Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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A truck driver whose rig was 6 inches too tall for the Lincoln Tunnel drove it's entire 1.5-mile length, peeling the trailer's roof completely off, and ripping off the ceiling tiles, while in the porcess. Flashing signs and officers using a loudspeaker had warned the dirver, and it was unclear why he didn't heed them, according to the Port Authorities of New York and New Jersey, which operates the tunnel. "He misjudged the height of the tunnel, and once he was inside it, he didn't realize the damage he was doing"., said U.S.A. Logistics director Roy Guzman. The driver was charged with nine misdmeanor moving violations. The central tube of 3 in the tunnel heading into Manhattan was closed for about 90 minutes after the accident on Thursday, but reopened just before the morning rush hour traffic. On rare occasions when trucks have scraped the tunnel's ceiling, the drivers have stopped, even sometimes letting the air out of their tires to clear the ceiling!

Missing Dog Found 430 Miles From Home

Jun 9, 3:18 PM (ET)

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) - A basset hound that disappeared from its California home in December has been found 430 miles away in Arizona.

The dog, named Fred, was found by an employee Wednesday in the parking lot of the Second Chance Center for Animals in Flagstaff.

The next morning, staff members with the shelter found a microchip in Fred that let them figure out he was registered at Riverside County Animal Control.

The shelter contacted Fred's speechless owner on Friday.

The owner said Fred disappeared after she moved to Riverside in December. She didn't know how he could have ended up in Flagstaff.

Paul Fink, a veterinarian at the Flagstaff shelter and a pilot, has offered to fly the dog home to his family.


Pa. Paramedics Save Ducklings From Drain

Jun 8, 11:04 PM (ET)

WEST LAWN, Pa. (AP) - Real estate agent Liliana Gomez told sales manager Larry Kitchen about a duck she saw peering down a storm drain on her way to work at GMAC Real Estate Premier Network in Wyomissing, and the two drove back to look.

Five baby ducks had falled into the drain on State Hill Road in Spring Township. The mother paced nervously. Soon medics from the Western Berks Ambulance Association were working to retrieve the ducklings, attracting attention amidst rush-hour traffic.

"All of a sudden, people were stopping and wanting to help," said Gomez, 38.

Mike Roth, paramedic and Spring Township deputy fire chief, lifted the grate, climbed 4 feet and began lifting ducks up to paramedics Kimberly Bennethum and Diane Prince. "I handed them up and somebody put them in a box," Roth said.

Reunited in a nearby field, the mother checked the ducklings, and waddled off with them stringing along behind her.

"We all felt good," Kitchen said. "It showed that people have a compassionate side. It was a nice way to start a day."


Cats Saved From House Filled With Feces

Jun 8, 11:04 PM (ET)

MARTINSBURG, W.Va. (AP) - Animal control officers wearing protective suits and air packs rescued 47 cats from a house filled with feces that in some areas was half a foot deep.

Two kittens were found dead in the one-story house in Martinsburg, said Melissa Susko, director of PIGS Animal Sanctuary in neighboring Jefferson County, which helped remove the cats from the house Thursday.

"They were just in a pile of feces," Susko said.

One pile of cat feces was about 3 feet wide. In other areas, the feces was 3 inches to 6 inches deep, said E.N. Webber of the Berkeley County Animal Control office.

"We were slipping and sliding in there. It was pretty bad," said Star Silva of the Promise Animal League, which also helped remove the cats.

Animal control officers went to the house in response to complaints from neighbors about odors.

Berkley County sheriff's Chief Deputy Kenny Lemaster said authorities were looking for the house's owner, who was not identified. No charges have been filed.

Berkeley County Sheriff Randy Smith said the cats were taken to a site that Martinsburg formerly had used as a pound. He said most appeared to be ill and had ear mites.

"We're going to try to get them the medical assistance they need," he said. "We know we've got a few that are in pretty bad shape."

An inspector with the Berkeley County Department of Planning, Zoning and Engineering condemned the house, Lemaster said.
I luv the basset hound story, their so cute, someone probably picked it up and drove it there, and than dumped it, or it ran away, :confused: that's so cool!


