Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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BOSTON - Concert-goers, and even Boston Pops conductor Keith Lockhart, were caught off-guard on Thursday night when a fight broke out on opening night at usually sedate Symphony Hall.

Television video of the fight showed two men struggling in the balcony — one having his shirt pulled off — as several people stood around them.

Lockhart briefly halted the performance, which featured Ben Folds, while the men were escorted out.

Boston police spokesman David Estrada said police officers on security detail at the hall escorted the men off the property, and no charges were filed. No injuries were reported in the 7 p.m. incident, he said.

A Boston Symphony spokeswoman did not immediately return a call for comment.

Witnesses said they heard a scream from the balcony, and the sound of chairs falling, then a second scream as the fight escalated.


DEARBORN, Mich. - A police officer will avoid criminal charges despite admitting he took marijuana from criminal suspects and, with his wife, baked it into brownies.

The police department's decision not to pursue a case against former Cpl. Edward Sanchez left a bad taste in the mouth of at least one city official, who vowed to investigate.

"If you're a cop and you're arresting people and you're confiscating the marijuana and keeping it yourself, that's bad. That's real bad," said City Councilman Doug Thomas.

Sanchez, who resigned last year from the department in this Detroit suburb, declined comment Wednesday to the Detroit Free Press. Police Cmdr. Jeff Geisinger did not return calls seeking comment.

The department's investigation began with a 911 call from Sanchez's home on April 21, 2006. On a 5-minute tape of the call, obtained by the Free Press, Sanchez told an emergency dispatcher he thought he and his wife were overdosing on marijuana.

"I think we're dying," he said. "We made brownies and I think we're dead, I really do."

Sanchez later told police investigators that his wife took the marijuana out of his police vehicle while he was sleeping. In a subsequent interview, he admitted he got the marijuana out of the car himself and put it in the brownie mix, police said.

His wife also was not charged.

Stevens Point, Wis.... A Stevens Point man thought he was lucky to recover his car after it was stolen, until it was stolen again, later that same day :eek: York Heiden's pearl-colored 1990 Audi Quattro was stolen from a grocery store parking lot while his wife was shopping and runnin g errands. The keys were left in it [DUMB] Beiden, 36, who owns an automotive repair shop, quickly called some friends, and the car was found nearby, without the keys. He had a friend disable the car's ignition by removing a coil wire while he left to pick up a spare key. When he got back the car was gone..again. He had forgotten the car had a two-coil system and could be driven with just one. Police later found the car in the same neighborhood. It had a broken tail-light and some tears in the interior trim!

DOCTORS FIND SPIDERS IN 4th-GRADERS EARS this is beoynd creepy and sickening :(

Albany, Ore.-----These guys weren't excatly Snap, Crackle and Pop. What began as a faint popping in a 9-yr. boys ear ended up as an earache, and the doctor's diagnosis was that a pair of spiders mad their home in his ear! 'They were walking on my eardrums", said Jessee Courtney. One of the spiders was still, alive after the doctor flushed the 4th graders ear canal. His mother, Diane Courtney, said her son insisted he "kept hearing a faint popping in his ear", like Rice Krispies" Dr. David Irvine said it looked like the boy had something in his ear when he examined him. When he irrigated the ear, the first spider came out, dead. The other spider took a 2nd dousing before it emerged, still alive. It later died. Both were about the size of a pencil eraser!EWWWWWWWWW :eek:

^ Spider-boy, Spider-boy
Plays with spiders but not like a toy.
If you're scared, have no fear;
The kid keeps his spiders in his ear.
Look out! Here comes the Spider-boy.
^^Ouch,that spider news is gross *covers ears*

Long-haired women secretly snipped.

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) -- Women in Myanmar not only have to watch out for pickpockets when they're commuting, shopping or walking down the street, but also hair thieves, a weekly journal reported Sunday.
Long-haired women in crowded areas have fallen victim to surreptitious hair snippers who steal their hair to sell, the Burmese-language 24/7 news journal reported.
"My long hair was cut while I was on my way back from the office. I found out only when I got back home," an unidentified female bus commuter was quoted as saying.
The woman said her friend's tresses were cut while she was walking down the street and she only noticed when some remaining strands fell. Another woman's hair was cut while she was shopping at a roadside store, the journal said.
Many women in Myanmar have waist- or knee-length hair which they wear in a ponytail, making it easy for thieves to snip off the hair and sell it as extensions.
Women are also approached by hair traders who ask to buy their long hair, the journal quoted the bus commuter as saying.
The report said the price of hair has increased as demand for hair as an export or raw material rises. A viss (1.6 kilograms; 3.5 pounds) of hair is worth between 400,000 kyats ($320) and 500,000 kyats ($400), it said.
Hormiga that's so bizarre :eek:


Everyone knows Spider-Man swings from skyscrapers, but one rabbi from Brooklyn, N.Y. says Spidey is secretly fiddling on the roof! Say 'shalom' to Rabbi Simcha Weinstein, author of "Up, Up, and Oy Vey" a book that discusses the link between Judisiam and superheros. Weinstein says the kosher connection is especially strong with Spider Man and his alter-ego Peter Parker, and claims Marvel Comics always assumed he was Jewish, even if it weren't overtly expressed in comic books. That's why he compares the synagogue superhero to Jewish celebrities such as Jerry Seinfield and Woody Allen "Spider Man" is motivated by guilt. Scholars say this is a "post Holocaust guilt", claims Weinstein! [that's quite a stretch]

CHICAGO - Bubba Ludwig can't walk, talk or open the refrigerator door — but he does have his very own Illinois gun permit.

