Are you In or Out of your Shipper Closet?

i'm sorry but i HAVE to say this. darx2mint4, the people on your avie look TOTALLY like Grissom and Sara. i don't know if it's intentional or not (probably not, lol) but omg, i love it, and i've stared at it for like 3 minutes straight.
No one in my real life knows of the shipperverse. Or what online fandom is all about, so yeah I'm in the shipper closet as far as obsession goes. They don't know about my fanfics and music vids or my LJ. My hubby knows I read fics online. He knows of my love for Calleigh and Eric and any other ship I have of any series. LOL He comments sometimes on the UST of some of my ships and it makes me squee inside. He made a comment once about how Eric likes Calleigh, "you can tell" and I went off on a mile long question/answer period of how fab these two are and he was like, yeah, you can tell. LOL I love him. My mom knows about my fandoms cause she's a shipper without internet. It's funny because we'll call and we always talk about Days of our Lives and Lucas/Sami. Then she'll ask what shows/ships I've discovered and sometimes I get her hooked on some. (IE Trip/T'Pol, Enterprise). None of my other friends really bring up television shows or whatever. I guess they are too busy for it. :)
:lol: Adzix but I could see how you could think that :)
anyway I am out of the closet for sure on my LV ships but in the closet on my NY ships

Danny/Lindsay and Mac/Stella
Im in the closet the only person who knows that i ship is my dad ( who thinks i'm crazy and that i take it too seriously hes seen my fan videos for SMacked thats it really he doesn't know i write fanfiction. My friends don't know cos i know they would think im strange. I prefer talking about ships on here with others who ship :D
a couple of my csi friends know the extent of my obsession but none of my family do. we all watch CSI but i'm the only shipper and obsessive wallpaper/banner maker :p :D
i mostly keep everything to myslef though!
I am totally out of the closet when it comes to my Danny/Flack.

Danny/Flack is my OTP and everybody (except my kids, they're 8 & 11) know I ship them. My kids just think I love Danny and Flack (which is true).

Danny/Speedle is another favorite that only a couple people online here know about. It's the same with Aiden/Flack, Stella/Flack, the occasional Danny/Flack/Mac, and Tim/Calleigh.

For some reason I don't like Danny shipped with anybody but Flack or Speedle.

I prefer slash over het (there's not much het smut that's any good - stellaluna is great) and only people on here know that.
PsyKay said:
The people around me don't even seem to know what CSI is :eek:!
Me neither! It's crazy! I don't think it is so popular in England, well not in Warwickshire anyway.
Noone knows that I am a shipper (GSR ;) ) although they know that I watch it.
Well I only have one CSI ship (D/L) and one Stargate Atlantis one (John/Liz). Everyone around me (family/friends/colleagues) knows that I never miss an ep of either of these shows and that I like to see those couples get together, but I don't think they know that this is called shipping or that I'm so fanatic about it that I make WP's and write stories about them. :)
Basically shipping is my little secret. I sometimes have desktop wallpapers or messenger avatars with my ship though, so my friends sometimes see them. They usually can't place it though. They just go like "who's that" or "are those the chicks from CSI again?" :lol:

I also never told anyone that I write fanfics, my family and friends know that I write but they don't know what. I only ever showed some of my fics to my ex.

The only person who knows the extend of my shipping is my girlfriend. She's on the board, too, so naturally she knew all my stuff from the start. Now she's the first to beta my stories and to rate my manips and fanart :D
my friends know about me being a shipper. they know my favorite couple of all time and occasionally I talk to them about my newest obssesion

its not a secret but sometimes its a little difficult to explain that Im a shipper and not a fan
Only my best mate knows the extent of my shipping, coz she ships too, just not as obsessively. She always betas my fics too. A few of my other friends sometimes read my stories, but often they have no idea what they're about. :lol: I tried to explain my shipping to people, but they just don't understand, so I mostly keep it between my closest friends now.

My family know I love the shows, but don't really get the shipping :lol:

PSG xxx