Army Wives

OMG! I feel stupid now. My brother walked into the room while I was watching "Army Wives" tonight. It was the scene in the bar with Roxie and Roland where Roxie freaks out about that drunk guy. My brother said, "Hey, that's that guy from Supernatural." I was like "what?" He said, "That's the guy that got turned into a vamp." Bro knew as soon as he heard his voice. Now how come I never realized that before? :lol: I thought bro was mistaken, so I looked it up on imdb and he was right. It is the same guy who played Gordon. :lol:

BTW, tonight's episode:

Michael- okay, I get him being upset for Frank, but I think Denise feels bad enough.

Roxie - Take a chill pill, sweetie and stop carrying so much on your lone shoulders.

Jennifer- ugh, I'm with Pamela. Don't like this new woman at all. Loved when Pamela said, "Okay, now can we not like her?" :lol:

Pamela & Chase - loved the scene between her and Chase when he first got home. Loved how he comforted her. So sweet.

Roland- freaking out about his Mom, that was funny. It was funnier that his mom's comments seemed to be insults toward Joan, but yet Joan didn't take it that way and Roland did. :lol:

Joan- It was cute how she got excited over the baby squeezing her hand.

Glad both Trev and Rox are getting counseling.

Preview for next week: Em's in over her head with an older boy. Um, isn't this a recycled storyline of Amanda/Jeremy? And it looked like that dude that played in the ep of Miami entitled "Legal". He was the one whose friend loaned him the inhaler. I think he might have also been on an ep or two of Smallville.
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OMG! I feel stupid now. My brother walked into the room while I was watching "Army Wives" tonight. It was the scene in the bar with Roxie and Roland where Roxie freaks out about that drunk guy. My brother said, "Hey, that's that guy from Supernatural." I was like "what?" He said, "That's the guy that got turned into a vamp." Bro knew as soon as he heard his voice. Now how come I never realized that before? :lol: I thought bro was mistaken, so I looked it up on imdb and he was right. It is the same guy who played Gordon. :lol:

Oh my, you're right! I'm such a fan of Supernatural and I didn't even see it! :lol: Wow, cool.
He's part of the reason I started watching the show! He's a really good actor and kinda easy on the eyes. ;)

My TiVo didn't record this weeks episode.:scream: Either it failed me or someone in the house cancelled it and is lying:shifty:... Either way, I'll figure it out.

So you guys are going to have to full me in a little on what happened if You all don't mind! ;)
I'll do my best:

Trevor went to a meeting, then came home and told Roxie he had to go to one every day for two weeks and that they told him she should go to one for spouses of alcoholics. She started sneezing. He asked if she was getting sick. She said she's too busy to get sick and her body has been informed of that. :lol: She left cause she had to go to Denise's and left Trevor with the task of making the boys do their homework.

Claudia Joy and Michael were in the kitchen talking about Frank and Denise (don't remember how it came up). Claudia Joy says, "and the death hit her pretty hard". Michael was like "what death?" She said "Getty". Michael asked if something was going on between Getty and Denise. She said she assumed Frank told him. He said no. So she said "they kissed, but that's all, it wasn't an affair." Michael gets all upset and says, "but it's still a betrayal. he's over there risking his life..." Claudia Joy says "have some compassion, she's my friend." And he said "and Frank's my friend." then he leaves, she sighs. Later Denise is at Claudia Joy's and Michael comes in. She says "hi michael", he says, "Hi, Denise. How's Frank?" She says he's fine. Michael says "that's good" and then walks out of the room. Denise has a "what was that all about?" look on her face.

Later, Denise opens a bank account in her name. She never had one cause she married young. She wants to paint her house and Claudia Joy goes to the store with her. She tells Denise that she accidentally told Michael about the kiss and that's why he was weird with her. Denise isn't mad at her, but it worried about how Michael will treat her. Later, she's leaving Claudia Joy's when Michael pulls up. She asks if they can talk. He says he doesn't know what he'd say. I can't remember what she says, but he says something about Frank is over there fighting, risking his life and he needs to know that she's gonna be faithful so he won't have to worry about that, so he isn't distracted. She says, what about how he treats her or something (can't remember the exact words). Michael says that's between her and Frank. She says, "You know what, Michael, it's all between me and Frank." And then she leaves.

