Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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desertwind said:
MAN SOUGHT AFTER FATAL ATTACK ON PEACOCK and grissoms_gurl how about the crow that flew in your window :eek:
wow.. even if that crow had pecked at me or something, I wouldn't have beat it senseless! That's so insane! I think my story should have made news of the bizarre :lol:
grissoms_gurl you should have reported your incident to someone! you've go many pet stories you could share.. go for it! and that FREAK with the branches robbing a ban :eek: poeple never cease to amaze me.. with all that inventiveness, try getting a job!

WOMAN FINDS, AND TURNS IN $20,000 IN CASH HMMM, this would be a toughie :(

A woman who works as a deli clerk found $20,000 at a Lake Havasu City, AZ. bank drive-up depository, and walked into the bak and turned over the cash [FOOL] LInda Hatch said her mind raced after she found the two $10,000 bundles in a plastic tube last week! [yeah, I'd race too, right over to a Casino] 'Am I in the middle of a bank robbery...a drug bust? Is someone going to pick up the money? I was like.."Oh, my gawd, what should I do" Hatch said she filed a police report in the days after turning over the cash and has not been told whether the owner has surfaced. She had no second thoughts about turning in the cash. "It's not enough money to move to Mexico".. ONCE AGAIN.. FOOL :confused:

Dog Nurses Kitten Found Under SUV Hood
Jul 9, 6:07 PM (ET)

VICTORIA, Texas (AP) - By all accounts, Tahoe is a typical kitten: cute, sleepy and hungry. But his eating habits are far from typical, as the stray's been nursing from a 3-year-old dog named Lillie.

Ever since the kitten was found under the hood of Eunice Collins' running Chevrolet Tahoe a few weeks ago, he's been feeding from the unusually cooperative longhaired dachshund. Tahoe feeds in the morning, at night and after naps, purring and pawing at the dog's belly.

"That's not going to happen very often," said veterinarian John Beck, who added that the "kitten got lucky, basically" that he found a dog with those maternal instincts.

Collins said she was confused by the sound of a kitten meowing as she drove her Tahoe.

"I thought I was going crazy," Collins said. "I came to a light and heard it again. So I pulled into a gas station."

Collins took the kitten in and kept him in a bedroom. Four days later, she saw Lillie feeding him.

"I couldn't believe it," she said. "She has just taken Tahoe on as her baby and has been nurturing and taking care of him. They're just very close."

Beck said having Tahoe in the house "induced a false pregnancy, a nursing response."

"It made the hormones needed to produce milk," Beck said. "Now, I'm sure the cat obviously had it in mind the dog was (his) mother."


Thousands of Golf Balls Stolen in Kansas
Jul 9, 4:42 PM (ET)

BONNER SPRINGS, Kan. (AP) - Nearly 4,800 fluorescent yellow golf balls are missing from a suburban Kansas City golf course after someone raided the facility's driving range.

Sunflower Hills Golf Course head professional Jeff Johnson said it would have taken someone hours Sunday night to pick the balls up from the range, where they were scattered after being hit earlier in the night.

And he has no idea whether the theft was an expensive prank - with an estimated loss of $2,700, the crime is considered a felony - or if the culprits intend to try to sell the balls, with their big stripe and about half with Dr. Pepper logos on them.

"That or they are some really bad golfers who need some range balls to practice with - a lot to practice with," Johnson said.

He discovered the theft Monday morning when he went to set up the driving range and noticed that there were no balls in the landing area.

It appeared that someone had driven a vehicle onto the range. The balls, Johnson said, would have filled a pickup truck's bed.

"It by far is not the weirdest thing I have seen," said Bonner Springs Police Detective Jay Oliver. "It is definitely offbeat. It is not a common occurrence."


Mud Pit Draws Crowds at Redneck Games
Jul 9, 4:46 PM (ET)

EAST DUBLIN, Ga. (AP) - The crowd stood at least six people deep Saturday for the most popular competition at the 12th annual Redneck Games - the Mud Pit Belly Flop. Spectators cheered as they got splattered with red Georgia clay, all the muddier thanks to scattered downpours throughout the afternoon.

"I'd seen it on YouTube and decided to do it," said competition winner Geddy Lehman, 17, of Pennsylvania, a first-timer to the games. "It still stings a little."

Lehman took home one of the trophies, which come topped with a crushed beer can.