The 10-month-old, whose given name is Howard David Ludwig, was issued a firearm owner's identification card after his father, Howard Ludwig, paid the $5 fee and filled out the application, not expecting to actually get one.

The card lists the baby's height (2 feet, 3 inches), weight (20 pounds) and has a scribble where the signature should be.

With some exceptions, the cards are required of any Illinois residents purchasing or possessing firearms or ammunition within the state. There are no age restrictions on the cards, an official said.

Illinois State Police oversee the application process. Their purpose, said Lt. Scott Compton, is to keep guns out of the hands of convicted felons, those under an order of protection and those convicted of domestic violence.

"Does a 10-month-old need a FOID card? No, but there are no restrictions under the act regarding age of applicants," he said.

Ludwig, 30, of Chicago, applied for the card after his own father bought Bubba a 12-gauge Beretta shotgun as a gift. The weapon will probably be kept at Ludwig's father's house until the boy is at least 14.


OTTAWA (Reuters) - A Canadian hitchhiker, who stole an elderly man's car after he offered her a ride, died a few minutes later when she lost control of the vehicle and crashed into trees, police said.

The crash happened near the town of Hawkesbury -- about 100 km (60 miles) northeast of Ottawa -- after the man stopped to pick up 20-year-old Mandy Deschambeault.

"The male driver proceeded to step out of his vehicle momentarily at which point the female jumped in the driver seat, stealing the male person's car," local police said in a statement Monday.

"She proceeded to lose control of the ... car, crossing the other lane hitting trees. The female was ejected from the vehicle and found to be without vital signs."

Deschambeault was pronounced dead in hospital.
A man in St. Cloud, Fla. was clearly disoriented when he called police to tell them he had been chased up a tree by narcotics officers and was stuck. Jeremy Conrad Cornick was visibly shaken up when the police arrived and determined that Cornick was hallucinating under the influence of drugs. They trid to talk Cornick down from the tree but he slipped and fell. He was taken to the hospital and then issuded a arrest warrant for being under the influcence!

LVRJ Buzz Lites
Daytona Beach. FLA. Nathan Sierbrasse of this town faces child neglect charges after he left his finances 4-yr-old son in a booth in Denny's restuarant. Sierbasse, he left the eatery wearing a purple wizared outfit, had attached a note on the boy with the childs name and contact info! FREAK :mad:

Ken White.. LVRJ

Rotterdam, Netherlands..A 400-pound gorilla escaped from his enclosure and ran amok in a Rotterdam Zoo las Frday, biting one woman, dragging her around and causing panic among dozens of visitors, before he was finally subdued, officials said. The Diergaarde Blijdorp Zoo was evacuated and the 11-yr. old gorilla, named Bokito, was eventually contained in a restaurant in the park, stated police officials. Four people were injured including the woman who was bitten! OUCH, scary :mad:

The Asociated Press
Strange icon Dynamo :lol:


Middletown, N.J....A 5 yr. old boy was bitten by a coyote, the 2nd such attack in this town less than two months, authorities said. Brayden Gazette and his sister Sydney were walking in the street near thier home Monday evening when the animal bolted from some woods nearby and bit the boy on his head. The animal ran off when Sydney started screaming. JoAnn Gazette saw her children screaming as they ran to their home. "He was bloody and they were both crying" :(, the franatic mother said. She hurried them to the hospital, where he got 46 stiches and a rabies shot. Police and wildlife officials set some traps, and hope they will catch the varmit!

*Doink Doink* Law & Order: Weird News

Pickpocket Steals Police Chief's Wallet
May 25, 7:19 AM (ET)

OSLO, Norway (AP) - A police campaign to crack down on pickpockets has come too late to help the capital's top crime fighter.

Police Chief Anstein Gjengedal's wallet was snatched by a pickpocket as the campaign was set to begin, the Oslo newspaper Dagbladet reported Friday.

The police chief was on the Oslo airport train Monday when a group of people jostled him. When he checked a few minutes later, his wallet was gone.

"I didn't have much money with me," he was quoted as saying. "But it still wasn't very nice."

Gjengedal said he had followed police advice by having the wallet in the inner pocket of his jacket, but the thieves got it anyway.

