Army Wives

I am so sick of Denise! Oh my gosh! Her character drives me up the wall! The new episodes are really great! I'll wait to post for another day until everyone who wants to see it sees it.
Emilin is driving me nuts. She's acting like such a brat. She got her way and got to stay at the base rather than having to go to Brussells and she's still being horrible to her mother and barely speaking to her father.

That woman Roxie met was hilarious. Loved Roxie beating the crap out of the purse thief. :lol:

And is it my imagination or does the guy Roxie was calling "Opie" look kind of like Clay Aiken? I actually thought it was him when he first walked into the bar. :lol: I was like what the heck is Clay Aiken doing on this show? :lol:
And is it my imagination or does the guy Roxie was calling "Opie" look kind of like Clay Aiken? I actually thought it was him when he first walked into the bar. :lol: I was like what the heck is Clay Aiken doing on this show? :lol:

I thought the same thing! I was like, "Is that Clay?!" Ha!:guffaw: I'm glad I'm not the only one!

Emilin is a spoiled terd. I guess she is coping with her sisters death finally, but I love Gen. Holden, and I didn't like the way she was treating Claudia Joy.

Roxy beating the crap out of the thief was HI-larious! I couldn't stop laughing.

I want more Joan. She's one of the "Army Wives" but we never see her except for a few minutes in the beginning of the episode.

Poor Roland. He is so awesome! The character cracks me up and I think it's cute he's a stay at home Dad.

Pamela, as always, cracked me up with her class she was teaching.

Denise. Oh, Denise. I can't say much about this character because I can;t stand them, but I really wish she'd leave. She cheated on her husband and than wanted Claudia Joy to dry her tears? No. Denise is a cheater and needs to deal with her failure.
Denise didn't bug me at first, but then she cheated on her husband (even if I can't stand Frank- he's a bit of an old-fashioned type of guy and sometimes can be a jerk) and now I just don't know what to feel anymore. Something in the preview regarding her bugged me:

She gets upset with Claudia Joy for shutting the door in her face.

I really do think though that Claudia Joy's reaction when Denise appeared at her door was not about Denise's actions, but rather about Claudia Joy being upset over her own home situation. It must be hard to say goodbye to your hubby and him be half way around the world when you could have gone with him, but didn't because your bratty teenage daughter threw a fit and you'd already lost one daughter and didn't want to lose the only one you had left. Yeah, I think Denise made her own bed. Claudia Joy on the other hand is trying to do what she feels is best for her family. When was the last time Denise did that? Denise lately has been selfish and taking care of only her own needs and not thinking about what her affair could do to her son (as well as her husband) who [are both] off fighting in the war.

And I know Roland cheated on Joan too, but at least he made amends and knew from the beginning it was wrong and that it was only one time. Denise may have actually only technically slept with Mac once, but she did have thoughts of being with him more than that. And she didn't seem to feel one iota of guilt about it until she lost her job and her friends turned on her over it. Roland felt guilty from the beginning. And I don't think at the time that his wife was off fighting in a war. I think she was still on base, but just kind of shutting him out. Not that it makes that much different cause cheating is cheating, but Denise had a child at the time and Roland didn't. So in Denise's case her husband wasn't the only one she could hurt with her actions (besides herself). Not to mention, Denise's behavior has been bad before Mac. She almost got together with that doctor too. Kissing someone else is still kind of cheating.
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Ugh! Emmalin really needs an attitude adjustment. She's starting to grate on my nerves big time.

Aww at Jeremy with the doggie. So cute. Anyone know what kind of dog that was? He was adorable. I kept hoping that Frank would take the dog home with him, but Frank was already gone by that time. Poor little doggie wanted to stay with jeremy. That scene broke my heart.

Denise & Frank- I had a feeling things wouldn't be all peachy keen like they were in her dream last week. He has a right to be upset, but he shouldnt' be too self righteous because he ALMOST cheated on her as well.

I loved the scene with Trevor and Roxie where she said she didn't care if she ever got a fancy house as long as she had him and the kids... and the way he kind of smiled and told her he loved her. Sweet.

Pamela's kids are something else. First they're at each other's throats from sharing a room then they're all excited about getting their own rooms and arguing over whose room is gonna be bigger and then they're not wanting to move... and then they move and they love it. :lol: Ah the indecisiveness of childhood. :lol:

I'm surprised that Joan didn't take Michael up on his offer and stay on base with her family, but I guess she made good points on why she couldn't too.

Denise really bugged me in this ep. Her being upset cause Claudia Joy couldn't hold her hand at that moment when she had things of her own going on that were bothering her... that was just really selfish of Denise to think it was all about her.

the tofurkey thing was funny. :lol: Michael's in the middle of talking about history then all of a sudden makes a face and goes "this tastes different". :lol: and all his jokes about pardoning the tofurkey on thanksgiving. :lol:
Emmalin needs a little sister seemed to be helping adjust her attitude somewhat.

Frank and Denise- Figured they'd decide to try to work things out.

Lucky- I love this dog! I cracked up so hard when Roxie said "my hair was cut... by a dog!" :guffaw:

The christening was so beautiful.