Chase comes home. Pamela says she's so glad he's home and she hugs him, clinging to him like a frightened child as she starts to sob. He asks what's going on and she tells him about the stalker. He just holds her and kisses the top of her head.

Roland's mother comes to visit and when she sees the baby she says he didn't tell her that the baby looks like their side of the family and looks nothing like Joan. This upsets Roland. Joan just says, "Yeah, I know. If I hadn't given birth to her, I would have sworn someone had packed her up and mailed her to me." or something like that. Joan and mother-in-law bond. Roland feels left out I think. :lol: But, later he walks in and his mom is holding the baby while rocking in the rocking chair. She says she tells her how it is and the baby understands. She just tells her, "you're falling asleep and when you wake up, we'll all be here." she says that calms her. Roland asks to try himself. So she hands him the baby and gets up from the chair and he sits down. He says the same line to the baby. His mom says he can add something else if he wants. He says, "thank you for coming" and looks up at his mom and says "you too". She just pats his shoulder and walks to the door where Joan is standing, watching with a smile. She puts her hand on Joans, who covers her hand with her own. Then Roland's mom leaves the room.

A new wife comes to the base. Her name is Jennifer. I think the last name maybe be Connor or O'Connell or osmething like that. Claudia Joy invits her to the meeting (can't remember what it's called). She suggests they do a swimsuit calendar to raise money or something. She says it worked at her old base. Claudia Joy says thats a good idea only it should be a slice of life calendar with group shots. They take a vote and only two or three vote for the swimsuit, the rest choose the slice of life calendar.

Pamela tells Chase she is thinking about doing the calendar. He says it might not be a good idea to put her face out there in light of the whole stalker thing. She agrees with him and tells Roxie she isn't doing it. jennifer shows up and Pamela says she's not doing the calendar. Jennifer says, "my swimsuit idea was better, right? I mean I like Claudia Joy, but she's a little modest." Pamela reminds her that they all took a vote. She says, yeah but who is gonna say no to Claudia Joy? She gets up, tells Roxie she wants a salad (they're at Bettys by the way) and asks where the ladies room is. Roxie tells her and she walks off. Pamela says something about she doesn't really like her. :lol:

Later, the friends are going over the calendar pics when they find swimsuit pics. The photographer says those are Jennifer's. They say, she's doing a competiting calendar? Pamela turns to Claudia Joy and says, "Okay, now can we not like her?" :lol:

Roxie's at Betty's a customer is drunk. Roland's there talking with Roxie. Roxie tells the drunk guy to give her his keys cause he's not driving like that. His friend says he's driving and he's not as drunk at him. She goes off in a rant about how drunks place their problems on everyone elses and she's got enough to deal with. Then she yells for them to get out. They leave, everyone else is staring at her. She snaps "what are you all looking at?" She's very stressed out and Roland knows it, tries to convince her to go to the counseling.

At the end of the ep, it shows Trevor talking at his meeting. He says he only knew Rox for a short time before they got married, but it was the best thing he ever did cause when he saw her, he knew she was the one. Roxie's in a meeting of her own talking about how she does impulsive things cause that's all she ever saw growing up. She says though it was impulsive, marrying Trev was the best thing she ever did.

Oh and Roland's mom gave him a check and wanted him to put a savings account for the baby and she wouldn't let him do it online cause she doesn't trust that process. She wants proof that he opened the account. So, he brings her back the information. :lol:

That's about as much as I can remember. :lol: Though its a lot more than I thought I would remember. :lol: :D I think the ep will be on again next Sunday an hour before the new ep.
That was the most thorough explanation of an episode I've ever seen! It was great! Thanks for the update! I totally forgot that it comes on before the new episode. That was I can catch it!

