Are you In or Out of your Shipper Closet?

Well... I guess i'm a bit of a C/S shipper so in terms of that I'm VERY much in the closet, as saying I ship them might make my mum (who watches CSI) wonder why i would ship slash. which would lead to places I don't want to go...

I guess i don't have a real proper ship, but like i do like a few, and i'm out with them, like Greg/Sara moments I say awww, and Grissom/Lady Heather, Cath/Grissom etc. But I don't know, I'm probably best keeping shush, because the people who I know watch CSI would think I'm over into it (which I am) and just shake their heads at me.
Definitely OUT when the main man askes the girl of his dreams to marry him, that's pretty much the CANNON of this show, no other ship has ever had that happen:thumbsup:
true love and total soulmates!
Yea, definitely "out" of the shipper closet, although I'm a glutton for punishment w/my ship :lol: Anyone else have an opinion on whether it's better to stay "in the closet" if/until the ship is canon?
I actually only just realised how stupid I am that I missed my second major ship out :S what an idiot :D But Nick/Greg would probably be worse than Cath/Sara for anyone who found out I ship them, everyone would just shake their heads at me :(

I think it depends who you're in/out of the closet too ;) obviously some people would be hmmm about certain ships, whereas others would be like yeh , i get that kind of thing. If that makes sense?
i've been out of the shipper closet for the longest time. i usually watch the CSI shows with my grandma so she knows that i freak out over D/L or Calleigh and Eric or Flack and Angell. i was/am a die hard shipper of Nick and Sara, have been for years.

usually my ships are my fave characters so my parents or whoever i talk to about the shows i watch know that i ship them. i freaked out in front of my mom last year in the CSI:NY finale with D/L did it on the pool table lol. she told me to go downstairs if i was gonna be like that whenever they came on the screen haha. i save the really big ship freak outs for when i'm by myself.
I guess i'm kind of out the closet. My friends all know about my NY obsession and know about how much i love Danny. They know i go on boards and stuff its not something i mind people knowing i'm used to it.

Shipper wise a few friends know i like DL but i'm not a huge shipper as it is i'm a quiet one as i'm not a huge Fluff fan i'm more of the friendship type.
My mum i think knows cos i watch it with them and because i've seen it by time it airs in UK i'm always going ooh i hate this part why can't he just admit it and stuff like that.
Well, I was out with just my parents (my Mom mostly since she loves Miami too), but now I am out with just about everybody. ;)

I have started working on a video for Eric and Calleigh. I'll post it when it is done.

Bumping this thread up.

I am definitely in the closet in RL....but I do not hide who I ship here on this board. I am not a big shippers...but there are a few ships I enjoy.
Well... I guess i'm a bit of a C/S shipper so in terms of that I'm VERY much in the closet, as saying I ship them might make my mum (who watches CSI) wonder why i would ship slash. which would lead to places I don't want to go...

AMEN. i'm completely OUT with my tiny GSR obsession but i like other ones that would lead to some unwanted questions from the family :shifty:

i also have a little soft spot for Grissom/Lady Heather. i would completely endorse it if that had been the path he'd chosen :bolian:
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I would think that if you have two wikis, a fan fic site and a lj communtiy based on a ship, your out, baby!!!!!
So, I am a GSR Shipper and I am proud.
(I could easily ship Nick/Mandy or even Nick/Greg and Warrick/Catherine)
Piper, you're a GSR-er at heart! :thumbsup:
yes i could also easily ship Catherine/Sara, Nick/Sofia, Warrick/Catherine, and all that jazz :rolleyes:
I'm out. I'm a 100 percent all the time Eric and Calleigh girl.
My parents know it, my husband knows it and my best friend knows it. (She's a Ryan and Natalia shipper by the way)
Before I even tell about what happened in an episode or what the promo was about I start of by saying "Well, Eric said/did..." or "Calleigh and Eric..."
My mom listens to me, my husband just rolls his eyes. LOL
I'm out. I'm a 100 percent all the time Eric and Calleigh girl.
My parents know it, my husband knows it and my best friend knows it. (She's a Ryan and Natalia shipper by the way)
Before I even tell about what happened in an episode or what the promo was about I start of by saying "Well, Eric said/did..." or "Calleigh and Eric..."
My mom listens to me, my husband just rolls his eyes. LOL


I can definitely relate to that. The last time I posted I was still in the closet a tiny bit, but now I'm all the way out. I am a proud Eric/Calleigh Shipper. I could probably ship Horatio/Yelina, Nick/Mandy, Catherine/Warrick (RIP), and Ryan/Valera if I had the time, but at heart, though, I am a one-ship woman.:luvlove:
I actually only just realised how stupid I am that I missed my second major ship out :S what an idiot :D But Nick/Greg would probably be worse than Cath/Sara for anyone who found out I ship them, everyone would just shake their heads at me :(

I think it depends who you're in/out of the closet too ;) obviously some people would be hmmm about certain ships, whereas others would be like yeh , i get that kind of thing. If that makes sense?

Bubbles I understand perfectly!

My ship I'm out and proud... RL- cough cough cough.. People can ask why I ship male ships, so I tell them. Which is in part real truth.