Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

garysinisefan said:
i emailed carmine but i got an email saying that the webiste was under work. it said to email back on july 15 but it is july 19. has anybody else had this problem

They're probably operating on Caribbean time, which is whenever!
^ :lol:. I'm still waiting for Carmine's response on that horrid sailor outfit but I have a feeling that it should be a while. Oh well...but I think I might've scared him a bit. I'll probably get a restraining order just like jkladis:lol:.
See what you did jorja :rolleyes:. Your email scared him so much that now he's taken his site down. :p :D :p Oh yeah, and he's getting a restraining order as we speak. :lol:

MrsG, I guess sag/virgo isn't so bad. Once the others get over their "hot volcanic sex", we'll still have the long lasting romance which can be hot too. :p
^ :lol: I think that horrid sailor photo made the serve crash. Arrgh, the horror :eek:!!!

I e-mailed him through is e-mail addy posted on the first or second page, not through his site so this definitely isn't my fault :p.

So, what are the chances of a Cancer like me & a Virgo like him getting a lil' somethin' somethin' :devil:.

*eta* I did get the restraining order in the mail today and I did sign Daffy Duck :lol:. Those guys are freak out when they see that...
^^Here you go jorja:

Cancer and Virgo

When Cancer and Virgo make a love match, a strong, down-to-earth relationship with staying power is the happy result. This is a relationship with great potential to get better and better over the passing years. Both Cancer and Virgo are goal-oriented and disciplined. They are sincere and devoted to one another and share a strong sense of purpose. No lightweight love here: These two were not really built for flings! Cancer and Virgo deeply admire one another: Virgo respects Cancer's quiet strength and dedication while Cancer appreciates Virgo's keen adaptability and intelligence.

Not bad. :)
I'm a Pisces, and he has an ocean phobia...soooo not going to happen. :lol:

The above statements are true though: once the hot volcanic sex has died down, couples need something to keep themselves together through the good and bad. If all you've got is sex (not that that's bad) :devil:, I don't think the relationship's going to last. At least, it hasn't for all of my friends who married for sex and are now on the second or third spouse. :eek:

I'm still father died one month short of my parents' 36th anniversary. With one exception, all my aunts/uncles have been married 50+ years. I don't want to get married just to get divorced...unless we're talking Carmine, baby. :devil: Then it's find out when CG's in Las Vegas, make sure he's drinking, then go for a weekend wedding and honeymoon! :D ;). j/k

Carmine, you really don't need a TRO with me...I'm harmless. :)
I wouldn't get a divorce. I'd keep Carmine & my husband. Hello, can you say threesome :devil:?

So yeah, did Carmine reply to anyone yet? I'm still waiting...
jorja_fan86 said:
I wouldn't get a divorce. I'd keep Carmine & my husband. Hello, can you say threesome :devil:?

So yeah, did Carmine reply to anyone yet? I'm still waiting...

Now, here's an example of where an episode of CSI:NY would apply in real life - "Stealing Home" was on tonight!!!
Damn jorja, I'm slipping. :eek: Yeah, divorce is out...threesome is in. :devil:

Haven't heard anything from Carmine yet. I emailed yesterday and got the automated response. When I emailed it again today, I got an email that said not a valid site. Then when I went onto the site I saw the potted plant. I'm gonna keep trying until it goes through. My luck all of them will go through and then I'll look like a stalker. :p
I'm still single...I don't want to get married just to get divorced...unless we're talking Carmine, baby. :devil: Then it's find out when CG's in Las Vegas, make sure he's drinking, then go for a weekend wedding and honeymoon! :D ;) . j/k

Based on what ya'll are saying, I guess it's implied that if I were married I'd divorce my man for Carmine. Not true. I'm single, ladies. What I meant to convey was that if Carmine wanted a quickie marriage/annulment, although that's not my thing, it might be taken into consideration should I ever meet the man himself! :devil:

Sorry about the rant, it's just been bothering me so much I actually PM'ed someone on here to ask her opinion. Thanks for the advice, my friend. You know who you are! :)

Now, has anyone heard back from cdg? :eek:
1CSIMfan said:
My luck all of them will go through and then I'll look like a stalker. :p

That would be funny as hell. :lol: Maybe he still gets the emails while his site is down, or perhaps they'll be waiting for him when the site comes back up. I'd hold off sending anything until all seems to be working normally again.

As for you girls who are willing to marry Carmine even if it meant a likely quickie divorce soon to follow, um, you know you can achieve what you're really after without having to marry the guy, right? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume he's not saving himself for marriage. ;)
*cough* He likes to be nekkid, that's for sure. And I've seen a certain scene from "The Learning Curve," so I'd certainly say he knows what he's doing. :devil: