Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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A parakeet who lives in Tampa, FLA. may be the bird equivalent of both Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan. A.J., a 16-year old Indian ringneck parakeet, not only knows how to putt like Woods and dunk a ball like Jordan, he can water ski and flip over on his head!!As a result, the parakeet has just won a $1,000 prize in a "Most Outrageous Bird Video" contest sponsored by the Web-site. The bird's owner, plans to use the money to get life insurance for his bird, and is considering teaching A.J. how to bowl :D OK.. what ever turns you on!!

The Buzz.. ken White.. LVRJ
Shot Duck Survives 2 Days in Fla. Fridge
Jan 20, 5:07 PM (ET)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Neither gunfire nor two days in a refrigerator could slay this duck.

When the wife of the hunter who shot it opened the refrigerator door, the duck lifted its head, giving her a scare.

The man's wife "was going to check on the refrigerator because it hadn't been working right and when she opened the door, it looked up at her," said Laina Whipple, a receptionist at Killearn Animal Hospital. "She freaked out and told the daughter to take it to the hospital right then and there."

The 1-pound female ring-neck ended up at Goose Creek Wildlife Sanctuary, where it has been treated since Tuesday for wounds to its wing and leg.

Sanctuary veterinarian David Hale said it has about a 75 percent chance of survival, but probably won't ever be well enough to be released back into the wild.

He said the duck, which has a low metabolism, could have survived in a big enough refrigerator, especially if the door was opened and closed several times. And he said he understands how the hunter thought the duck was dead.

"This duck is very passive," Hale said. "It's not like trying to pick up a Muscovy at Lake Ella, where you put your life in your hands."


Man Survives Fall From 17th Floor
Jan 20, 7:18 PM (ET)

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - A man crashed through a double-paned window in a hotel on Saturday and plummeted 16 floors - but survived when he was caught by a roof overhang.

Joshua S. Hanson, 29, of Blair, Wis., was taken to a hospital. Police said his most serious injury from the fall was a broken leg.

The man must have "an angel on his shoulder or something," said Minneapolis police Lt. Dale Barsness. "He's a lucky guy."

According to a police report, Hanson and two friends returned from a night of drinking about 1:30 a.m Saturday. When the elevator reached the 17th floor, Hanson ran down a short hallway toward a floor-to-ceiling window, Barsness said. He apparently lost his balance and crashed through the glass, then fell 300 feet.

The window was double-paned and had a safety bar, said Tom Mason, general manager of the Hyatt.

"This has never happened before," said Mason, who added that hotel officials will investigate and take whatever steps to ensure the hotel's safety.


Fox Tests Nation's 5th-Grade Knowledge
Jan 20, 7:38 PM (ET)

PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - Every parent's nightmare - being exposed for not knowing what's in your kid's school textbook - will soon play out on national television.

Fox announced Saturday that it is making a new game show, "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" that will air sometime later this year, perhaps as early as the spring.

Adults will compete in a quiz based on questions from elementary school textbooks. Actual elementary school students will be on hand as "experts" for the adults to consult with.

"While most game shows measure how smart you are, this is a show that will measure how dumb you are," said Peter Liguori, Fox entertainment president.

Fox won a competition with other networks to buy the idea from Mark Burnett, executive producer of "Survivor," perhaps because Liguori - not too modestly - said he was the only chief network television executive to answer all six questions from the show correctly.


Iowa Woman Fired for Journaling at Work
Jan 20, 7:36 AM (ET)

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - An administrative judge has denied unemployment benefits to a woman who was fired from her job for keeping a journal detailing her efforts to avoid work.

Emmalee Bauer, 25, of Elkhart, was employed by the Sheraton hotel company as a sales coordinator in Des Moines. While on the job, she kept a handwritten journal. A supervisor told her to stop writing on company time, but instead, Bauer wrote her journal, all 300 single-spaced pages, on her work computer.

In the journal, portions of which were introduced during a recent hearing regarding Bauer's request for unemployment, Bauer describes her efforts to avoid work.

"This typing thing seems to be doing the trick," she wrote. "It just looks like I am hard at work on something very important."

Bauer also wrote: "I am only here for the money and, lately, for the printer access. I haven't really accomplished anything in a long while ... and I am still getting paid more than I ever have at a job before, with less to do than I have ever had before. It's actually quite nice when I think of it that way. I can shop online, play games and read message boards and still get paid for it."

In her journal she speculated it could someday be published.

Bauer was fired for misuse of company time after a supervisor discovered the journal late last year.

Administrative Law Judge Susan Ackerman denied Bauer's request for unemployment last week, saying she the journal demonstrated a refusal to work, as well as Bauer's "amusement at getting away with it."
OMG :eek:... those are all so BIZZARE.. crazy people out there!!!


Oyadao, Cambodia..A woman who emerged from the jungle in Cambodia a week ago does not speak any intelligible language and has not been able to reveal anything about her past. A family has taken her in as their presumed long-lost daughter. She claimed by the family to be 27-year-old Rochom P'ngien (no wonder she left), who went missing at the age of 8, while hearding buffalo in 1988. Unable to speak any words the villagers can understand, the woman cannot solve the mystery that surrounds her disapperance for two decades. Mao DSan, police chief of the Oyadao district want to take DNA samples.. from her and the parents.. to see if they match.. they've agreed. She was found naked, on Jan. 13 after a villager caught her stealing food, near his farm.. (hell why didn't she just eat one of the buffalos?} :eek:

The Associated Press
desertwind said:
(hell why didn't she just eat one of the buffalos?} :eek:
She probably thought they were family.


Burglars Break Into Flower Shop 30 Times
Jan 21, 7:26 AM (ET)

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - Florist Auvaroza Abraham's shop was broken into again. That's life, you might say. But not if it has happened more than 30 times.

The New Straits Times reported Sunday that the flower shop in Kuching, the capital of Sarawak state on Borneo Island, has been robbed four times this month alone, the latest on Saturday.

Auvaroza estimated her total losses so far at $56,300 in the serial burglaries since 2004.

Auvaroza has filed police reports 30 times but police have come to her shop to investigate only three times, the newspaper quoted the woman as saying.

After the latest theft, she decided to go to the newspaper instead of the police because she felt she was being ignored by them. The last report was filed on Jan. 15, barely a week before Saturday's incident.

"If these break-ins were the first, maybe it could be a small matter to the police. But my premises have been broken into over 30 times," she said.

Auvaroza suspects the burglars were drug addicts who were often seen loitering outsider her shop at night. She employed a security guard once but he quit within a month after being beaten up by thieves.
POOR GUY, look's like he has bad karma :(


Minneapolis, MN...A man crashed through a double-paned window in a hotle on Saturday and plummeted 16 floors, but survived when he was caught by a roof overhang!! Joshua Hanson, 29, of Blair, Wis. was taken to a hospital. Police said his mostm serious injury from the fall, was a broken leg. According to a police report, Hanson and two friends returned form a night of drinking (ah-ha I knew it) about 1:30 am on Saturday, and when the elevator reached the 17th floor, Hanson ran down a short hallway toward a floor-to-ceiling window, and apparently lost his balance and crashed through the glass, and than fell 300 feet!!! (have another shot of boos)

PHOENIX -- A convicted sex offender attended at least two Arizona middle schools, sat through seventh-grade courses, and turned in homework as he moved around the state pretending to be 12 years old, officials say.

Authorities in Yavapai County have accused Neil Havens Rodreick II, 29, of assaulting a girl. They did not release any details.

Rodreick was arrested last week after spending a day at Mingus Springs Charter School in Chino Valley, about 90 miles northwest of Phoenix. School officials there called police after they checked what they said was a phony birth certificate and other admissions documents.

He has been charged with misdemeanor assault, conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to commit forgery, failing to register as a sex offender, and possession of a forgery device. He remains in the Yavapai County jail.

The sheriff's office there said Rodreick conned two men he was living with and having sex with into believing he was a boy. One of them, 61-year-old Lonnie Stiffler, called himself Rodreick's grandfather when he tried to enroll him at Mingus Springs as "Casey Price."

Officials at another school in the Phoenix area said they were reviewing their admissions policies to figure out how they could have let an adult sex offender mix with students for so long.

"Our first priority is to help our students and our families establish a sense of security on our campus," said Rhonda Cagle, spokeswoman for the Imagine School at Rosefield, a charter school for kindergartners through eighth-graders, that Rodreick attended sporadically from August to November.

Rodreick showed up Aug. 14 at Imagine School, officials said. He came to class from time to time, attending about 50 days until November, when administrators kicked him out for poor attendance.

"He was quiet," Cagle said of Rodreick. "He turned in his homework. There were no discipline issues. He was never sent to the principal's office. By most accounts he was aloof and kept to himself."

Yesterday, Imagine School officials gave parents letters saying locks had been added to security gates and the school was working on a task force to evaluate parents' suggestions on school safety.

Tricia Provost, who dropped off her 10-year-old son and 6- and 8-year-old daughters at the school yesterday, said she wasn't worried. "I have a feeling this school is going to become the safest school in the country," Provost said.

Police say Rodreick may also have tried to enroll in other Arizona schools.

Authorities say Stiffler and Robert James Snow, 43, met Rodreick online, thought he was a preteen, took him from Oklahoma to Arizona, and carried on a sexual relationship with him. They were arrested after authorities served a search warrant at their Chino Valley home. Also arrested was Brian J. Nellis, 34, a friend who authorities say followed Rodreick from Oklahoma to Arizona.
The jokes just write themselves. Sometimes it is too easy.

Baggy Pants Trip Up Robbery Suspect
Jan 25, 5:11 PM (ET)

COVINGTON, La. (AP) - Police said they caught a 16-year-old robbery suspect who had eluded authorities on several previous occasions when his baggy pants fell down, causing him to stumble as officers chased him.

"We literally caught him with his pants down," Lt. Jack West of Covington police said.

Suspected of robbing a man at gunpoint and stealing another man's car after beating him with a brick, the teenager had run away from police several times in recent weeks, West said.

An officer spotted the teen standing on a street corner Monday, called in for two backup officers, then tried to make an arrest.

"They all converged on him from different directions," West said. "He started to run, but his low-riding pants fell down and he stumbled to his knees."

The suspect, whose name was not released because he is a juvenile, was booked on warrants for armed robbery, carjacking, two counts of aggravated battery and being a child in need of supervision.


N.J. Warns: Don't Eat Squirrel Near Dump
Jan 25, 5:36 PM (ET)

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - New Jersey has warned squirrel hunters near a toxic waste dump about consuming the critters because they could be contaminated with lead.

It is the first time the state has cautioned Ringwood residents - many who are members of the Ramapough Mountain Indian tribe who hunt and fish in the area - about their squirrel intake, said Tom Slater, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Senior Services.

A lead-contaminated squirrel was found in the area two months ago, prompting the agency, along with the state Department of Environmental Protection, to send out letters advising that adults eat squirrel no more than twice a week and even less for children and pregnant women.

Lead, which is harmful in small amounts, can damage the nervous system, red blood cell production and the kidneys.

"We've known for a long time something was wrong here, we just didn't know what it was," resident Myrtle Van Dunk said.

Residents and many environmental activists believe the lead comes from toxic waste, including paint sludge, dumped in the area by the Ford Motor Co. during the 1960s and early 1970s, from its now-closed car manufacturing plant in Mahwah.

Ford is removing thousands of tons of waste from a 500-acre former mining property in the Ringwood area. The site was recently relisted on the federal Superfund list, a ranking of the country's worst environmental dump sites, after multiple cleanups failed to remove all the sludge.


Welsh Dairy Farmers Milk Area for Dates
Jan 25, 4:52 PM (ET)

LONDON (AP) - Got milk? Got a date? A group of dairy farmers are putting single's ads on milk cartons in the hopes of finding Mr. or Mrs. Right in the far-flung countryside of Wales.

The novel approach to the singles' scene coincides with Thursday's celebration of St. Dwynwen's Day, the Welsh patron saint of lovers.

"My family thinks I'm nuts," said 30-year-old farmer Iwan Jones, who appears on the cartons and hasn't had a date in a year. "My friends think it's hilarious - but everyone's taking it with kind of a lighthearted attitude."

Three men and two women appear in the ads, which feature an oval photograph under the heading, "Fancy a farmer?" The address for a dating Web site, , is also written on the stickers for those who want to follow up.

Since the ads appeared Monday, the site has received 2,500 hits, or about 10 times the usual daily traffic, said Aran Jones, who runs the nonprofit operation.

The ads are also a way of highlighting the low points of a dairy farmer's hard-scrabble existence in Welsh communities like Camarthenshire, where the cooperative is based 220 miles from London. Farmers say they often feel isolated among the verdant rolling hills dotted with medieval castles.

"It's a beautiful environment, but in terms of actually trying to meet somebody it's not particularly easy - especially when you have to wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning to milk cows," said the cooperative's director Richard Kerr, who is happily married and not pictured in the ads.

It's not just the hours, either. The farmers say many young people have left the farm to seek education and opportunity in the cities. So for Aran Jones, the ads are a way to try to "keep people in the Welsh countryside by helping them meet each other."

Iwan Jones, who owns a 250-acre farm and 100 cows in Denbighshire, 225 miles west of London, said he had received several messages through the Web site so far.

Though he doesn't expect to take anyone out just yet, he's open-minded about the kind of woman he'd like to meet, as long as she has a "good attitude about life."

Aran Jones said most of the Web site's new visitors are probably just starting to get a feel for it and deciding what to include in their online profiles. And no matter what, all the attention has been good for the dating site.

"It's like the first dance of the evening," Jones said.
I actually heard about the squirrel one on Jay Leno :lol:


A man in South Daytona Bweach, Fla. like his life as a jailbird so much he faked a robbery so he could go back!! Danny Robert Villegas, who just got through serving a 70-month sentence, soon after being released, committed a robbery, at a bank, then sat down on the curb, and waited for the police to arrive, they arressted him!! SAD :(

The Buzz..Ken White..LVRJ
Mich. Mobile Home With 66 Pets Condemned
Jan 26, 11:00 PM (ET)

CHESHIRE TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) - Health officials have condemned a feces-filled and urine-soaked mobile home inhabited by a 68-year-old woman, her 22-year-old daughter and their 66 cats and dogs.

The animals, 39 adult dogs, 14 puppies and 13 cats, were found caked in fecal matter. The floors and furniture inside the doublewide trailer were covered with up to three inches of animal waste, animal rescue volunteers said.

The women, whose names were not released, faced the possibility of criminal charges. Authorities described them as animal lovers who were simply overwhelmed by the rapid growth of their menagerie.

Sixteen animals were removed Monday from the Cheshire Township home and the rest were taken away on Wednesday, Allegan County sheriff's Deputy Tim Halstead told The Holland Sentinel for a story published Friday. The rural township is about 35 miles southwest of Grand Rapids.

The dogs and cats ranged in age from a few days to a few years. Two Holland-area veterinarians who cleaned and examined the animals said most appeared to be in good health.

The Allegan County Health Department condemned the mobile home Wednesday because it has a broken well and no running water, said Ben Williams, a county environmental health worker. It also does not have a working furnace.

The trailer most likely will have to be demolished, sheriff's Lt. Scott Matice told The Grand Rapids Press. The women are staying with relatives while the animals are quarantined at the Allegan County Animal Shelter and an Ottawa County veterinary hospital.

Halstead said the older woman told him she originally had four dogs before they started breeding. "The problem just got away from them," he said.

The mother and daughter became used to having their clothing, especially the lower parts of their pants, covered in feces. The women shared a bed, also covered with animal waste, and protected themselves from the filth by wearing heavy jackets and pants at night, deputies said.


Drunk Man Goes for Unexpected Train Ride
Jan 26, 4:35 PM (ET)

FARGO, N.D. (AP) - A drunk man who tried to climb over a freight train stopped at a downtown crossing ended up going for a ride when the train took off. The 23-year-old man called 911 from his cell phone early Friday when the train reached the Casselton area west of Fargo because he was cold and wanted off, said Cass County Deputy Sheriff Shawn Getz.

Dispatchers called BNSF Railway, which alerted the train conductor.

"A few miles west of Casselton they were able to stop the train and (the man) got off," Getz said.

Authorities said the man did not require any medical treatment, and the railroad did not press charges. The man was taken to a detox center, Getz said.

Information from: KFGO-AM


Man Zaps Wife's Grandma After Dispute
Jan 26, 7:14 PM (ET)

NORTH BONNEVILLE, Wash. (AP) - A man who said he used a stun gun on his wife's 79-year-old grandmother was arrested for investigation of domestic assault.

Aaron de Bruyn, 26, was cited with fourth-degree domestic violence assault Wednesday and released from the Skamania County jail Thursday, Police Chief Calvin Owens said. The grandmother wasn't injured.

De Bruyn said he was arguing with Rosemary Garlock, who accused him of abusing his 7-month-old son when he swatted the boy's diapered bottom to stop him from grabbing electrical wires.