After decades of coffee ccatastrophes and burger blunders, inventor Dan Steel created the Carbib, an adult bib to protect from spills while eating and driving [so pull over] The Carbib is shaped to cover the drivers front and legs and is designed to allow meal mishaps to fall to the floor instead of all over the hungry driver. Steel's inspiration, came from experience eating breakfast, lunch and dinner in his car and "alwasy showing up to work with mayo and or mustard all over my tie" [what a slob] While Steel insists the bib is perfect for anyone on the go, he believes it's especially helpful for soccer moms who "load the kids in the minivan and get food for everyone" Steel debuts his creation in June at the INPEX innvention show in Pittsburgh! [has this guy ever thought of cooking at home?]

The Buzz.. Ken White.. LVRJ
Butts Charged With Stealing Toilet Paper
Jun 11, 6:40 PM (ET)

MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa (AP) - Police blame a woman named Butts for stealing toilet paper from a central Iowa courthouse, and while they're chuckling, the theft charge could put her in prison.

"She's facing potentially three years of incarceration for three rolls of toilet paper," Chief Lon Walker said, stifling a laugh as he talked to KCCI-TV about Suzanne Marie Butts. "See, I can't say it with a straight face."

Workers had noticed the rolls disappearing from the Marshall County Courthouse much faster than usual, Walker said.

Butts, 38, was caught last week after an employee saw her taking three rolls of two-ply tissue from a storage closet, Walker said.

Butts insisted it was the first time she'd pilfered toilet paper, but she declined to answer further questions on her attorney's advice.

The fifth-degree theft charge, a misdemeanor, normally carries a sentence of less than a year in jail. But Butts could face more time if convicted under the state's habitual offender law because she has prior theft convictions.

Walker did not know why Butts was at the courthouse, but said that she did not work there.


Teen: Toilet Water Cleaner Than Fountain
Jun 11, 4:40 PM (ET)

NORTH BEND, Ore. (AP) - Middle School student Kyleray Katherman had a hunch something was amiss with the school's drinking fountain water. And right he was.

For an English assignment, he tested the bacteria content at four water fountains and one toilet to challenge a ban on students from bringing bottled water to class. It seems some were using it to sneak in alcohol.

Guess which was cleaner? It wasn't the water fountains.

He then asked students where they would prefer to get their water. That wasn't the fountains, either.

Classmates, teachers, administrators and board members said they had no idea.

Katherman attends the Oregon Coast Technology School that operates at North Bend Middle School with a focus on infusing technology into all areas of study.

Katherman, 13, used Q-tips and petri dishes, swabbing the spigots of four fountains and sampling one toilet, dunking the cotton in the bowl's center and then dragging it around the rim for a complete sample.

He took the results to the school lab put them under a light to speed up the bacteria's growth.

The petri dishes with fountain water were swarming with bacteria. The sample from the toilet was clean, probably because the toilets are doused with cleansing chemicals daily.

"I wanted to see the looks on their faces," Katherman said.

Either allow water bottles back, Katherman urged, or install "down-pour" systems used in office water coolers.

He took his results to the North Bend School Board with an eye-opening PowerPoint presentation.

Administrators quickly replaced the spigots and casing at three of the water fountains and custodians gave them all a thorough cleaning.

More teachers are providing water in classrooms now, but the ban on water bottles remains.

"It was a great lesson. We don't always see things in and about the school that are in need of repair," said Scott Edmondson, the school's principal, adding, "You'd be surprised how clean the water is in a toilet."
Can you stomach these news items?

Cucumber-Flavored Soda Sold in Japan
Jun 13, 7:47 AM (ET)

TOKYO (AP) - Japanese are staying cool as a cucumber this summer with "Pepsi Ice Cucumber" - a new soda based on the crisp green gourd.

The soft drink, which hit stores here on Tuesday, doesn't actually have any cucumber in it - but has been artificially flavored to resemble "the refreshing taste of a fresh cucumber," said Aya Takemoto, spokeswoman of Japan's Pepsi distributor, Suntory Ltd.

"We wanted a flavor that makes people think of keeping cool in the summer heat," Takemoto said. "We thought the cucumber was just perfect."

The mint-colored soda is on sale just for the summer and only in Japan, Takemoto said. She said initial sales were brisk, and Suntory aims to sell 200,000 cases over the next three months.

Pepsi trails behind industry leaders Coca Cola (Japan) Company, with about 15 percent of the Japanese cola market, and also faces stiff competition from non-fizzy bottled drinks like green tea and coffee, which are popular here.

Suntory said it sold 20.5 million cases of Pepsi brand drinks in 2006, including its popular Pepsi NEX zero-calorie soda.


Politician Offended by Landfill Ice Cream
Jun 13, 8:09 AM (ET)

NEW YORK (AP) - One Staten Island politician apparently doesn't have a sweet tooth for a locally-made vanilla ice cream with brownie chunks and cherries.

That's because the ice cream in question, marketed under the moniker "Staten Island Landfill," is "insulting and derogatory," borough president James Molinaro wrote in a letter on his Web site, in which he calls for a boycott of the treat, which is also packed with heart-shaped chocolate "crunchies" and fudge.

"The stereotyping of our community is as ignorant as it is hurtful," the infuriated politician wrote. "Even the most basic research effort would easily reveal the positive qualities that truly define our community."

For decades, until it closed in 2001, the city carted its refuse to a landfill in Staten Island, which residents there despised. Molinaro wrote that the borough has consistently been named the "greenest, cleanest and safest."

Kim and Scott Myles, the Queens couple who founded 5 Boroughs Ice Cream, which produces "Staten Island Landfill," said they intended no harm with the moniker.

Kim Myles, 33, told the Daily News in Wednesday's edition that it is a "flavor with heart."

The company markets other city-based ice cream flavors, including "Jackson Heights Mangodesh,""South Bronx Cha Cha Chocolate" and even "Upper East Side Rich White Vanilla."

The chairman of the upper East Side Community Board 8, David Liston, said if the ice cream was good, he would eat it.

Those who tried the Landfill ice cream said the name wasn't a big deal.

"It's not like we'll be expecting to see a syringe or a rubber boot in there," said Joe Melendez, an ironworker from Brooklyn.

The Staten Island borough president has offered an alternate name for a Staten Island ice cream - "Ferry Berry," after the Staten Island Ferry.
On the BUTTS one :lol: lordy, bizzare is right!


Fountainbleau, France

A gold-encrested sword Napoleon wore into battle in Italy 200 years ago was sold, for more than $6.4 million, an auction house said. The last Napoleon's swords in private hands, it has an estimated value of far less, about $1.6 million, according to the osenat auction house. Applause rang out in a packed auction hall across the street from one of Napoleon's imperial castles in Fontainbleau, a town southeast of Paris, when the sword was sold. Osenat did not identify the buyer, but said the sword will remain in the Napoleon's family [he's still got family] :eek:

Baby Monitor Picks Up Video From NASA
Jun 14, 9:43 AM (ET)

PALATINE, Ill. (AP) - A mother of two in this suburb of Chicago doesn't have to turn on the news for an update on NASA's space mission. She just flips on her baby monitor. Since Sunday, Natalie Meilinger's baby monitor has been picking up black-and-white video from inside the space shuttle Atlantis.

"Whoever has a baby monitor knows what you'll usually see," said the elementary school science teacher. "No one would ever expect this."

Live video of the mission is available on NASA's Web site, so it's possible the monitor is picking up a signal from somewhere.

"It's not coming straight from the shuttle," NASA spokeswoman Brandi Dean said. "People here think this is very interesting and you don't hear of it often - if at all."

Meilinger silenced disbelieving co-workers by bringing in a video of the monitor to show her class on Tuesday, her students' last day of school. At home, 3-month-old Jack and 2-year-old Rachel don't quite understand what their parents are watching.

"I've been addicted to it and keep waiting to see what's next," Meilinger said.


Trooper Stops Naked Couple in SUV
Jun 13, 10:58 PM (ET)

BELLEVUE, Wash. (AP) - Drunken driving is bad, but drunken driving while naked could be worse. A Washington State Patrol trooper pulled over an SUV on Interstate 90 in this Seattle suburb after observing it driving erratically about 1:20 a.m. Friday.

The trooper found both the driver and his female passenger were naked, with alcohol containers in the vehicle. They apparently had been interrupted in the middle of an intimate act, said Trooper Jeff Merrill, a State Patrol spokesman.