According to Dagbladet, Gjengedal's deputy - Bjoern Aage Hansen - wasn't aware of the theft when he announced the "Safe Summer" campaign later in the week, vowing that "we will have a special focus on pickpockets."


TV Extra Enters Court in Police Costume
May 24, 7:23 PM (ET)

PITTSBURGH (AP) - A woman portraying a police officer as a TV extra took her part one step too far by entering a courtroom where her son faced a weapons charge, police said.

Kimberly Chapman was working as an extra Monday on the Spike TV series "The Kill Point," starring John Leguizamo. Later in the day, she showed up wearing her police costume at a Family Court hearing for her son.

Chapman, 47, of Wilkinsburg, told a court employee she was a police officer and was looking for the probation officer on the case, Pittsburgh police said.

But Chapman and her attorney, James Ecker, said she never claimed to be an officer. Ecker said she simply rushed to the courthouse without changing out of the faux police uniform.

"She, without thinking, went up to juvenile court, never told anyone she was a police officer or anything," Ecker said. "She was very embarrassed by the whole thing."

Police, however, said she identified herself as a Pittsburgh police officer to three people. They charged Chapman with impersonating a public servant and theft because she allegedly didn't have permission to leave the downtown set with the $500 uniform, which is now being held as evidence.

A production assistant on the show, Katie Shenot, confirmed Chapman worked as an extra and that she didn't have permission to leave the set in uniform. Extras must turn in all uniforms and props, which are secured by having the extras leave their identification with the crew.

Chapman said the criminal charges cost her the job.

"I am overwhelmed, flabbergasted," Chapman said. "Now I am not working at all."

"The Kill Point," which also stars Donnie Wahlberg, is a hostage drama about a group of war veterans who try to rob a bank.


Alleged Robber Asks Teller to Call Cops
May 24, 7:24 PM (ET)

STEPHENVILLE, Texas (AP) - After demanding money, an alleged bank robber apparently had second thoughts because he asked the teller to call police and said he would be waiting outside on the curb, authorities said.

When Philip Stuart Martin, 45, was arrested Wednesday outside First Financial Branch Bank, he had no weapons, was not physically or verbally abusive and appeared sober, said police Capt. Jason King.

Martin apparently had walked to the bank and did not have a car, King said.

Martin was charged with robbery and remained in the Erath County Jail in lieu of $30,000 bond Thursday.

Police have talked to Martin but are still trying to figure out why he asked the teller to call authorities, King said.

"This was a very unusual, non-typical situation," King said.

King wouldn't say how much money was taken.


Suspected Robbers Leave Tip: Cell Phone
May 24, 4:08 PM (ET)

GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) - Four people who tried to rob a Chinese food delivery driver left him an unusual tip: a cell phone.

Ming Jing Lu arrived at a Greensboro residence with a delivery and noticed a group of people who made him suspicious, police said.

As the group ran toward him and attempted to grab him, a cell phone fell into the China Garden employee's car. The group then chased him down the street, trying to get the phone back, said Greensboro Police Sgt. Gerald Stephens.

"It was just a comedy of errors," Stephens said.

Police arrested three juveniles and one adult on robbery charges.


Prosthetic Leg Prompts Lockdown
May 24, 9:12 PM (ET)

BELLINGHAM, Wash. (AP) - The woman suspected foul play was afoot; she just had no idea what it was.

Police barricaded streets near a branch of St. Joseph Hospital after that woman called to report a man with an assault rifle walking into a medical office building. The assault rifle turned out to be a prosthetic leg, Bellingham Police Deputy Chief David Doll said.

Police searched the building floor by floor. When no suspect was found, police evacuated the building and the woman who reported the incident spotted the office worker who had carried the leg, The Bellingham Herald reported.

"Everyone did everything right," Doll said. "Like we hoped, it turned out to be a good situation today."

The scare brought a response from several agencies, including the Whatcom County Sheriff's Office, Western Washington University Police and Washington State Patrol. A U.S. Customs and Border Protection helicopter patrolled the area to check the building's roof.
Here is one Gil Grissom might be interested in reading...

Pa. Judge OKs Killing Bugs on Drugs

May 28, 10:37 AM (ET)

ERIE, Pa. (AP) - These weren't just bugs. These were bugs on drugs.

Tiny drain flies infested 70 pounds of seized khat - an illegal, leafy drug - being held as evidence by Erie police, and they tried to infest the rest of the evidence room.

"We had no idea this stuff could carry bugs," said police Lt. Mike Nolan. "It's a relatively new drug around here, so it's a learning process for all of us."

The drug can be chewed or smoked and is common in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, but relatively uncommon in northwestern Pennsylvania.

Even though the trial hadn't started, an Erie County judge agreed to allow the drug to be burned by police, and an exterminator was brought in to rid storage room of the bugs.

Three men are still awaiting trial on charges they possessed the Khat, seized by police in March. Nolan said the case against them would go on.

"It's a lesson learned," Nolan said. "I don't think we'll keep khat in the evidence locker anymore."
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