When she refused to leave, he said he shocked her on her right shoulder as she sat on the living room couch.

"She yelped, because getting Tased hurts," de Bruyn told The Columbian newspaper.

De Bruyn said he had the 50,000-volt Taser X26 energy weapon to protect against burglars. He said he called authorities, saying he had a relative in his house who would not leave.

De Bruyn's stun gun was confiscated.

"If I had to do it over again, I wouldn't," he said.
OMG, all those pets :eek: bet that place smells real nice :eek:


Pontiac, MI...A man who acknowledged a sexual fetish for female-shaped mannequins was sentenced Thursday to more than a year in prison after repeatedly breaking into sotrefront windows. Ronald Dotson, 39, of Detroit, was sentenced to 18 months to 30 years on charges of breaking and entering and being a habitual crimnal. He was arrested in October after police in the Detroit suburb of Royal Oak spotted him near a smached store front window containing a mannequin wearing a French maids outfit. The arrest came less than a week after he'd been paroled for his 6th breaking and entering in 13 years.. talk about a FREAK :rolleyes:

The Associated Press

A bride-to-be in Vienna, Austria, had the worst wedding when she jokingly answered "no" instead of "yes" to marrying her husband-to-be during the cermony. Upopn hearing this, the official performing the wedding ceased the wedding and refused to marry the couple. Now they must wait two months before attempting to wed again!!

Burglar Dean Butler of Akron, Ohio, was caught sleeping on the job when residents of a home he had just broken into caught him passed out on their front porch. When the residents tried to wake him, he started htting them with his fists violently.. police arrested him!!! dumb ass :mad:

Ken White..LVRJ
scientests cure cancer, and nobody cares

*make sure to read the article and author disclaimer*

researchers in alberta (go canada!) find a cure by testing a common drug already used to treat metabolic disorders. the drug kills cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. the article suggests that since this drug has no patent, drug companies cannot make money off it and will likely not invest in research. makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside doesnt it? :rolleyes:
Good God. Who cares if you make money or not? It's a freakin cure for CANCER! Some people are just so.... Arg!
La. Sheriff Puts Cameras on Tasers
Feb 1, 5:02 PM (ET)

GRETNA, La. (AP) - Now in Jefferson Parish: Tasercams. Any time a sheriff's deputy turns off a stun gun's safety, a tiny camera will roll. The video will both help defend deputies against lawsuits accusing them of excessive force and reduce any chance of such abuse by deputies, Sheriff Harry Lee said Wednesday.

He spent $272,400 to upgrade the department's 681 Taser X26 stun guns.

"This is a good expenditure of money. It's good for us. It's good for the people of Jefferson Parish," Lee said.

Tasers deliver a 50,000-volt shock via two wire-attached probes that can be fired 21 feet.

The mini-cameras, which attach to the bottom of the Tasers, begin recording as soon as a deputy switches off the safety switch, said Capt. Jeff Eddy, head of the sheriff's office firing range and armory.

The black and white camera can record up to 1 1/2 hours of footage with sound, and can record in daylight, low light and no light. That footage can be downloaded into a computer and burned onto a computer disc for viewing.

"With allegations of police brutality, we'll be able to show this to the jury," Lee said.

At least four people have died after being stunned by Jefferson Parish deputies. The most recent was Murray Bush, 47, who died about a year ago after two deputies stunned him. Bush, diagnosed with bipolar disorder, had violently resisted their attempt to take him into custody for treatment, authorities said.

In October, some in the community became alarmed after a Sheriff's Office deputy used a Taser to subdue a 16-year-old student at Grace King High School in Metairie. The student was not injured.

Lee said Wednesday that he hoped the video cameras would address some of the complaints about Taser abuse.

Joe Cook, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana, said "I think that's better than not having them, but it still doesn't alleviate the problem."

He said only the manufacturer has tested the device's safety, and the exact effects of stun guns on people with medical conditions such as heart abnormalities are still unknown. Cook said he's concerned that officers might be prone to use Tasers in situations where lesser force would be acceptable.


Man, Yoda the Dog Travel on Riding Mower
Jan 31, 11:16 PM (ET)

GARDEN CITY, Utah (AP) - Joined by his dog Yoda, Paul Woods travels by day and sleeps in a tent at night. His vehicle: a riding mower. "You've got to be pretty strange and pretty weird to be driving a tractor mower across country," Woods, 44, said.