A 19-year-old Seattle man was arrested for investigation of drunken driving, a gross misdemeanor, and investigation of embracing while driving, which Merrill said was a misdemeanor. The 20-year-old Seattle woman was cited for being a minor in possession of alcohol, he said. The patrol did not release their names.


Man Gets 2 DUI's in Day From Same Cop
Jun 13, 5:03 PM (ET)

MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) - A man was cited for drunken driving twice in the same day, by the same officer, and jailed after authorities said he showed up drunk for his arraignment.

Court records said Adam T. Lundgren, 42, was cited for misdemeanor drunken driving after being spotted driving erratically at 5:30 p.m. Monday.

He was later released to a sober friend, but jumped from the friend's car and returned to downtown Missoula, where he continued drinking, court records said.

At about 10 p.m., Lundgren drove into a bridge railing and started to run away. Witnesses captured him and held him until police arrived.

Officer Cody Lanier of the Missoula Police Department again cited Lundgren for drunken driving, along with reckless driving and failing to heed a stop sign.

Lundgren posted $700 bail later Monday night, but was jailed Tuesday afternoon after showing up drunk for his Municipal
Court arraignment, court records said.


Trooper Finds Teen Driver Fleeing School
Jun 13, 4:54 PM (ET)

SOUTHEAST, N.Y. (AP) - When a state policeman pulled over a car that was being driven at night without lights, he found a 14-year-old boy at the wheel, making his escape from a Connecticut boarding school.

His two passengers, also runaways, were 10 and 11 years old, police said. One had a teddy bear with him.

When the policeman asked whose car it was after the Tuesday night traffic stop, the driver said, "We don't know, we stole it," the police report says.

Police would not identify the school, but The Journal News reported on its Internet site Wednesday that it was the Devereux Glenholme School in Washington, Conn. Calls to the school were not immediately returned.

The school is about 30 miles from where the boys were pulled over. They were headed for Manhattan, where one boy's parents lived, Reilly said.

"They didn't like the boarding school, so they ran away," he said. He said they found the car, a 1990 Dodge Shadow, with keys in it outside a highway department or firehouse.

Each of the boys was charged with criminal possession of stolen property, returned to the school and ordered to appear in Family Court on Monday.
Toddler Served Margarita in a Sippy Cup
Jun 15, 4:12 PM (ET)

ANTIOCH, Calif. (AP) - Kim Mayorga was confused when her 2-year-old started making funny faces and pushing away the apple juice he had ordered at Applebee's. The explanation came when she opened the lid of the sippy cup and was hit by the smell of tequila and Triple Sec.

The restaurant staff accidentally gave Julian Mayorga a margarita Monday. He grew drowsy and started vomiting a few hours later and was rushed to the hospital.

"I wasn't going to make a big deal about it," the mother told the Contra Costa Times on Thursday, "but then he got sick."

The apple juice and margarita mix were stored in identical plastic bottles, and the manager mistakenly grabbed the margarita container to pour the boy's drink, said Randy Tei, vice president for Apple Bay East Inc., which owns the franchise restaurant and nine other Applebee's in the San Francisco Bay area.

The Mayorgas will be reimbursed for their medical bills, and Tei said the franchise group's restaurants will no longer serve apple juice and margaritas in similar containers.

"We absolutely believe it was an honest mistake," Tei said.

The serving appeared to have been accidental, Antioch police Lt. Pat Welch said. Mayorga said her son is now doing fine.

She said the company has been very apologetic and offered free meals, but she added, "If they think I'm going back there, they're ridiculous."


Man Says He Found Snake Head in Beans
Jun 15, 5:49 PM (ET)

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A man said he got quite a surprise when he sat down to eat a side of green beans, only to find a snake head had come out of the can. Earl Hartman, who lives in South Philadelphia, said he found the inch-long head on his plate Wednesday night, right between a chicken breast and buttered noodles. He said it came out of the green bean can.

"When I sat down, I noticed something didn't look right," Hartman told WCAU-TV. "It didn't look like a green bean."

Hartman said he called the Pathmark store where he bought the beans, and got a call back from Seneca Foods in Marion, N.Y., where the vegetables were canned.

Rich Savner, a spokesman Pathmark Stores Inc., confirmed that a customer reported finding a "foreign substance" in a can of green beans, but said officials had not determined what it was.

The store conducted spot checks of other cans, but nothing out of the ordinary turned up, Savner said. Similar cans were removed from the shelves as a precaution.

A woman who answered the telephone at Seneca Foods on Friday said the company had no comment.


Kudos, Too, to My Blankety-Blank Teacher
Jun 15, 4:49 PM (ET)

LONGVIEW, Wash. (AP) - A music teacher is under investigation by school officials after a student stunned a concert audience with a profane tirade that she said was merely imitating the instructor's style.

Savannah Larson, 13, gave the first performance in the spring concert attended by about 700 students, teachers, relatives and friends at Monticello Middle School. At the end of singing Rogers & Hart's "Where or When," she delivered what first appeared to be a verbal nod to the instructor, Constance S. "Connie" Noakes.

"I forgot to thank my wonderful choir teacher, Ms. Noakes, for all that she's taught me these past couple of years, like always knowing what to say in any situation, like...," Larson began, then let fly a stream of expletives and obscenities she said Noakes regularly used in class.

The next day, June 6, the eighth grade honors student was suspended for 10 school days, forcing her to miss her graduation ceremony and party.

Longview School District officials said they were investigating her claims about Noakes, who remained on the job. The teacher did not return several telephone calls from The Daily News of Longview this week, and could not be reached by The Associated Press at the school Thursday afternoon.

Larson and her mother, Anastasia Larson, said they had complained several times to school administrators and talked to Noakes about her language and behavior to no effect.

Vice Principal William N. Ofstun, who is leading the probe by interviewing other students, teachers and parents, would not comment on the Larsons' claims that he received prior complaints about Noakes.

If the Larsons' claims are supported by others, the matter could be referred for possible discipline to the Office of Professional Practices in the state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
OMG, those were all so off the wall :eek:


Police in Costas Mesa, Calif. investiagating a possible DUI case were looking for a male passeger who left behind part of his SCALP :eek:. Authorities said a van driven by a 16-yr-old girl clipped a truck shortly after 2:30am on Friday. The truck driver was not injured. The van's male passenger fled after he and a female passenger pulled the teenager to safety. "He ran way, leaving part of his scalp inside" police Lt. Dale Birney said. "Right now the driver is facing a misdeameanor DUI charge, because the injuries to the female passenger wre minor" That could change if the missing scalp owner is found. "If a passenger suffers a serious injury when you're driving under the influence and crash" Birney said. "that can result in a felony. Losing part of your scalp qualifies as a serious injury! DUH, and OUCH :(


Vacaville, Calif...State wildlife officials captured a 4-foot-long alligator from an area of the Sacramento River where tow wayward whales dazzled crowds along the riverbanks last month. A driver first spotted the gator resting on Sherman Island across the river from Rio Vista on Friday and alerted authorities. After officials confirmed it was in fact an alligator, the reptile moved down the levee and hid under the roots of a big tree, said Kyle Orr, a spokesman for the department of Fish and Game. Animal control officers used a catch pole to grab the creature, which was taken to a lab in Rancho Cordova. It was a first for Cpt. Mark Lucero of the FG law enforcement arm. 'We've had reports, but we've never been able to catch one" he said. CREEPY :eek:..

N.Z. Couple Can't Name Their Son '4real'
Jun 21, 4:53 AM (ET)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - New Zealand authorities have blocked a couple's bid to officially name their new son "4real," saying numerals are not allowed.

Pat and Sheena Wheaton said they decided to name their new baby "4real" shortly after having an ultrasound and being struck by the reality of his impending arrival.

"For most of us, when we try to figure out what our names mean, we have to look it up in a babies book and ... there's no direct link between the meaning and the name," Pat Wheaton told TV One on Wednesday. "With this name, everyone knows what it means."

But when the parents filed the name with New Zealand's Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, they were told names beginning with a number were against the rules.

The government office has opened negotiations with the parents about the name under a policy that says all unusual names must be given case-by-case consideration.

"The name has not at this stage been rejected," Registrar-General Brian Clarke said in a statement Thursday. "We are currently in discussions with the parents ... to clarify the situation."

