. *shrugs*

Mine was sent off August 4th too, which means it took only 2 weeks for it to get here. So, anybody worried about it taking a reaaally long time to reach ya, don't sweat it. :) I'm all the way across the world from the US, man. :p

By the way. Where was Carmine on that particular date? If he was in LA at the time ... then those who've brought up the possibility the autographs aren't signed by him might actually have a point. :eek:
By the way. Where was Carmine on that particular date? If he was in LA at the time ... then those who've brought up the possibility the autographs aren't signed by him might actually have a point.

Awww, c'mon, don't ruin the fantasy for us! :( Besides, August 4th was a Friday, so it's still within the realm of possibility perhaps maybe so hopefully.

Now I'm really going to put in that autograph request to him! I want to see if it is the same person writing them all. Unfortunately folks, I don't have access to a color scanner, so if/when I get mine, I'll be sure to send a black and white scan along. Better than nothing I guess?

Congrats on sending Carmine an email! It always takes a bit of courage that first time. Now sit tight and wait for a response. If you get one, you'll be high for the day.
The first time I wrote I used that form on his website and I didn't think it had gone through. Months went by and I guessed it hadn't so I sent him another one directly and got a response. I almost died that day, I was so happy. Then lo and behold, I got an apologetic email from him about the first one!!! I was sooo happy. I have them both filed away safely so on those crappy days I can read them and feel a little better.

I'm such a dork.
Springmoon said:
Then lo and behold, I got an apologetic email from him about the first one!!! I was sooo happy. I have them both filed away safely so on those crappy days I can read them and feel a little better.

I'm such a dork.

I think I'll be like that if I ever get a reply :rolleyes: :)
I only sent me one email back and January and recieved an email response on June 9th and an personal autograph photo on June 12th! I understand he's a busy guy so if he doesn't email me back, that's okay.