Army Wives

Yeah that season finale was pretty intense. I could tell there was something wrong with Claudia from the beginning. I'm thinking she has a brain tumor or brain cancer. But, of course, she'll survive.

Kelly Bishop was hilarious!

Was Roland drunk at the beginning cause it seemed like it!

This show is doing great. There are very few episodes I dislike (most revolving around Denise, whom I can't stand!)

Finn is adorable. if he could be in everyh episode, I would be content. Also, Joan and Roland's baby is so cute! Roland is like the perfect husband, minus the cheating part! Ha.
So Claudia Joy has diabetes. Didn't see that one coming. Trevor handled the situation with TJ perfectly. I thought for a minute there that something was going to happen to Jeremy. Roxie and Trevor need to have a little girl. Roxie's way outnumbered. Two sons, a hubby and a male dog. :lol: No wonder she keeps inviting woman to come stay with her (first Betty and then the singer whose name I don't recall). :lol:
Okay so I am wondering exactly what is wrong with Jeremy. I hate it when they end a show like that. Now I am really eager for next week's episode.
I don't like Trevor's new boss much. He's a little too hard on the poor guy. He tried so hard to bring in a new person, but everyone kept ignoring him or walking out. :lol: And it was a good idea to have Roxie help him with the one guy and his fiancee, but of course Roxie messed it up by mentioning Trevor having been shot. :lol:

I really felt bad for Pamela. I don't think it's right that she's not notified if he's hurt just because he does secret missions or whatever. However, I still wonder who was at her door. They didn't tell us. But, her not answering the door, if Chase was hurt or worse, she would only be delaying the inevitable. Not answering the door is not going to cause him to be alive or uninjured if he's not either of those. I understand her being afraid, but I don't really know what she thought she would accomplish by not answering the door.

Poor Roland and Joan. He was trying to do something nice for his wife and it made them sick (the oysters). At first when she said "oh no" and grabbed her stomach and ran upstairs, my first thought was "she's pregnant again, guess that means no deployment" :lol:. Sadly, that was not the case. When they were lying on floor and she goes "this tile is so cool" :lol: and he said "I'll give you five bucks if you go get the baby". :lol: And her saying "you brought the oysters, you get the baby". :lol:

Claudia Joy really does need to tell her close friends about her condition so that they'll know what to do if something happens when Denise, Michael or Emmalin are not around and Claudia Joy is too out of it to administer her meds.

I wonder if there's a new ep next week. I hate when they say "in the coming weeks" instead of "next week on Army wives" or whatever.

I had a feeling something was going to happen to either Jeremy or his buddy. But, the scene with him and the gun freaked me out. I hope he doesn't hurt himself. Hopefully someone will get to him in time.

And they showed Chase in the hospital bed all bruised up (at least I think it was him) and then a scene of Pam asking him what else has he lied about and telling him to get out.
Just to let you know, according to my cable guide, this weeks ep is a repeat. It's the one where Lucky the dog first joins Trevors family. :)
Last night's ep was good. Trevor got his first recruit. :D Roxie threw away her BC pills. Can't wait to see if there's a baby in their future. :D

Poor Jeremy though, losing his friend in battle like that. :(

Sounds like Chase might have been captured by the enemy and tortured. Wonder why he won't talk to Pam about it though.

I felt bad for Joan as she looked at her daughter, knowing she'd have to leave her in a week.

I'm glad that Claudia Joy finally decided to tell her friends about her condition and then she put on the medical alert bracelet.

But, :wtf: was up with the previews for next week?

Back to the 1940s? Ugh! That's stupid and so doesn't work on this show. I thought this show was supposed to be more serious. Bleh! I think I'll skip this episode for sure. If its got nothing to do with current storylines, I could care less if I miss it.
Yeah WTF?! I'm sick of shows going back to the 1940s. all of my favorite shows have done it, and I disliked it almost every time. Ugh.

I think Chase couldn't tell Pam. Not that he didn't want to, but you know the type of division he's in doesn't give alot of information. I wonder if they will give him a PTSD(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) storyline.

Overall, I liked the episode. Poor Joan. :( Very sad. I;m also glad Claudia Joy stopped playing the marter, and told the group what was up. The girl that she was talking with at the hockey practice was pretty funny!

I like the girl that Trevor and Joan recruited. She seems like she's got alot ahead of her. And poor Jeremy. Loosing a friend like that in battle, a week before you head home. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the season so far!
The girl that was talking to Claudia Joy cracked me up.

I feel a bit bad for Canessa. Her sister said she needs to help her family. She didn't tell her sister to go out and have kids and all of that. It's her deal to take care of her own children. Why should Canessa have to give up her dreams? That woman frusturated me. I didn't like the way she was yelling at those kids either. They didn't sound very old.
Wow... no posts in here in almost a month?

Season finale tonight.

That was so sweet last week how Lucky saw and remembered Jeremy and ran to him. Awww. :adore:

Not one, but two cliffhangers? Well, three if you count Pamela and the kids leaving Chase. But now we have to wonder for months if Joan got blown up and if Jeremy shot himself? Yeesh! The Pamela thing I could have handled, but... come on!

Hehe... Trevor was so cute when Roxie finally told him she was pregnant. :adore:

And OMG! Lenora's back? ugh! Apparently these Generals don't talk to each other or this one would have known that she tampered into that other general's computer and looked at something supposedly about a hush hush military operation... highly classified. Shouldn't she have had to do jail time for that? :confused:
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OMG! I could not believe the ending of tonight's season finale. And now we have to wait until June next year for the new season? UGH! Torture!
It's not coming back until June? ARRGGHH! This is worse than the wait for the conclusion of the finale where there was the bomb in the hump bar.
For anyone interested.

Vice president's wife set to guest on 'Army Wives'

NEW YORK – Lifetime network's "Army Wives" is set to welcome the wife of Vice President Joe Biden in a future episode.

The network announced Wednesday that Jill Biden will make a guest appearance on the military drama to raise awareness of the contributions by U.S. men and women in uniform as well as their families.

She will appear as herself in the episode, titled "Mud, Sweat and Tears." She visits the show's Fort Marshall to kick off the annual Fun Run, and while there meets with military spouses. A number of real Army wives will be featured in the episode, which is scheduled to air Aug. 15.

"Army Wives" stars Kim Delaney and Catherine Bell.
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I got pretty bored with this show last season and only continued to watch to see the conclusion of last season's cliffhanger and the birth of Roxie and Trevor's baby (they're my fave characters). But then Roxie lost her baby and now Denise (my least favorite character) is pregnant. I've really got no reason to watch anymore. I could care less about Denise having a baby. LOL. I just wanted to see cute Trevor moments holding his new baby and now that is crushed. Darn writers! LOL.
Then you watched more then me, I watched one ep which is unlike me to judge an show but I started to fall asleep. Now if you count previews (they previewed people to death) then I watched two or three eps lol.

Actually I only brought this up because the VP's wife Jill will be guest starring in an ep and anyone who does like the show might be interested, if not totally in the show they might be interested in the ep.