Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

I'm trying to think of a new location in reference to the tongue porn since Well, I can think of a few good locations :devil: but they are too smutty to put on here. :lol: So, in the meantime, I'll keep thinking about it.

I hate to see the day we he won't be able to respond to us anymore but I'll definately appreciate at it while it lasts.

I posted some tongue porn pics in the D/F thread in the shipper forum. Don't know if you've seen them yet. ;)
to what adress did you send your mails?
a friend of mine is a big carmine fan,think it would be a great idea to give her an autograph or something like that
I sent mine to

But I would wait until after July 15th because his site is down for maintenance and he may not receive it. Also, filming for season 3 probably starts up the middle of the month and it may be a while before he gets around to answering them. But don't worry...he usually answers them.
Catlover160281 said:
I actually didnt ask him for a picture, I sent him 2 emails and they had poems in, he said he liked them and to send my address for a photo :)

that sounds sooo sweet! were your poems about him?
1CSIMfan said:
Lucky you! Everyday, I'm loving this man more and more...

Me too!! How many other actors take the time to reply to emails from their fans? Hell, how many actors even have an email address that we can even write to?? Slim to none I imagine. And how many actors would personally send out pictures and pay for the postage AND address the envelopes themselves? Better yet, what actor would reply to an email and ask for their address even if you didn't ask for a picture? He's awesome. I'd say none of them do that. He even sends different pictures!! This man is just amazing. He really loves his fans and we really love him. :D

You took the words right out of my mouth. I could imagine him sitting infront of his PC or Mac or laptop whatever, reading and answering all the E-mail he gets. I hope he doesn't change.
Hi! So has anyone emailed him yet? Was the website supposed to go through a complete overhaul? Cuz it looks the same to mee...!
Who ever said that his email would be back up on the 15th? I thought it was the second or third week in July or something like that? I wouldn't hold my breath for anything just yet. One, he's probably still in NY and two, they're starting up filming again. Free time is going to be at a minimum.
Some one or a few people said that it would be back up by the 15th cuz they got a reply saying email after the 15th or something! But kudos to him for actually replying in the past. Wow would I kill to be in NY. heh. :p
PrettyEyes said:
Kimmychu, if you do that, he might just disable the email for all of us. :lol:

Yes. He'll be sitting in front of his laptop. In nothing but a candy thong. With his evil purple hat on. And saying, "YES! I KNEW THAT IMAGE WAS GOING TO GET A REACTION OUTTA MY GIRLS!"

:lol: :p

But yeah, I got one of those automated emails that said to email him after July 15th. I have no idea about the website though, it looks the same to me at first glance too.