Are you In or Out of your Shipper Closet?

Well, I'm mostly in the closet. :lol: My mom knows that I come on here, and that I like shipping, but she doesn't have a clue that I'm into slash (she wouldn't get it). My 12 year old sister is the only one who knows that much, which is kind of sad, actually. :lol: She's the only one who is aware of the extent of my slashiness. :p

I told one of my friends from high school, who recently moved back down here, but she hasn't gotten back in contact with me since then, so I'm not sure how she took it. :lol:
I like to think I'm still in the closet, but I know better. My mom knows... my sister knows... my best friend knows... I think it's possible even my boss knows. That's what happens when I obsessivly ask for Thursday evenings off.

As for how obsessed I am? I'm totally still in the closet. Nobody know the extent of my obsession. I read fanfiction. I write fanfiction. I check my 'ships forumn more often then I check my email. It's getting baaad.

It wasn't to bad until recently. Then it was sort of like a silent explosion. And it's getting worse. I've found myself become addicted to 'ships in two of the three shows. And multi-shipping. Which I never did before...

And major shipping other shows which I really never did before. Man, I need a life.

That is all.
I’m out of closet! Actually I was never in the closet… My family know I love CSI...They figured it out when they noticed that I watch reruns (for third time!). I bored my friends with talking about CSI and trying to explain what Shipp is and which one I like… My best friend knows that I make CSI icons and banners (I haven’t told many people because I just started). I write fanfictions, but I haven’t let anybody read them… I would, but I write NC-17 fanfiction with stuff that would probably shock them…so no… ;)
lol a closet? I was never in the closet. Every video or peice of fanart Ive made has been proudly displayed and shown off everywhere I can think of!
Well, my CaRWash shipping was always out of the closet, simply because I couldn't help squealing everytime they had a 'moment' on screen. My M&M's ship was safely under wraps until the last episode of NY during the almost kiss scene. It's pretty safe to say that throwing a pillow at the screen afterwords and pitching a little tantrum leaves little doubt about how I feel about that ship. :rolleyes: My room mates are STILL giving me grief about it. They think I'm totally weird, but what do they know? :lol:
Hi loki :)

I'm technically in the closet at home. Especially with the slash.

I'm open and proud on the internet.
I can't say I'm in the closet when I ask people to come over to my ship :lol:

my friends know that I'm here and that I ship but they just 'don't get it' :confused:

so No I'm not in the closet :D
Pretty much everyone I talk to (and cares) knows about my shipping. I really try to write fics, but you know what? I am lazy. So I start them and never finish them. Somehow though, I've managed to convince people to agree with me on my ship(s) and sometimes they already agree which stuns me sometimes.
I have been in the closet for quite sometime. The only person who knows about my extremely long list of ships is my sister, and her and I write joint fiction and come up with new ships. My mom wonders all the time why I yell at the TV and carry around my bookbag full of ship notebooks and material. I tell her its just stuff to do. She would never get that my sis and I ship.
Well I watch Las Vegas because of the cases and everything but with Miami and NY is kinda different, I like the cases but the main reason to watch them is to find shippy moments (CaRWash in Miami and SMacked in NY) :D

At home my parents (my mom more than my dad :p) know that I watch the 3 shows, but they really think I watch them because of the cases :lol:, my mom knows about this board, and she knows I've made friends because of it but she doesn't know that we (mostly) talk about shippy things, , but she asks me all the time: what do you talk about?? and I say: about everything :D. She doesn't even know I make videos :rolleyes: and read fics, I really think that if I tell her about that she'd think it's stupid and will try to convince me of that, but I don't wanna be convinced ('cause for me it isn't stupid, it's fun!!! :D) so I prefer not to tell her :lol:

She doesn't even know I post the weekly pic and quote in Smacked thread :lol:

But with my friends is a little different, not all of them of course, only a couple of them know about the videos, fics and the board, and watch them :lol:, one of them doesn't even speak english so she can't do a lot for me :(
I'd say half in, half out.

ALL of my friends know that I ship GSR and D/L. I also show them videos i've made and fanfics I've written, but I haven't exactly told them I made them.
In english class when we were reading Macbeth, I would always abreviate Malcolm and Macduff to M&M, then immediately think of D/L, and shout it out and no one knows what I'm talking about :rolleyes:

My parents don't know that I ship at all, they too think it's all about the cases for me. (Which is really all I talk about when I talk about CSI to other people because most people who watch at my school don't ship.)
What a neat thread..

I'm totally open about my GSR obsession, and my Mom is right there with me on that one. I also adore YoBling!, which she has mentioned (not by that name, of course) out of the blue.. that kind of made me proud.

The only one I am sort of hesitant about being overly loud about is The Love (Greggo and Nicky). But that is just because I am unlucky enough to live in a small-minded place right now.

I don't advertise my ships, and I actually prefer to keep them to myself, but I don't deny them either.
my GSR shipping's gone bad. it wasn't THAT bad before but now i'm obsessed, lol. i'm open with being a CSI fan, but i'm still half in the closet about GSR. i'm getting out of it now. some of my friends know i love it, but i'm not running around and telling that to anybody.
Wow, I thought this thread went away.

I'm still mostly in my little shipper closet. I actually talk to someone at work about it now...she's not a CSI shipper but a Prison Break shipper, so we can squee to each other like little schoolgirls and not appear too silly. I introduced her to fanfiction, something she hasn't quite forgiven me for. My husband's on to me as well...after last season's LV finale as I sat and grinned like the village idiot for an hour, he made a remark along the lines of "you really liked that didn't you" and I've been the recipient of a few eyerolls this season. But mostly this is still my odd little secret.

Liberal in a red state? You aren't alone!

Alone? No...but sadly I fear we are outnumbered.
I'm so totally out of the Shipper closet :lol: My parents know (and comment on it, mostly my dad), all my friends know (and think I'm crazy :p) and well...everyone who doesn't know just doesn't know me :D Oh wait, the people at work don't know...but I don't consider them my friends.