The games started with contestants trying to ring posts with toilet seats in the Redneck Horseshoes competition, and continued with Bobbin' for Pigs Feet and a watermelon seed spitting contest.

For Tom and Elizabeth Curry of Augusta, who set up near the mud pit, the games have become an annual family trip.

"Coming here is our roots," he said. "We're rednecks every day. And it's the best day of the summer. Everybody's friendly and everybody's a family.

Collinsville, Ill.''The folks here, are having a birthday party, for a giant bottle of ketchup. Home to "The World's Largest Ketchup Bottle", which is turning 58, the 170-foot roadside attraction has become the town's beloved landmark and was part of a Brooks ketchup bottling plant where may of the town's residents once worked. To honor the tasty ketchup that has given so much to their town, the locals are hosting the 9th annual Ketchup Bottle Summerfest, where they will sing a heartfelt "Happy Birthday" to the bottle :rolleyes: Event spokesman Judy Demoisy says chefs will participate in a taste testing contest. In addition, an artist will unveil the worlds smallest ketchup bottle to the crowd. "We all love condiments, but ketchup will always have a special place here in our hearts" [these people seriously need to get a real life!]
Police on Capitol Hill are baffled by an attempted robbery that began with a handgun put to the head of a teenager and ended in a group hug.

It started about midnight on June 16 when a group of friends was finishing a dinner of marinated steaks and jumbo shrimp on the back patio of a District of Columbia home. That's when a hooded man slid through an open gate and pointed a handgun at the head of a 14-year-old girl.

"Give me your money, or I'll start shooting," he said, according to D.C. police and witnesses.

Everyone froze, including the girl's parents. Then one guest spoke.

"We were just finishing dinner," Cristina "Cha Cha" Rowan, 43, told the man. "Why don't you have a glass of wine with us?"

The intruder had a sip of their Chateau Malescot St-Exupery and said, "Damn, that's good wine."

The girl's father, Michael Rabdau, 51, told the intruder to take the whole glass, and Rowan offered him the whole bottle.

The robber, with his hood down, took another sip and a bite of Camembert cheese. He put the gun in his sweatpants.

The story then turns even more bizarre.

"I think I may have come to the wrong house," he said before apologizing. "Can I get a hug?"

Rowan, who works at her children's school and lives in Falls Church, Va., stood up and wrapped her arms around the armed man. The four other guests followed.

"Can we have a group hug?" the man asked. The five adults complied.

The man walked away a few moments later with the crystal wine glass in hand. Nothing was stolen, and no one was hurt.

Once he was gone, the group walked into the house, locked the door and stared at each other — speechless. Rabdau called 911, and police came to take a report and dust for fingerprints.

Police classified the case as strange but true. Investigators have not located a suspect. The witnesses thought he might have been high on drugs.

"We've had robbers that apologize and stuff but nothing where they sit down and drink wine. It definitely is strange," said Cmdr. Diane Groomes, adding that the hugs were especially unusual. "The only good thing is they would be able to identify him because they hugged him."
Long jumper Sdiri hit by javelin in Rome.

Friday 13 July- ROME (Reuters) - French long jumper Salim Sdiri was not seriously injured despite being impaled by a javelin at a Golden League meeting in Rome, the stadium announcer said on Friday.
The incident occurred midway through the evening when Finn Tero Pitkamaki slipped at the end of his run-up, hurling the javelin to the left of the landing area and spearing Sdiri in his right side as he crouched in the long jump warm-up section.
A medical crew and ambulance were quickly at the scene to attend to Sdiri and then take him to hospital.
"He was hit on the right. He is conscious, but we don't yet know how deep it went..." the medical officer for the Italian Athletic Federation, Giuseppe Fischetto, told Reuters immediately after the incident.
A shocked-looking Pitkamaki held his head in his hands after the incident but managed to regain his composure to take his fourth throw in the competition.
In January, Olympic decathlon champion Roman Sebrle was impaled by a javelin in a training accident.
The Czech world record holder was hit in the right shoulder while crossing the field at his training camp in South Africa and needed 11 stitches in the wound.
^^The injury wasn't bad after all, no organs injured.

It looked so horrible. They had no warning system there at all and how dare they put the benches for long jumpers so close (it was next 80m landing) :( :(

For the thrower it's horrible, I've almost hit someone once. Because you trust that there is no people anywhere near where javelin could land (except the measuring people) and that no one managed to yell to get out of there :(

And I cannot believe how they let those photograpers - or how they dare - to go there and take pics :rolleyes: I was so mad and screaming to TV that get the friggin photographers out of there!