How do you guys feel about the whole Michael/Denise conversation? From the sounds of it, I agree with Michael. What Denise did was wrong. But from what my sister says, (BIG Army Wives fan) Michael came off as a judgemental @$$...
He did come off a little judgemental, but I think he's just concerned about Frank. He's worried that with troubles brewing at home, Frank may not be completely focused in Iraq and could end up getting hurt because of it. But, Denise... yeah, she should have immediately pushed Getty away when he kissed her, but at least she did stop it. Not that it still wasn't wrong. But, she sometimes comes off as being nonchalant about it... and that bugs me a little.

I heard something on the radio the other day where they were asking why men cheat. Someone who was a therapist or something said men cheat because they feel underappreciated, they don't feel secure, needed, admired, etc... So, if that's the case then do women who cheat do that for the same reasons? They said something about teens and young guys in their twenties... that for them its hormonally based, but for older men it's not about sex, but about emotional issues.

I dunno, I kind of feel like those reasons are the ones for what Denise did. She felt that Frank wasn't being supportive of her job or her hobbies (ie the motorcycle) and that caused fights between them. That probably left her feeling like he was not appreciating all that she did for him and that he wanted her to do what he wanted her to do and that she couldn't have interests of her own outside of him and their son. That's probably what made Getty such a hard to resist temptation. He was completely opposite of Frank. He liked her being free, expressing herself, etc. Frank didn't.

I guess to sum up, I kind of understand it from both angles... though cheating (even kissing) is wrong no matter the reason.
So Jennifer is married to the annoying jerk of a guy who wants Joan's job? Wow... those two are quite the pair. I don't like either one of them. Looks like next week Claudia Joy is gonna tell Jennifer off. Can't wait for that!

Also, Michael redeemed himself tonight with being nice and apologizing to Denise. However it looks like starting next week, Denise might start a romance with that guy that gave her the motorcycle.

So, Rumer Willis was on tonight's episode. I swear some of her facial expressions remind me of Natalie Portman. I have no idea why. Especially Natalie the way she looked in Mr. Magorium's Magic Imporium... with the short hair. Those two could play sisters.

Trevor and Roxie were so cute. I was glad Chase got to come home for Lucas' birthday. So, Betty's been lying to Roxie making her think the cancer's gone? What, she didn't want Roxie to see her die or something?
Jennifer and her hubby need to leave pronto. Didn't like Jennifer coming between Emalinn and Claudia Joy and didn't like her husband being a smart ass toward Trevor.

Joan was cute not wanting to leave the baby and all. :lol: Separation anxiety city. :D

Glad Marta kicked her fiance to the curb after he stole money from Roxie's cash register.

Denise getting too close to Mac is a bad idea. Her ignoring Frank's call. hmm... Don't tell me they're gonna have Frank hook up with that female soldier. Yeesh.

Next week's preview: What do Michael and CLaudia Joy have to tell the group? Did something happen to Logan, Frank or Jeremy or maybe Chase? I know Trevor's not leaving for a bit (or so he told the boys), so it can't be him. Or maybe it's a happy thing he has to tell them. Maybe Jennifer and her husband are leaving the post. Now that Joan's back working, does he need to be there anyway? It looks like Denise and Mac are gonna get intimate. Yeesh, she really doesn't want to save her marriage does she? Roxie crying... I think something probably happens to Marta. At the end of tonight's ep it showed that Marta's boyfriend left his bottle of Jack Daniels there. So, she probably gets drunk and gets in a wreck or something.
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Just got my new tv guide today and it says that the Holdens must deal with big changes in the season finale. And it says that a long lost relative of Betty's stops by with some news for Roxie. So, that must be why she's crying in the preview. Betty must have died. I figured that was gonna happen sooner or later. Poor Rox!
Oh, I knew Betty was going to die. That is so sad. And I'm dying to find out what this thing that Claudia Joy has to tell everyone. I hate cliff hangers, you know what she has to tell them will be at the end of the episode or there going to make us wait until next season :rolleyes:

Oh did I mention, I love this show?

