Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

i have just sent a letter to carmine. i will let u guys no if i get a reply

Springmoon said:
I just sent an email to Carmine and I'll let everybody know when he replies. Why do I always get goosebumps when I email him.???

It's because you have the hots for him. But we forgive you.

Me, have the hots for him?? :eek: Why of course I do. :p Thanks for forgiving me. But now I'm on a downer because I got a reply back that says site is after July 15. This is July 18th right??? So, does that mean I have to send it again or will he get it? BTW, I didn't use the form on his website. I used the email address
Kimmychu said:
Yay, Aries! I'm all for volcanic sex with my Italian Stallion. :devil: ;)

Well, I'm an Aries too so I read your post with great interest. :D Plus, I'm Italian too so the Stallion would be definitely happy with me! *lol*

SUN in VIRGO with VIRGO Both of you are prone to have fits of perfectionism, and at such times you are extremely critical and difficult to please. You may vacillate between extreme neatness and sloppiness, or be very particular about some things but very casual or even sloppy in handling other areas of life. Because each of you has an eye for detail and can be very skilled and exacting when you put your mind to it, you have the potential to work together very well in any area that requires extreme care and attention. There is the problem, however, that your combined perfectionism may make both of you dissatisfied with anything that you attempt. Both of you like to express your love for someone by doing practical things for that person, and both of you enjoy helping out with daily chores and various tasks. The similarity in your traits makes you a well-matched couple.

i don't like what it said.^ :mad:
This is perfect!

Your Mars in Pisces wants a partner who believes in true love. Venus in Cancer seeks the same. You want to lavish your lover with tender kisses and caresses. Venus in Cancer is just aching to be held. You need a partner who can organize your life. Venus in Cancer can provide you with the comfortable home you crave. The two of you make a powerful match, satisfying each other's spiritual and emotional needs on every level. Of course, your free-spirited Mars in Pisces will want some solitary swims, while possessive Venus in Cancer will demand that you stay by their side. Still, if you can manage to reassure this lover of your undying affection, you'll get along splendidly. If you'd like to seduce Venus in Cancer, express your desire to have a family. These folks adore children. If you're not interested in kids, play Venus in Cancer some music that features plenty of stringed instruments. That will get this lover every time! Sexually, you bring out the best in each other.
i don't know,Nim, i get this stuff e-maild to me and today i took a quiz on who's my zodiac sing mate it said a gemini would be best.damit.
Kimmychu said:
:lol: I consider this astrology stuff to be rather silly. It's pretty much impossible to lump millions upon millions of people under one generic zodiac! Different websites tell you different info too, so it's definitely not something I'd count on. :p

Having said that, I'm here to represent all the Aries people. :D

Aries and Virgo:

You will communicate well and understand one another. Aries will adore Virgo intelligence. Virgo will want to immediately seduce Aries. Attraction heats up quickly and a romantic relationship could follow. Virgo will support Aries through good times and bad.

Sexual and romantic compatibility will be volcanic. This is especially good combination for sex and love. Family matters and loyalty will keep these two together. Aries must not play any head games with Virgo or there will be a price to pay.

Virgo needs to keep Aries grounded and both will be happy. Relatives can be a problem for these two. The attraction between them will be strong enough to survive any emotional storms.

Yay, Aries! I'm all for volcanic sex with my Italian Stallion. :devil: ;)

:lol: I'm an Aries, too. Definitely of the 'let's destroy a room' variety. I never knew Virgo's were heated enough for that! :lol:
Here's what I found for Virgo/Sagittarius

When Virgo and Sagittarius join together in a love match, the result is a well-rounded couple. Sagittarius is an explorer who loves to socialize, while Virgo prefers to analyze Sag's discoveries. Both enjoy talking about it with one another. Virgo may demand perfection too soon for Sagittarius's taste, but over time Sagittarius will appreciate a steady and reliable lover whose head isn't always in the clouds.

Where's my hot, volcanic love life??? :mad:

Ok, where did you guys find the good ones??
1CSIMfan said:
Here's what I found for Virgo/Sagittarius

When Virgo and Sagittarius join together in a love match, the result is a well-rounded couple. Sagittarius is an explorer who loves to socialize, while Virgo prefers to analyze Sag's discoveries. Both enjoy talking about it with one another. Virgo may demand perfection too soon for Sagittarius's taste, but over time Sagittarius will appreciate a steady and reliable lover whose head isn't always in the clouds.

Where's my hot, volcanic love life??? :mad:

Ok, where did you guys find the good ones??
Don't feel bad, 1CSIMFan . I'm in the same boat. Looks like our Virgo hottie and I won't be breaking any bedsprings either. :( But a "steady and reliable" lover can be a good thing.
i emailed carmine but i got an email saying that the webiste was under work. it said to email back on july 15 but it is july 19. has anybody else had this problem