The Herald Journal of Logan caught up with Woods in the parking lot of Beaver Mountain ski resort, 107 miles north of Salt Lake City, near the Idaho border.

Woods' ultimate destination is Virginia, where he claims his late mother left him a house. He said he took care of her in Alaska until her death.

Woods said he left Alaska in 2005 and has been riding his mower or getting rides from sympathetic pickup drivers who hoist his vehicle in the back of the truck.

The mower's maximum speed is 15 mph, but it's weighted down by tools, snacks and the dog.

"I've spent more time fixing it than driving it," Woods said.

The president of Beaver Mountain, Ted Seeholzer, said it took Woods two days to drive 27 miles up U.S. 89 to reach the resort.

He spent two nights in a tent in the parking lot. Employees gave him a power cord so he could watch the 1971 movie "Billy Jack" on a portable DVD player.

"He bummed some tools, bought some gas and food," Seeholzer said by phone Wednesday. "He talked to everybody in the place, walked in like he was part of the company."

Woods departed Wednesday for the next town on U.S. 89, Garden City. The cold, windy canyon doesn't bother him.

"This is not cold," he told the Herald Journal. "Alaska can be cold. ... You have to wear goggles or your eyeballs will freeze."


"You Made Me Rub Your Gross Feet"
Feb 1, 4:36 PM (ET)


CHICAGO (AP) - Police in the Chicago suburb of Algonquin on Thursday continued to search for a thief who looks, smells and feels marvelous. Algonquin Police Detective Andrew Doles said the man has ordered up an array of services in at least 20 spas in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin since last March and left without paying the bill.

"Pedicures, manicures, facials, those are the standards he goes for," Doles said.

All told, the man has stiffed spas for several thousand dollars worth of services, he said.

The man typically gets treatments such as a sea salt body polish, a hair cut and color, but before it's time for his massage, he says he has to leave the building to use his cell phone or get papers from his briefcase. Then, Doles said, the man leaves and never returns.

"No threats of violence or anything like that," Doles said.

The man uses the name Scott Kendry, an apparent alias, Doles said.

At least 6 feet tall and weighing as much as 300 pounds, the man does try to explain why he's pampering himself.

"He said, 'Well, it's a new year and my wife thinks I should take better care of myself and I want to spend the whole day here getting services,'" said Jacquie Kacena of her encounter with the man on Jan. 4 at her Bella Vita Salon & Day Spa for Men and Women.

Luckily for Kacena, her spa was busy that day and the man made an appointment to come back the next day. But after giving a telephone number that, she said, was not his, he apparently thought better of it and never returned.

"He did hit another one on the 5th," she said. "He did have services, just not here."

Where he had them was over at Day Spa, also in Algonquin.

"He got a full body scrub, facial, and a manicure and pedicure by me," said Lisa Marach, a nail technician at the spa. "He was here 3 1/2 hours."

But a little while before his scheduled massage, Marach said the man told her that he was going to his car to get his briefcase. That was the last she saw of him.

Police said the investigation continues. If he's caught, Marach plans to see him in court.

"I just want to look at him, like 'You jerk, you didn't even tip me. You made me rub your gross feet and listen to you for an hour and a half,'" she said.
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - Self-conscious about what you wear while working out? A Dutch gym plans to introduce "Naked Sunday" for people who like to huff and puff in the buff.

Patrick de Man, owner of Fitworld gym in the town of Heteren, said he got the idea in part from two of his customers who are avid nudists.

"I heard that some other gyms are offering courses on 'pole-dancing' as a sport, so I thought: Why not bring something new to the market?" de Man said.

He said the response had been overwhelming — positive and negative.

The 70,000-member Dutch Federation of Naturists was curious to see if Fitworld's plan would work, spokesman Bernd Huiser said.

"We recently conducted a large survey among our members, and most prefer to exercise with their clothes on," he said. "The most popular activities (for nudists) are things you do outdoors, like walking on the beach, or swimming in a lake, or maybe gardening."

De Man said the first question Fitworld customers were asking was whether it would be sanitary.

Nude exercisers would be required to put towels down on weight machines and to use disposable seat covers while riding bikes. All machines would be cleaned and disinfected afterward. "We clean them every day anyway," he said.

The first "Naked Sunday" is scheduled for March 4.
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