Clarke said the rules are designed to prevent names that are "likely to cause offense to a reasonable person." Satan and Adolf Hitler were proposed names that have been declined, he said.

If no compromise has been reached by July 9, the baby will be registered as "real," officials say.

New Zealand law requires all children born in the South Pacific nation to be registered with the Births, Deaths and Marriages registry within two months of birth.


Turtle Causes Parkway Wreck, Then Dies
Jun 20, 5:47 PM (ET)

UPPER TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) - Why did the turtle cross the road? We'll never know, but it sure caused one heck of an accident. A woman who swerved to avoid hitting the reptile as it crawled across the northbound lanes of the Garden State Parkway Tuesday afternoon lost control of her car, crashed through a guardrail and tumbled down an embankment before the car flipped over onto its roof.

Saranne Goldinger, 65, of Cape May, was wearing a seat belt and was not critically injured, State Police said. Her car, however, was heavily damaged.

The turtle fared even worse. A vehicle that had been driving behind Goldinger flattened the critter.

"All of that for nothing," Trooper Scott Farkas told The Press of Atlantic City for Wednesday's newspapers.


Long-Lived Two-Headed Snake Dies
Jun 20, 11:04 PM (ET)


ST. LOUIS (AP) - A two-headed snake named "We," the main attraction at the World Aquarium, has died. The 8-year-old rat snake died of natural causes during the weekend, said caretaker Leonard Sonnenschein. Most two-headed snakes survive for only a week or two. "It's terrible news," Sonnenschein said. "People come in every day and say: 'I'm here to see the two-headed snake.'"

Sonnenschein said more than a million people have seen We over the years. Children were especially fascinated by the snake, wondering how two heads could coexist on the same body as We sometimes strained to slither in two directions at once.

"These kinds of questions helped spur the science spirit in children," Sonnenschein said.

Sonnenschein said he bought We from a snake breeder in Indiana for $15,000 when the reptile was just a few weeks old.

A taxidermist is preserving We's body, which should be back on display within a week, Sonnenschein said.

The World Aquarium, located inside the downtown City Museum, acquired We in 1999. Last year the aquarium tried to auction off the rare reptile to raise money for research and conservation programs, asking $150,000, but none of the bids was satisfactory.

The snake had both male and female genitalia, Sonnenschein said. The World Aquarium tried unsuccessfully to breed We with another two-headed snake last year, and had planned to try again this summer, aquarium spokesman David Isserman said.
Semi-wheelchair affair won't spur charges

Paw Paw, Mich...A truck driver whose rig snagged a man to his wheelchair and unknkowingly pushed him a speeds up to 50 mph for miles, will not face any criminal charges, authorities said. Van Buren County prosecutor Juris Kaps said investiagators determined the semi accidentally hit the wheelchair. Ben Carpenter, 21, was crossing a street in front of the truck when the light at an intersection turned green and the driver, who was not indentified, started to move. The wheelchair turned forward, and got it's handles lodged in the grille in Paw Paw, about 140 miles west of Detroit. The rig continued picking up speed and pushing the wheelchair, with Carpenter strapped in.. he was not injured!

It DOES look like Yoda.

N.J. Dog Crowned World's Ugliest
Jun 23, 12:37 AM (ET)


PETALUMA, Calif. (AP) - Elwood, a 2-year-old Chinese Crested and Chihuahua mix, was crowned the world's ugliest dog Friday, a distinction that delighted the New Jersey mutt's owners.

Elwood, dark colored and hairless - save for a mohawk-like puff of white fur on his head - is often referred to as "Yoda," or "ET," for his resemblance to those famous science fiction characters.

"I think he's the cutest thing that ever lived," said Elwood's owner, Karen Quigley, a resident of Sewell, New Jersey.

Quigley brought Elwood out to compete for the second year at the annual ugly dog contest at the Marin-Sonoma County Fair. Elwood placed second last year.

Most of the competing canines were also Chinese Crested, a breed that features a mohawk, bug eyes and a long, wagging tongue.

Quigley said she rescued Elwood two years ago. "The breeder was going to euthanize him because she thought he was too ugly to sell," said Quigley.