There is such chemistry and I really love how there is a man in the group. Just love it!!!!!!
I think I got confused. I thought tonight was the season finale, but I was looking at the tv guide for next week. So, I'm thinking the news for Roxie that Betty's relative has may have something to do with Betty's will and the relative might try to take the bar from Roxie. That's just my guess.

I have a feeling if Claudia Joy and Michael do leave post that Emilann and Logan may run off somewhere [that allows 16yr olds to marry without parental consent] and get married.

I knew Frank was gonna hook up with Jordanna. :rolleyes: So predictable. And did we really need to see Denise in bar and underwear? Couldn't she have just been wearing a night gown like Joan was? yeesh.

Joan not wanting to leave the baby was so sweet/cute. I was cracking up at her and Roland in that scene. Too funny.

Trevor is the sweetest. I'm glad he saw Marta walk out with that alcohol and that he stopped her and got her to go to an AA meeting. I was surprised that Roxie called her "Mom" at the end though.

I'm a little bothered by Pamela's insistance that an 8 yr old showing off their private parts to other kids is "normal". That is most definitely NOT normal! I never did that when I was eight years old and I don't know anyone who has or anyone who has had kids who have done that. There is nothing normal about that. But, I found the whole scene with Pamela and those other mothers amusing. Especially when the man comes up and says his son said the girl told it in a sweet way. :lol: And then Pamela telling that one mother that it was her son who told her daughter where babies come out of. :lol: That sure shut that hypocrite up. She says Pamela's daughter is too young to know about s-e-x, yet she apparently told her son what part of the mother's body a baby comes from? :lol: Hypocrites bug me (too many in my family I guess lol).

Speaking of hypocrites, Frank has no officially become one. :lol: Talk about irony.

Next week's previews have me curious, but I can find no spoilers for the episode at all other than the little bit from the tv guide. I want to know what the heartache/tragedy is or whatever. I don't wanna wait a week. :lol: I'm impatient.

Oh and something my mother thought of was that if Michael leaves the post that Joan will get the General position and that Evan will regret the way he acted toward her cause she'd be his boss. :lol: That would be funny.

By the way, does anyone know where there are Army Wives screencaps? I want the ones of Trevor holding Joan's baby. I think he held her right after she was born too, but... the scene tonight was just so cute. Loved that the baby grabbed his finger and the look on his face. I thought he was gonna go home and tell Roxie he wanted them to have a baby. :lol: Sadly, that did not happen. Oh well.
Just posting to say that I saw a commerical on lifetime last night that said that Army Wives will return on January 18th. :)
I guess I misunderstood the commercial I saw. What they are doing is actually replaying Season Two. I could not find any info on lifetime's website about when Season 3 will start.
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anyone watching the new eps? I just saw last week's ep this morning (forgot to watch it on Sunday lol).

So, here's where we stand (before tonight's ep):

~Michael went to Brussells alone until Emilin finishes high school.

~Denise got fired for having an affair with her patient.

~Turns out Frank didn't actually sleep with that other woman, he stopped himself. He told Jeremy that he and Denise were separated.

~another soldier told Frank about Denise's adultery.

~Pamela called in a favor to her old cop partner and the guy posing as Betty's niece was arrested for fraud. Turns out he was really just an orderly that worked at Betty's hospice.

~Frank took a dangerous mission in Iraq.

~Roland, Pamela and Roxie went to Denise's house to tell her there was a stupid, vicious rumor going around about her that she got fired for an affair with a patient. Denise told them it was true and then left. She met up with the guy (can't remember his name Mac maybe?) and he told her he and his girlfriend were getting back together, but he still loves Denise and will cherish their time together. :rolleyes: Men! :lol:

~Denise was upset, went to Claudia Joy's, but Claudia shut the door in her face telling her she couldn't talk right then. I don't know if she was really upset with Denise or if she was just upset about Michael having to leave and just wasn't up for any company.

No sight of the married jerks who are taking over the base. :lol:

Previews showed an explosion in Iraq and then Michael calling CJ and Denise and telling them "it's about frank". Info on my cable box says Denise learns Frank may have been injured in an accident in Iraq or something to that effect.