Are you In or Out of your Shipper Closet?

My friends know I'm a CSI addict, but not really that I'm a a shipper. Some of them probably realise it, just not what I ship. They do know about the whole meaning of shipper and different fanfic things though, cause of my friend who's a very big Harry Potter shipper.
My roommates know I'm obsessed with CSI. Course, they pretty much are too. Monday, Wesnesday, and Thursday nights you'll find all of us in front of the TV. They know about my shipping and MVs (actually they're the reason I started making was our entertainment). My family knows I love the show...just don't know how obsessed I I am in a different time zone than them so that's not a big surprise.
I like some primetime pairings - Sam and Martin - WAT
And you're from Canada? You're my hero.

Well, my sister knows all of my ships (and only contests me on my WaT pair- she prefers Danny and Sam). She reads my fics *gleep!*-that was an accident- but she doesn't see my art. And I forbid her from coming here incase she sees some of the stuff that I write...

My mum's a shipper. She watches WaT with me, and was yelling at the TV at the end of season two for Sam and Martin to get together. The first time she watched CSI, she bounced onto the couch and the first thing she asked me was, "so who's dating who? Anyone you think should get together?" And I explained the ships and thier perspectives, and I'm pretty sure if anything she'd be a Grillows.

My friend MadGeorge knows the extent of my Snickers obsess- devotion, and I hers; same for DnA. She used to be GSR. She's the only person other than my sister that I discuss ships with because everybody else is like "God, Kate, you're strange."

My mum hates when I read fanfiction, just because I'm on all the time and I sit there for hours doing nothing but reading. I hope she's never actually read over my shoulder (God only knows how she'd react to NS-Leclair or HemingwayCav).

My friends also laugh at me for having my "CSI Fanfiction Awards 2005" nomination and award banners taped to my locker.

By the way, Khanada I am so jealous your friends are so supportive... that is amazing!

So yeah. I'm standing in between the doors of the shipper closet.
My best friend is well aware of my obssession. As she should be, since she gets to read all my fanfiction before anyone else. She even gets to read the stuff that doesn't make the cut; and get put online. And, she helps me out with ideas and what not. Tells me what's good. And what is just way too freaky. :devil: Other than that, people know that I love the shows. And that I come here to the board. But they don't know about my writing. Well, my mother knows about the writing. But she has never read any of it; I would die. Especially if she were to read the slashly little three way I am writing now.
I'm somewhat out but I wouldn't consider myself a diehard shipper. I love writing, always have but if I couldn't write about Warrick/Sara (My ship, don't shoot me!) I would write about something else.
As for posting on this forum, well, my friends know I do that, I keep telling them that I only need 50 more post to get an avator, haha. And I don't watch the show in shipper perspective, the first time I see a new show I just want to focus on the stories. Of course when I rewatch a show I'm known to watch Sara/Warrick scenes over and over
But my friends think it's cool, they don't judge me. I have the best friends ever when you think about it :)
i am a diehard. but in my closet. with my laptop clicking away... my mom knows only because i get to excited and scream out random things, she likes to keep tabs on me is suppese:)
My friends almost always beta my fanfictions, even though they are not into CSI that much.
My family doesn't know, for them I'm so far in the closet I can't even SEE the door :p
im probably out of the closet all the way with being a huge shipper but only half way out with being a slasher...although now that i think about it most people outside of my parents probably know. in every fandom i have one slash pairing and one ship pairing. its funny

thanks to livejournal a lot more people know about these things than if you just read fanic and created icons and all that just for yourself. all my friends there, real life and online know about my obsession with shippyness and slash. sometimes they make fun of the fanfic part.

but i go on and on too much about it for people not to know. lol ;) :p
Hey this thread is cool. My parents know that I watch the show from a shippers persepctive. It's kind of hard not to know since I'm always squeeing or yelling at the tv. :p I forget when I "came out". But it was to my mom. I think she made a comment about another ship (without calling it a 'ship' of course), that I don't ship. Then I told her why I like the ship that I do, and I actually managed to make her agree with me on one of my ships! Yay.

I don't write fics (though I've tried), but I made videos. I don't share them to my parents or my close friends who live in my city, but I do share them to my close friends who live all over the world, (online friends, if you like). Most of them have the same ships as me.
My family and all my friends know I'm a major Miami fan, and that I adore Horatio :D, but my family know only a little about my DuCaine shipping. My desktop wallpaper is a dead giveaway... :rolleyes:, and I randomly shout 'There's DuCaine!!' when I watch any eppie, and I replay the 'Going Under' sweetheart moment over and over, AND 'Hello Hndsome' and my computor is overloaded with H/Cal pics... okay they, know! :p
But they have no idea that I write scenes for Horatio and Calleigh in CSI: DuCaine. That's a big secret. ;) They wonder why I type so much, and why I carry around a big red hardback notebook everywhere I go and scribble stuff in shorthand. If anyone I knew read some of my scenes, they would be pleasantly surprised. ;) Someday...
Liberal in a red state? You aren't alone!

I created a CSI shipper group on Facebook (a networking site, mostly for college students) for DuCainers. I was surprised that it reached 30 members, especially when all of the other CSI fans that I talk to don't ship, and those that do are all about H and Yelina. Those who don't ship are more about the crime-solving than the personal character development.