Chase can be a butt sometimes, but I'm glad he came to his senses. :lol:

Glad Rox and Trev are keeping Lucky now Jeremy can see him when he comes home. :)
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Tonight's ep was great. I loved it. This show just keeps me hooked so easily. I swear, the last three eps have made me cry at the end. lol
I'm so glad they are finally showing an interest in Joan. She is such a good character and Wendy Davis is a great actress.

The christening was great. It was really beautiful.

Denise drives me nuts. In the last two episodes she has wanted everyone to join her pity party. "Oh, poor me. I cheated on my husband. Cry with me." I don't know if it's just me being rude, but I show no sympathy for her. Not to mention, her character hogs SO much screen time!

Chase also was driving me crazy. Pamela has to everything without him when he leaves, and when he comes back he wants to start making demands? I'm just glad he realized how much she has to do when he's gone.

Trevor is adorable. What else is there to say? Trevor and Roxy are two of my favorite characters. They crack me up every episode. And I'm glad they kept the dog. It's a great addition to the family.

I love the fact that the Holdens are so close to Joan and Roland. Being their daughters godparents just seems right to me.

Emmalin was great with the Iraqi girl. Her character was driving me crazy, but I think it's good she is making a connection with someone else.

Overall, this season has been pretty good. very little complaints. TPTB at this show really know what their doin'. they hsve just the right mix of everything that I look for in a show. Usually with 15 different characters, it's hard to have an episode with everyone included, but they seem to do it every week so kudos to TPTB. I wish they would send over their techniques to TPTB over at CSI...
Woohoo! Evan and Jennifer are gone! At least I don't think Fort Marshall is anywhere near the Pentagon. :lol: I loved the "show" that Trevor and Joan put on for the benefit of the "mole". :lol: Trevor was awesome. He really looked disappointed with himself which was very effective for weeding out the leak. Loved the last scene with Trevor and Roxie. "what else in on the menu?" :lol: And Lucky got to the edible panties before Roxie could model them for Trevor. :guffaw: Even still, the idea of Roxie wearing them was enough to get Trevor going. :lol:

The end scene with Joan and Roland was also very cute. I bet Roland was wearing a pair of edible panties. :guffaw: Joan's expression was classic.

Glad that Claudia Joy was able to one-up Jennifer's near destruction of getting Haneen help for her surgery follow-ups. That Major who told the story of the interpreter that helped him was very touching and effective.

I don't know what's up with Frank and Denise. He wants to take it slow and she wants to jump ahead to living together again. Lady, you cheated on the guy and you broke his trust. You have to earn that trust back and you can't do that overnight. It doesn't work that way!

I wonder what's wrong with Roxie's son. Hmm...
Does anyone know who sings the song that played when Denise and Frank were "reuniting"? I think it's called "Let It Be Me" and it was a woman singing.

Loved that talk between Emmalin and Michael. So sweet.

And I adored Roxie's reaction when she found out Finn was smarter than his average peer and didn't have A.D.D.
I have not had a chance to watch this show lately. I ran across this thread and I have seen what has been happening on the show :) Thanks for all of the information!
Does anyone know who sings the song that played when Denise and Frank were "reuniting"? I think it's called "Let It Be Me" and it was a woman singing.

:lol: Shows how bad my memory is. It wasn't a woman singing, it was a man. :lol: :slaps self in forehead: It's Ray Lamontagne.
Yay! Finn got a scholarship. Trevor's thinking of doing recruiting which means he'd get to stay home with Roxie and the boys (and Lucky) for three years. :D Yay! Hope he accepts. Joan and Roland were cute. Love the "now come up stairs and thats an order" at the end of the vid message. :lol: Katie was acting scary... she's ten and saying she's a fat cow? :wtf: And then she wants to look sexy? I don't get the big deal about the bra though. I don't think there's anything wrong with her wearing a training bra if she needs it. Loved when Katie said the boys were immature and gross cause they wanted to make fart sounds with their arm pits. :lol: I remember boys like that. :lol:

Kelly Bishop should be on the show more often. She was a riot. I giggled through all of her scenes. I think the funniest was when she said she'd sit in the soldier's lap. :lol:

As for the cliffhanger at the end ... woah. I kind of saw it coming, but I hoped Claudia Joy would ask Denise to drive cause her vision was blurring. I wonder what's wrong with her. I'm thinking she may be pregnant and I do know that sometimes pregnancy can cause high blood pressure particularly if you're under a lot of stress. And I believe high blood pressure can cause blurry vision. I just hope they don't give her cancer or something because they did that on Desperate Housewives I believe.

I didn't know all those things about Trevor's family. Poor guy.
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OMG, Kelly Bishop was a riot. That's how I'd like to be when I'm old. Oh wait, I'm old now. :lol:

I saw the accident coming as soon as Claudia Joy's sight was blurring and I was thinking the same thing. Pull off, for pete's sake, and let Denise drive, but that wouldn't have any drama to it.

I wonder what they will find out about her and what's wrong. I was thinking maybe she was losing her vision. :( Or something along those lines. At least it was the season finale. :rolleyes: Because I hate, HATE cliffhangers.
yeah, I'm still shaken from the season finale where the Hump Bar exploded. :lol: But the conclusion of that where Amanda died had me in tears.