"So ha ha, now Elwood's all over the Internet and people love him and adore him."

Beyond the regal title of ugliest dog, Elwood also earned a $1,000 reward for his owner.


Black Lab Drives Owner's Car Into River
Jun 22, 11:15 PM (ET)

SAGLE, Idaho (AP) - Bad dog. Charlie the black lab drove his owner's car into the Pend Oreille River. As Mark Ewing walked home Wednesday evening after returning from picking up a pizza, Charlie jumped into the car through an open window, and apparently knocked the vehicle into gear.

"He somehow got the car into neutral," Ewing said. "My car just went boom, down an incline and into the drink."

Ewing could only watch as his Chevy Impala sank into the river. No dummy, Charlie jumped out of the window as the car went downhill.

"There's nothing weirder than looking at your car cruising down your driveway when you're not in it and seeing your dog jump out and then watching your car go splash," Ewing said.

Actually, things got a little weirder when the tow truck driver showed up.

Before the driver dove into the water to hook the car up to his truck, he asked Ewing to hold his dentures.

"My car's in the drink, I've got dentures in my hand and this guy Keith ... goes swimming," Ewing noted.


Vote Protest Puts Woman in Doghouse
Jun 22, 7:13 PM (ET)

SEATTLE (AP) - Duncan M. MacDonald can't vote, which could be a relief to politicians who otherwise might have to outline their positions on chew toys, postal carriers and squirrels.

Jane Balogh, the owner of the Australian shepherd-terrier, is in trouble for submitting voided ballots in his name in three elections. One tipoff for authorities: One of the envelopes was signed with a picture of a paw print.

Balogh said she was protesting a 2005 state law that she says makes it too easy for non-citizens to vote. She put her phone bill in Duncan's name, then used the phone bill as identification to register him as a voter.

"I wasn't trying to do anything fraudulent. I was trying to prove that our system is flawed. So I got myself in trouble," she says.

Prosecutors have offered the grandmother and Army veteran a deal: plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of making a false statement to a public official and they will not file a felony charge of providing false information on a voter-registration application.

Balogh said she doesn't plan to contest the charge because "I know I'm guilty." She said she submitted ballots in the dog's name in the September and November 2006 and May 2007 elections. She wrote "VOID" on the ballots and didn't cast any votes.

Prosecutors said they would recommend she be sentenced to 10 hours of community service, pay a $250 fine and commit no other crimes for a year.

Prosecutor Dan Satterberg said his office "can't simply look the other way. They say you should let sleeping dogs lie, but you can't let voting dogs vote."


Man's Nose Partially Bitten Off in Fight
Jun 22, 4:47 PM (ET)

MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. (AP) - It took a taser gun to subdue a man accused of biting off part of a man's nose and attempting to gouge out his eyeball during a bar fight. Plastic surgeons grafted skin to repair Edgar D. Hellar's nose, according to the Marshall County Sheriff's Department.

Hellar's cornea also was scratched when his attacker tried to stick a finger behind Hellar's eye during the fight at the Travelers bar in Marshall County.

The Marshall County Sheriff's Department charged Michael Brant Tustin, 34, of Cameron, with felony malicious assault on Tuesday.

Deputy J.A. Matthews said that when he arrived at the bar last week, he saw a man on top of Hellar beating him. After ordering the attacker to stop Matthews said he used a taser gun to force him to comply.

No hearing date has been set, according to the magistrate clerk's office.
REALLY, DOG BUTT UGLY.. poor little doggie :( scary!


Dadsm if you want to make playtime with your kids really fun, have a cocktail! that's the suggestion from parenting pro Robert Wilder who has written "Daddy Needs a Drink", in which he writes about his experiences as a proud papa. "Being a dad can get pretty intense, so once in a while it's OK to crack open a beer at a barbecue, even if the kids are around" If you kids are around, moderation is the key, and you can enjoy a brewski in between diaper changes/ But booze may also be the key to playtime with you kids [hope you don't drop one] and can enhance time with the kiddies. If you drink before you play, you won't mind sitting on the floor for an hour making silly blocks and lincoln log things, because your more relazed![ OK, and when does the kid get a drink?] :eek:

The Buzz..Ken White.. LVRJ
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