So much I've been doing with athletics - as an athlete and as a volunteer. I guess just countries that are not so into throw events may slip like this :(
This sounds like GoldenEye 2.

Man Nabbed Over Australian Tank Rampage
Jul 14, 1:22 PM (ET)

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - A man went on a rampage with a stolen armored personnel carrier through suburban Sydney on Saturday, crashing into several mobile phone towers, telecommunications buildings and an electricity substation before being arrested.

The man led officers on a 90-minute chase across six western suburbs before the vehicle stalled as it was being driven toward another mobile phone tower, New South Wales police said in a statement.

The armored personnel carrier was from a company called A-One Lift Truck Services in the town of Minchinbury, and was popular with students hiring it for school formals, The Sydney Morning Herald reported.

Greg Morris, the owner of the company, said he hired the man, identified as John Robert Patterson, to help restore the 40-year-old vehicle, the paper reported.

Police charged him with numerous offenses, including predatory driving, possession of a prohibited drug and use of a weapon to avoid apprehension.


Paratroopers Mistakenly Land at Prison
Jul 14, 2:38 PM (ET)

CANON CITY, Colo. (AP) - A unit of 25 military paratroopers landed inside the perimeter of a state prison, but not to quell a riot or attempt some movie-script breakout. They just goofed.

The paratroopers, armed with exercise rifles that shoot rubber bullets, landed in a corn field outside the Fremont Correctional Institute early Thursday, Colorado Department of Corrections spokeswoman Katherine Sanguinetti said.

Guards escorted them off the grounds with no violence, she told the Rocky Mountain News.

Sanguinetti said she did not know which military unit was involved. She said an investigation is under way but it appears guards handled the inadvertent intrusion correctly.

The newspaper said the Army and Air Force denied knowledge of the episode. The Colorado National Guard did not return a call seeking comment.
BIG 'OUCH' on the javelin :(


It's not every day that theives take everything and the kitchen sin. But excatly that happened to Brenda Zachel of Toledo, Ohio, who returned home recently to find that robbers had completely emptied out the place, even taking the toilets, the jacuzzi and the kitchen sink :eek:.."nothing's left" said home owner Zachel!

A 39-yr. old drunk from Hilton Head, S.C. did what any good Smaritian would do when he saw a "woman" not breathing...he gave her CPR and contacted the police. But when police arrived and asked where she was, the man pointed to a bale of hay and explained he thought it was her ,and that the hay was a woman in disguise LA-LA-LA LA :D have another drink dude!

The Buzz..Ken White.. LVRJ
a guy in d.c. went to rob a house but the family was eating dinner so the wife offered the burglar a glass of wine and something to eat and he said this is some damn good wine
Hormiga said:
Long jumper Sdiri hit by javelin in Rome.

Friday 13 July- ROME (Reuters) - French long jumper Salim Sdiri was not seriously injured despite being impaled by a javelin at a Golden League meeting in Rome, the stadium announcer said on Friday.
The incident occurred midway through the evening when Finn Tero Pitkamaki slipped at the end of his run-up, hurling the javelin to the left of the landing area and spearing Sdiri in his right side as he crouched in the long jump warm-up section.

Here's the vid clip


Even they first said that no big injuries (of course they'd say that so they won't be blamed) now it was said that he got kidney injured and also hole in his liver but everything looks good. Tho there is a chance for infection.
^^I still remember that judge that was hit in the foot...Ouch !!!
Anyway they were luckier than a Spanish javelin thrower that died some years ago during a training when he was hit in the neck.
And I read that the hammer is even more dangerous...
I've been at the stadium once when hammer hit back of the track and bounced and damn it bounces hard! Another time I saw it on tv, on our olympic stadion and there spectators can be so close but thank god someone yelled and they all got away.

A fight between two men in Destin, Fla. hit it's boiling point when one stabbed the other with a catfish. The flying fish fin lodged themselves about three-quaerters of an inch into the victim's back before he was taken to the hospital where he was treated and released!

It's not a good idea to cheat on a forensics expert. Officials are investigating wheather forensics worker Ann Chamberlain-Gordon of Lansing, MI. misused state property to check her husbands underwear for foul play [so to speak] Through her CSI like testing, she managed to find out her husband was cheating on her :eek:

The Buzz..Ken White.. LVRJ
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